Ryback Blames WWE.com For "Goldberg" Chants, Thinks He'll Wrestle Him In WWE

The following are highlights from a recent WWE 2K14 promotional interview with WWE Superstar Ryback:

On why WWE.com is to blame for the constant “Goldberg” chants he receives: “When I first started with WWE, I did not get that [Goldberg chants] right away. But then the WWE.com website actually posted an article – because people that run the website aren’t necessarily the ones at TV – and they wrote that I channeled Bill Goldberg before my matches, which is completely false. So whatever creative genius did that… a bunch of people read that article on the .COM, and the chants started a week after because of that brilliant article that was posted.”

On his feeling that he’ll eventually have a match with Goldberg in WWE: “It’s something that never bothers me, but I’m a man of my own identity and eventually the people that keep chanting it, they’re going to make me a ton of money because I’m going to have to beat him eventually. We’ll get him back and I’ll beat him.”

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