Chris Jericho On Vince McMahon Turning Down His WrestleMania Pitch

Chris Jericho was recently interviewed by Busted Open Radio, where he discussed his pitch to Vince McMahon for WrestleMania XXX, which the WWE chairman ended up turning down.

Jericho said that he wanted to wrestle Bray Wyatt at the event, and he wanted to have Shawn Michaels in his corner to offset the Wyatt Family, who would be in Bray’s corner. But, as previously mentioned, Vince turned it down.

“When I went to pitch it to Vince I read the room wrong and made some mistakes. Not only was there somebody else in the room, but he was also hungry and eating. It just led to this whole deck of cards falling, where had I pitched it under the rules of knowing my audience, I could’ve got it through.”

Instead of facing Jericho, Wyatt faced John Cena, and “Y2J” wasn’t on the card at all.

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