Undertaker/Kane documentary coming to WWE Network

A documentary on the intertwined career of the Undertaker and Kane will debut at the Austin (TX) Film Festival & Conference in October before debuting on WWE Network the following month.

“Brothers of Destruction” will close out the week-long conference on the night of Thursday, October 29th while the Network debut is set for Sunday, November 15th, part of a month-long celebration of Undertaker’s 30 years in pro wrestling (“30 Days of the Deadman”).

The documentary description from WWE: “The film breaks new ground as cameras capture a candid discussion between The Undertaker and Kane about their storied careers for the first time. Intertwined since Kane was introduced as The Undertaker’s long-lost brother in 1997, The Big Red Machine and The Deadman have been both bitter enemies and fierce allies, but their relationship never failed to captivate the WWE Universe, resulting in one of sports-entertainment’s most incredible legacies.”

WWE debuted the well-recieved Undertaker documentary series earlier this year on the Network with Undertaker (Mark Calaway) doing a slew of mainstream interviews to help promote it, something he had been reluctant to do for decades due to the character.