Backstage: Kane & Seth Rollins
Backstage, Seth Rollins catches up to Kane, who he just helped win by causing the distraction for Ambrose. He tells them they work well together and they should get the band back together. Kane says Rollins is just sucking up to him because Brock Lesnar is back and he needs Kane’s help.
Roman Reigns-Bray Wyatt Feud Recap
After we see highlights of the recent happenings between Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns, including clips from RAW and SmackDown last week, we return live on RAW where Michael Cole promotes Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt for the upcoming WWE Battleground pay-per-view.
The Prime Time Players vs. The Ascension
After the Reigns-Wyatt video package, the WWE Tag-Team Champions, The Prime Time Players — Titus O’Neil and Darren Young — make their way to the ring. Cole informs us on commentary that The Prime Time Players will be in action next on RAW. With that said, we head to another commercial break.
We’re back from the commercial and the PTP’s opponents — The Ascension — are out for our next tag-team contest of the evening. Prior to the start of the match, we see highlights of Titus O’Neil winning the “Father of the Year” award.
Back in the ring, The Ascension remains in control of the offense against the WWE Tag-Team Champions. Meanwhile, we see the former WWE Tag-Team Champions — The New Day — watching the action from a monitor backstage.
Finally, O’Neil and Young start making their comeback. Young ends up hitting his finishing move on one of The Ascension members and scores the pinfall, picking up the victory for the PTP. Backstage, we see The New Day watching from the monitors still.
Winners: The Prime Time Players
Sheamus vs. Roman Reigns
As soon as the tag match concludes, before The Prime Time Players or The Ascension can even leave the ring, “The Celtic Warrior” Sheamus’ theme music hits. Out comes “Mr. Money In The Bank.”
Sheamus will be in one-on-one action against Roman Reigns next here on WWE Monday Night RAW. On that note, we head to another commercial break.
When we return from the break, Roman Reigns’ theme music hits and as usual, he makes his way down to the ring through the crowd.
The bell sounds and here we go. Early on, Reigns gets in some offense, but it isn’t long before Mr. Money In The Bank takes over the match. Sheamus is dominating Reigns now as we head to a mid-match commercial.
We’re back from commercial and the first thing we see is Reigns trying to fight back until out of nowhere, Sheamus hits a huge counter-clothesline that sends Reigns crashing out to the floor outside the ring.
On the floor, Sheamus slams Reigns into the barricade near the timekeepers area. Sheamus rolls Reigns back into the ring and continues to deliver punishment to the former Shield member.
As the action continues and Reigns finally starts to fight his way back into the contest, suddenly, we see Roman Reigns appear on the titan tron with a bunch of candles having a tea party with someone off-camera.
I’m guessing we’re supposed to think it’s his kid, however when the camera pans to the side, we see an empty rocking chair rocking back-and-forth. On that note we head to a commercial.
I would assume that means Reigns-Sheamus ends in a no contest, or that Sheamus wins by count-out, as no official ruling was announced.
Winner via Count Out: Sheamus