Former WWE Superstar Officially Launches New Fitness Site & Book

The following press release was issued today:

Former WWE Superstar Tyler Reks officially launches new fitness site & book

Rohnert Park, CA – Former WWE Superstar, Gabe Tuft (AKA: Tyler Reks) has written a new fitness book and has launched a brand new fitness website called Body Spartan: Genesis. Written with his wrestling fans and the international wrestling community in mind, the fitness book is a downloadable eBook that will be available in all e-reader formats including Kindle, iTunes (ePub), and PDF. Body Spartan: Genesis, is the result of fans asking questions about Tuft’s physique and workout secrets on social media during his wrestling career. The book includes all of Tuft’s coveted health and fitness secrets. Some of the major features include:

* Recommendations on a life-style diet
* A 12-week anabolic shredding diet and nutrition plan
* A 12-week workout program designed to help build lean muscle mass and lose body fat
* Supplement advice and review
* Dispelling and discussion of major nutrition and fitness myths
* Behind the scenes stories from the world of Professional Wrestling

Tuft’s book is purported to be highly motivational and includes the taglline, “Change your physique…And your life”.

In addition to the book, the new website is the collaborative effort of Tuft and six other international superstars, most of which are on the current WWE or TNA rosters. The list includes Rycklon Stephens (AKA: Ezekiel Jackson from WWE), Jayson Paul (AKA: JTG from WWE), Brian Cage (bodybuilder and former WWE wrestler), Jemma Palmer (Inferno from the UK Gladiators TV show), Michael Hutter (AKA: Ethan Carter from TNA) and Priscilla Tuft (former professional fitness competitor, fitness model, and licensed sports nutritionist). The seven superstars will be providing multiple weekly articles on the Body Spartan website that cover everything fitness including workouts, nutrition, motivation, and supplements.

They will also be offering an extremely unique, fully digital nutrition plan that is custom tailored to each person’s individual body type. According to the staff at Body Spartan, the online nutrition program is a monthly subscription and takes only 9 minutes to complete the online assessment. User will receive a custom nutrition plan that includes a daily menu with each meal designed to their tastes and liking, printable shopping lists, and printable custom workout plan. The system is entirely cloud-based so it can be accessed anywhere there’s an internet connection and is smart-phone friendly. Every two weeks, the user needs to take their body measurements and input them into the program. The software will then revise the nutrition and workout plan according to that user’s progress. Tuft said,

“By far,Body Spartan’s Custom Nutrition Plans are the easiest and fastest way to get our clients to their fitness goals. There’s no guesswork and our clients found it to be extremely easy to follow! It’s simple – here’s what you eat and when you eat it. If you follow the program religiously, you’re guaranteed to meet your fitness goals.”

Body Spartan is set to launch on March 15, 2014. Currently, there is a landing page at where users may sign up for early-bird discounts on Tuft’s fitness book and other package deals which includes getting the nutrition plan at only $2/month compared to the usual $49.99/month price. Body Spartan staff has stated this is a two week special offer just to get people motivated to change their lives.

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