Terminator: Genysis Promotion
An extended trailer with WWE clips focusing on Roman Reigns airs to promote the new Terminator: Genysis film, the same movie that Triple H’s ring entrance at WrestleMania 31 was inspired by.
Backstage: Paul Heyman & Brock Lesnar
After the Terminator movie plug, we see Paul Heyman talking to Brock Lesnar backstage as Michael Cole emphasizes on commentary that Lesnar is still here, indicating that he will likely get involved again later on this evening.
Mark Henry vs. Ryback
Up next is a battle of big guys as out comes Mark Henry for one-on-one action. Out next is the current WWE Intercontinental Champion Ryback.
The bell sounds and here we go with our next singles contest here on WWE Monday Night RAW. Big Show is on commentary during this match. For the most part. Big Show talks about the triple threat match between he, Ryback and The Miz at Battleground, basically talking like Miz was a joke who didn’t stand a chance.
In the end, Ryback hit a Meathook clothesline and then a big spot off the top rope for the 1-2-3. After the match, Big Show comes in the ring and gets in Henry’s face. He knocks him down and walks off pissed off.
Winner: Ryback
Dolph Ziggler (with Lana) vs. Adam Rose (with Rosa Mendes)
Out next is the live triangle portion of RAW, as Adam Rose, accompanied by Rosa Mendes, will be taking on Dolph Ziggler, accompanied by Lana.
This one doesn’t last long, as in the end, Ziggler blasts Rose with a Super Kick and covers him for the 1-2-3.
After the match, Ziggler and Lana make out in the ring as we see Rusev watching on a monitor backstage while he stands on crutches.
He flips out, falls down and then we see a pair of long, sexy legs. As it turns out, it was Summer Rae, who helps Rusev by handing him his crutch, smiling, and walking off.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
Backstage: The Authority Talk About Seth Rollins
Backstage, Kane and J&J Security are complaining to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon about Seth Rollins.
HHH and Stephanie can relate to what they are saying, but they remind them that The Authority has made a sizable investment in Seth Rollins as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and the future of the company.
We head to another commercial break after this brief backstage segment.