Breaking news from late Monday Novemeber 12th, 2012. FOX news reports General John Allen, top American Commander in Afghanistan, is under investigation for “inappropriate” emails to Jill Kelley, who is the woman that notified authorities that she was receiving “threatening” emails from a source which led to Petraeus mistress Paula Broadwell. This certainly is a strange “twist” to this already shocking story. According to FOX news:
The defense official confirmed the investigation was due to allegations of inappropriate emails between Allen and Jill Kelley, a close friend of the Petraeus family who reportedly led the FBI to investigate communications between Petraeus and his biographer Paula Broadwell.
The FBI then discovered Petraeus and Broadwell had engaged in an extramarital affair, which led Petraeus to resign as director of the CIA on Nov. 9.
The defense official says the investigation into Allen involves 20,000 to 30,000 emails that were dated between 2010 and 2012, and that the department is in the very early stages of their investigation.
He would not say whether they involved sexual matters or whether they are thought to include unauthorized disclosures of classified information or any criminal activity. He said he did not know whether Petraeus is mentioned in the emails. (emphasis mine)
Meanwhile, Fox News also confirmed Monday night that the FBI is searching Broadwell’s North Carolina home, though they did not say what they were doing there or what prompted the search. Searching her home tells me they are looking for something “incriminating”? There seems to be quite a bit more to this whole “email” scandal then meets the eye.
In another as the “emailing of Jill Kelley turns” moment, the initial FBI agent who was assigned to investigate the “threatening emails” Ms. Kelley was complaining of, sent Kelley “shirtless” photos of himself. Why are all theses seemingly accomplished men losing “it” over Kelley? The agent was later taken off the case because
“supervisors soon became concerned that the initial agent might have grown obsessed with the matter, and prohibited him from any role in the investigation.”
Something very odd here. I want to recommend a 12 step “email anonymous” program, hi my name is John, or Jill, and I am powerless over emailing…. This woman Jill Kelley sure seems to be one “popular” woman, people in high places like to email her—alot. I think we will learn there is more to Jill Kelley than just being a “victim”, receiving 20-30 thousand emails reek of obsessive behavior that is pretty mutual. This story is like a bad “B” movie, and the popcorn is stale, soda is flat. Terrible plot, so not believable. And no refunds, no exceptions. Just like the Obama Administration, even the scandals are shoddy.
Let’s keep our eyes on Benghazi, and not get caught up in this “Jersey Shore” type scintillating headlines being thrown at us.
UPDATE!! OK, here ya go….reports are surfacing that the Kelley’s are broke, house in foreclosure—and Ms. Kelley has hired the same “crisis management” team as Monica Lewinsky hired during the Bill Clinton sex scandal. Hmmm, I smell possible book deal, wow, just in time to pay off the house! Remember those so called “threatening emails” were not so “threatening”, in fact its reported the FBI was sort of “not impressed” with their content, and originally told Ms. Kelley—
The messages were instead what the source terms “kind of cat-fight stuff.”
“More like, ‘Who do you think you are? … You parade around the base … You need to take it down a notch,’” according to the source, who was until recently at the highest levels of the intelligence community and prefers not to be identified by name.
Yet Ms. Kelley pushed the FBI—interesting, very interesting.