CIA Operators, Glenn Dougherty and Tyrone Woods, heard the cries from the CIA safe house nearby. All accounts have these men fighting until their deaths. But what we know now is that not only did they send 3 separate requests for help, they were told to “Stand Down”. Fox News reports that
Former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods was part of a small team who was at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. Consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team came under attack. When he and others heard the shots fired, they informed their higher-ups at the annex to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out. They were told to “stand down,” according to sources familiar with the exchange. Soon after, they were again told to “stand down.”
They ignored those orders. They went to the rescue of Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans on scene. They took fire, rescued as many as they could, but could not find Ambassador Stevens, so they returned to the CIA “annex” located a few miles away. At that point they started to receive mortar fire, and they called again for help. And that request was denied, too. They were denied a total of 3 times.
FOX is the only Main Steam Media reporting on Benghazi, you can find the whole report here. This part of this story is still breaking, we will continue to update as needed. Update below.
There are some stories that hit a chord, when you sit down to write, there is a fear you won’t convey the proper words, sometimes there are no words. Being that the Main Stream Media is ignoring “all things Benghazi” its up to us, regular Americans, to do “their” job and spread the truth. To spread the truth so these heroes will not have died in vain. With that said, this story will enrage you, and it should.
Charles Woods is the father of Tyrone Woods, the ex-Navy Seal who answered the call from the Benghazi “CIA Safe House” which was attacked on September 11th, 2012. Tyrone didn’t make it out alive, but not before he fought valiantly for several hours, taking out dozens of terrorists. When Tyrone’s body was brought back via Andrew’s Air Force base, his father Charles was on hand to receive his slain son’s flag draped coffin. After Obama and Hillary spoke, Charles was greeted separately by Obama and Hillary. As Obama greeted Charles, Charles stated:
“…his face was pointed toward me, but he could not look me in the eye, he looked somewhere over my shoulder, and his handshake was like a dead fish. I am a retired Judge, and it was my job to know when someone is telling the truth, his voice was not forceful–not like ‘I am really sorry about this Mr. Woods’, no he was not sorry or remorseful. I could tell he wasn’t being truthful. I didn’t speak out before, but after I learned they knew, I want to know who it was that gave the order to not protect…to not send in troops? ” (emphasis mine)
Mr. Woods goes on to relate his encounter then with Hillary Clinton. Hillary, gave him a “hug”, and he thanked her for taking the time to come and speak with him. Mr. Woods goes on to state:
“…..first off she said she was “sorry”, her countenance was not good, she then tells me ‘we will make sure the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted’ and I could tell, she was not telling me the truth, I mean she is smarter than me, I’m sure, and she knew she was not telling me the truth…”
Charles Woods also was incensed by VP Joe Biden. Blundering Joe is one thing, but what he said to Mr. Woods is so crass and in this case, so offensive:
….then Joe Biden in a real ‘boisterous” voice says ‘yea, I’ve gotten a call like that in the middle of the night, hey let me ask you something, did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?’
Yea, Joe, I’m sure watching that live feed, watching men who go in and take fire, realizing at some point they were it, no back-up would be coming, God forgive you, Obama and Hillary. God help us. Obama, you- Joe and Panetta were meeting at 5pm during this attack, and CIA sources report it would be the POTUS who would have to say “stand down”. And all you have to offer this slain hero’s Dad has to do with the anatomy of his private parts?
Let me say why this story is so very important right now. Charles Woods says he is a man of faith, and that one thing he knows for sure—is that his son did not die in vain. As it stands, this story—Tyrone Woods’ story and all 4 dead Americans, their deaths may well be swept under the rug by the Main Stream Media, the Benghazi cover-up forgotten in a few weeks. So, for these Americans deaths to be not in vain, we must make this the turning point—it would be the turning point in this Election if it had the same press as a Cindy Sheehan.
This Country may well perish for lack of knowledge–information. I know one thing, most Americans are good honorable people. Many are just not “plugged in” to these events, and they then have no idea that we have a President who lies, who dishonors, who is so arrogant, who is condescending. He thinks he can “lecture” and use “mock anger” as he did in that second debate over Benghazi. I don’t think I will ever forget his superb acting when he reeled around at Romney saying “I take it as an offense for anyone to suggest that I don’t take this seriously, it is I who has to stand over those graves, meet those families, and to suggest I or anyone in my Administration would politicize such a thing…well is despicable”.
No, they Obama, Biden, and Hillary just stood over those coffins and lied, and they felt no remorse. These people do not represent me, they do not represent who America is—this really has nothing whatsoever to do with Politics. This has to do with honor, and decency, who who we are as Americans. I know many of you wanted to believe that Obama was going to be the next Abe Lincoln, a man who would bring us all together. You wanted to believe he would be fair, that he was for the poor, he was for the disenfranchised. I am sorry, I wanted that too—but its time to face the truth. He is none of those things.
Are we so numb to Charles Wood’s pain? We can’t bring his son back, a son who died for our Freedom. But we can honor him, by promising to do what we can, to restore America’s honor. And that has to start with the defeat of Obama and his regime.
Hear Charles Woods interview on FOX here.