UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit Deal Murdered In House Of Commons

United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal was voted down by both pro-Brexit and anti-Brexit members of the House of Commons in a record-setting defeat Tuesday.

The next step is unclear after the U.K.’s lower house of parliament voted against May’s deal for an exit from the European Union 432 to 202, reported CNBC.

May also faces a a vote of no confidence in her government, which could result in a new general election, reported BBC. It was brought by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who cited “the sheer incompetence of this government.”

The parliament’s third largest party, the Scottish National Party, is expected to align with Labour on the vote of no confidence, reported CNBC. Debate on Corbyn’s motion will be Wednesday, May said according to BBC.

May also said it is still her “duty to deliver” Brexit after her withdrawal agreement was voted down.

May will present her “plan B” for withdrawing the United Kingdom from the European Union on Jan. 21, according to CNBC. Some of her options include trying to ram the current Withdrawal Agreement through parliament again or a second Brexit referendum.

May has already survived a confidence vote after conservative lawmakers called for it in November. May will held on to her job after 200 members of her party voted they have confidence in her to lead the government Dec. 12.

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