The latest trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi titled “Awake”, released during Wednesday night’s World Series game 7, reveals previously unseen scenes and details that will give you goosebumps.
Opening with Luke aboard the Millenium Falcon, the trailer emphasizes the battle between the dark and light sides of the force as well as the internal struggles for Luke, Rey, and Kylo Ren.
We see Rey holding first a blue (Jedi) and then red (Sith) lightsaber with voiceover by Kylo Ren saying “Let go of the past. It’s the only way to become what you are meant to be.” Whether he is talking to himself or pulling at Ren is unknown but it appears that the next generational fight between good and evil is on the horizon.
When Rey says that she wants someone to show her place in all this, who she is talking to is a mystery. Is she consulting Luke or Ren?
Before I leave you to watch the trailer for yourself, get ready for one cute surprise – yeah, it’s a porg, a seabird native to the planet of Luke’s current exile – and it roars.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be in theaters Dec. 15.