— The Daily Star out of the UK has an article on SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero talking about her experience in WWE so far. “I’m having an amazing ride,” Vickie said. “I wasn’t involved in any way, I thought I would be showing up at the Hall of Fame and Wrestlemania and that would be it, so it’s been great. I never thought I would be here. Vince didn’t know if I could do it, and neither did I! The WWE are my second family.” On doing so well in WWE, despite her lack of experience, Vickie said, “I think it was twenty years of Eddie pacing round the living room cutting his promos, or waking me up at 3am to see if I liked something or not! “I think I watched him too much! Eddie was very passionate about his work, he used to work hard in his house!” She also added, “I feel him more in the ring than I do at home. It’s funny. Chavo and I chuckle to each other when we’re out there, you can picture him standing across the ring in the ropes laughing at us. I hope I’m honouring him and making him proud.” Vickie also spoke out on WWE’s Wellness program. “I think that the Wellness Programme has helped a lot of guys stay healthy, and make better choices for their lifestyle. I think guys are eating better, and I know that I go and get physicals regularly because I can,” Vickie said. “I think it makes you think about yourself more, and take time out when you need to. Even though we lost Eddie, we’ve woken up to the issues.” {REAL GIRL POWER}
— Kim sent in the following… “CMT has a show called the Top 20 Redneck Moments and last night the #15 moment was “Stone Cold Steve Austin Joins WWF.” They showed lots of clips of Austin wrestling The Rock and HBK and talked about Austin 3:16 and the Stunner. One of the commentators noted that how Austin hated his boss, Vince McMahon, is how people across America related with him because everyone hates their boss too. It was a cool little segment. CMT is also heavily promoting Hulk Hogan’s new Celebrity Wrestling show.” The show replays tonight at 6:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. It replays several times during the week.
— The WWE Auction site is auctioning off the red blouse ring announcer Lilian Garcia wore on the 800th episode of Raw two weeks ago. You can see the auction at the following link. They also auctioned off a white sweater Michelle McCool wore during a recent photo shoot. The auction closed a few minutes ago with the highest bid going for $170.00.
See video of Lilian being thrown in a bowl of pudding (>>)