Cesaro On His Reaction to Kurt Angle Being Added to WWE TLC, His Teeth Injury, Ford Using The Bar Slogan

Photo Credit: YouTube.com

WWE Raw star Kurt Angle recently spoke with The Baltimore Sun to promote Raw tonight in Baltimore, and below are some interview highlights:

What was your reaction when you heard that Kurt Angle would be returning, and he’d be one of your opponents?

“Selfishly, I was very happy about it. I was a big fan of Kurt Angle when I was growing up. Actually, his book is a big part of the reason that I work out so hard. I thought I was working out pretty hard myself when I was younger, and then I read his book and realized that I needed to step it up, at least a little bit. I knew I may not be able to match his output, but I was going to try my hardest. He had a big influence on me and it was pretty awesome to be in the ring with him in his WWE return.”

While Sunday was crazy, you’ve had a number of wild pay-per-view matches lately. Last month, as you were wrestling Ambrose and Rollins, you took a blow to the mouth and ended up having our teeth jammed upwards. What went through your head as that happened?

“Well, the first thing that went through my head was, “Ow, that really hurt.” There was a lot of blood. Then, the doctor came over and checked on me. I said that I was all right. He was ready to look for the teeth around the ring, but I had to tell him that no, they were in there, just up higher. That was not a pleasant experience.”

OK, I gotta ask about the slogan. Did Ford steal it for their new F-150 campaign?

“We said it first! We said it first! There must be a WWE fan at Ford. That person needs to get in touch with WWE to get us in those commercials! We’ve been saying that for over six months, and now they’re using that for the F-150? Maybe we need to look into that with a copyright lawyer. It is pretty cool, though, that wrestling is becoming more and more mainstream, and stuff like that happens. This could be a coincidence, but I’d like to think that someone at Ford saw me and Sheamus and thought, “Those are two cool guys with a cool slogan.””

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