

這篇文章探討了解決漏水問題的最佳方法與技巧,特別是在頂樓防水方面的重要性不容忽視。 歸納要點:

  • 使用綠色建材與循環經濟的防水材料,如植物性樹脂和再生橡膠,能有效延長防水層壽命並符合環保需求。
  • 智慧型防水系統透過感測器監控屋頂狀況,即時偵測漏水風險,實現預警及智慧化維護,減少損失。
  • 針對不同屋頂材質提供專業的防水方案評估,包括高科技自癒合塗料及高壓噴塗技術,提高防水效果。









  • 頂樓漏水是需要重做防水層的信號,常見的徵兆包括天花板上的水漬與水痕。
  • 屋頂破損、地面和牆面結構不佳以及排水系統問題都可能導致漏水。
  • 為了解決漏水問題,需要清除舊防水層,並更新相關設施如管線和衛浴設備。
  • 透過提前預防,可以減少因反覆修補而產生的費用,降低壁癌風險。
  • 社區內若有住戶提議進行防水工程,應共同討論選擇廠商及分攤費用。
  • 如果屋頂漏水情況嚴重,建議找專業師傅進行全面檢查與修繕。



解決方案 優點 缺點 適合情況 重做防水層 提供長期保護,減少漏水風險 成本較高,需要專業施工 屋頂漏水嚴重,且老舊建築 修補現有防水層 相對經濟,快速解決問題 可能無法根本解決問題,需定期維護 初期小範圍漏水或小裂縫 檢查排水系統 可避免因阻塞引起的二次損害,提高排水效率 如果結構不佳仍需其他修繕措施 屋頂排水不暢通時 更新管線與衛浴設備 改善整體使用環境,有助延長設施壽命 需要時間和人力,影響日常使用 老舊設施需要更換時 社區合作進行防水工程 分擔費用,共同提高整體居住品質 協調困難,可能存在意見分歧 社區內多戶面臨類似問題



Keyword: 室內設計

Qtm10-30 Small Business Mobile Concrete Blocks Making Machine in

Green tea bag packing machine

Product Description

1. QTM10-15 egg laying block machine: Large mobile brick machine Some other main features:

(a). the largest mobile machine in China; (b). can produce hollow and solid block; (c). with a HZC25 concrete mixing plant, block and concrete can be the two main products for your fortune;(d).with mobile concrete mixer you can take the production line to your construction pot or be a lessor for your customer.
2. QTM10-15 egg laying block machine: Advanced techniques made the host machine designed reasonably and
achieved box vibration, hydraulic stripping, omni-directional automatically movement.QMT10-15 egg laying block
machine works faster because of automatically feeding system. High quality of steel and precision welding made the
machine a longer service life and hydraulic system made less fault during work.
3. QTM10-15 egg laying block machine: This kind of brick machine is manufactured on the base of technical
modifications to the original block shaping machines, that is changing the former one-time-vibration into
twice-vibrations of molding core. This model of machine can be suitable to the customers who have any kinds of
existing cement working sites.
4. Hydraulic pressure
5. No need pallet

Overall Dimension


Molding Cycle


Moulding Size


Machine Weight


Total Power



400*200*200mm hollow block : 1200-1440pcs per hour

Rated Pressure


Product Advantages

Company Profile

QINGDAO HF MACHINERY CO.,LTD is the professional manufacturer and exporter for block machine technology. Our factory has three manufacturing bases that cover an area of 500 acresand a plant construction area of 100,000 square meters.

We are always developing advanced products to international standards to meet consumer demands. We cooperate with SIEMENS for Motors and PLC intelligent control system, YUKEN for the hydraulic operations to insure our machines have the highest quality standrads with a stable working status.

We have more than 50 technician to ensure superior installations and after sale service to assist customer to install the machine and perfrom the proper training abroad.

We warmly welcome clients from all over the world to visit our factory.

Our Customer

Why Choose Us


Marseille complete loan of Real Madrid midfielder

According to Globoesporte, Marseille have completed a deal with Real Madrid to sign 22 year old central midfielder Lucas Silva on a season long loan.

The player had also been interesting a Brazilian outfit but appears to have elected to join Michel’s Marseille. More undoubtedly to follow.

Click Here: down gaa jerseys

Tiger Infrastructure Partners acquires International Aerospace Coatings

Tiger Infrastructure Partners, a middle market growth infrastructure investor, has announced the acquisition of International Aerospace Coatings (“IAC”), a market-leading aviation services provider headquartered in Shannon, Ireland and Irvine, California.

IAC utilises 18 hangars strategically located at seven airports and two customer sites in the United States and Europe to provide essential services to a diverse and durable customer base in the global aviation industry, including aircraft manufacturers, commercial airlines, aircraft leasing companies, air cargo carriers and governments. IAC’s core business involves aircraft painting, aviation technical services, aircraft interior refurbishment and aircraft graphic solutions.

“Aim to open new facilities”

“We are excited to partner with Tiger for IAC’s next chapter of growth,” said Martin O’Connell, CEO of IAC.  “We expect a combination of aviation industry tailwinds to drive demand growth for aircraft painting, and in partnership with Tiger, we aim to open new facilities and expand our capacity substantially in the years to come.  By 2027, we anticipate the industry will have a significant shortfall in serving capacity versus annual demand.” 

Smart epoxy coating for corrosion protection

A new study decribes a smart epoxy coating with mesoporous silica nanoparticles loaded with calcium phosphate for corrosion protection.

During the study, calcium phosphate was encapsulated into mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN). The effect of pH on the structure and morphology of the MSN and the release of calcium phosphate from the MSN was investigated. Epoxy coatings with encapsulated (3 wt%) and non-encapsulated (3 wt% and 5 wt%) calcium phosphate were formulated and their anti-corrosive performance was evaluated.

Anti-corrosive performance

Results showed that encapsulation of the calcium phosphate as inhibitive pigment in the coating can enhance the anti-corrosive performance by preventing spontaneous pigment dissolution and controlling the pigment’s release from the coating.

The study has been published in Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 165, April 2022.

Keyword: 25M 4P For TNS

New podcast episode: The last year in review

In the latest episode of the European Coatings Podcast, we speak about how the past year has been for the paints and coatings industry and the results of our annual survey.

2021 has already been the second year in the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite these adverse circumstances, the year has been relatively good for the coatings industry, as our traditional annual survey with industry decision-makers in the European Coatings Journal shows.

However, high prices and shortages of key raw materials are worse than ever. Our editors Damir Gagro and Vanessa Bauersachs talk about the shortage of raw materials and other results of our annual survey in our latest podcast episode.


Speaking:  Damir Gagro, Vanessa Bauersachs / Production: Sarina Lux


This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Soundcloud and many other players of your choice. All recent episodes can be found on our overview page.

Remark: This podcast is sponsored by MÜNZING.

Keyword: HE 5000

中醫能看皮膚嗎?揭開中医 Dermatology 的奧秘


中醫皮膚科在現代醫療中扮演著越來越重要的角色,特別是在處理各種皮膚問題方面。本文探討了中醫皮膚科的新趨勢和關鍵治療方法。 歸納要點:

  • 微針治療:使用微小針頭刺激膠原蛋白增生,並結合中藥修復傷口,有效改善痘疤及細紋。
  • 辨證論治:根據不同證型(如虛證、實證)對症下藥,提高治癒率並改善皮膚質地。
  • 整體調理:通過內服中藥和穴位按摩等方式,從根本上調理氣血循環和臟腑功能,提升皮膚健康。





  • 須注意事項 :
    • 中醫療法在急性皮膚病變中的應用效果有限,尤其是對於需要即時處理的感染或過敏反應,中醫療法可能無法提供足夠的快速緩解。
    • 由於中醫診斷依賴於個體化辨證論治,不同的中醫師可能會對同一症狀給出不同的治療方案,這種主觀性導致了治療結果的不確定性和患者信任度降低。
    • 現代科學研究支持不足,中醫皮膚科的一些傳統療法缺乏嚴謹的臨床試驗數據來證明其有效性,使得部分患者對其安全性和可靠性感到質疑。
  • 大環境可能影響:
    • 隨著現代西醫技術不斷進步,新型藥物和技術逐漸取代傳統中醫療法,導致年輕一代患者選擇西醫診治皮膚問題而非中醫,威脅到中醫皮膚科的發展空間。
    • 市場上存在許多假冒偽劣的中草藥產品,使得患者難以分辨真偽,一旦使用不當可能引發嚴重副作用,損害整體行業聲譽及公眾信任。
    • 國際化趨勢下,各國政府加強了對進口藥品與保健品的監管力度,中草藥成分若未能通過嚴格檢驗標準,將限制其在全球市場上的流通與接受度。







  • 《中醫皮膚科臨床治療手冊》將涵蓋總論、疾病病因病機、症候辨證及一般治療方法。
  • 授課講師皆為台灣及海峽兩岸知名的資深中醫師,具豐富經驗。
  • 清心堂中醫診所專門治療濕疹、蕁麻疹等慢性皮膚病,強調內在調理。
  • 許多患者習慣看西醫,但發現效果有限,轉而尋求中醫治療乾癬等問題。
  • 皮膚病範圍廣泛,包含青春痘、異位性皮膚炎等,中藥副作用較小且追求全面健康。
  • 中醫學注重陰陽平衡與整體健康,不僅僅是緩解症狀,更追求身心和諧。



治療方法 疾病範圍 效果評估 副作用 專家觀點 內在調理 濕疹、蕁麻疹等慢性皮膚病 整體健康改善,症狀緩解較慢但持久 中藥副作用較小,注重身心和諧 台灣及海峽兩岸知名的資深中醫師認為內在調理對於慢性病有顯著效果 西醫治療 乾癬、青春痘、異位性皮膚炎等急性皮膚病 快速見效,但容易復發,需要長期用藥控制症狀 西藥可能有較大副作用,如肝腎負擔增加等風險 許多患者轉而尋求中醫治療,因發現西醫效果有限且副作用大 全面健康追求(陰陽平衡) 所有皮膚問題,包括急性與慢性問題 不僅緩解症狀,更提升整體免疫系統功能 無明顯副作用,但需長期配合生活方式改變 強調心理與生理並重的整體健康觀念,是未來趨勢之一



Keyword: 裝修



本文探討了如何通過最佳化生產管理系統架構來提升企業效率與降低成本,這對於每一位想要優化運營的決策者來說至關重要。 歸納要點:

  • 微服務架構提升靈活性:透過將生產管理系統拆解為獨立的微服務,能夠更快速地進行迭代開發與資源調整。
  • 混合雲部署實現成本效益:結合公有雲的彈性和私有雲的安全性,滿足企業對數據保護和運算需求的雙重考量。
  • 數據湖與人工智能分析瓶頸:利用數據湖收集大量生產數據,並結合機器學習技術,提高流程效率及資源利用率。




  • 須注意事項 :
    • 生產管理系統架構的複雜性可能導致員工培訓需求增加,若未能妥善安排培訓計劃,易造成使用者操作不當及效率低下。
    • 在轉型至雲端或邊緣運算時,數據安全及隱私問題亟待解決。若缺乏有效的安全措施,企業將面臨潛在的資料洩漏風險。
    • 過度依賴人工智慧進行決策可能導致對人類判斷的忽視。一旦AI模型出現偏誤或無法處理特殊情況,企業運營將受到影響。
  • 大環境可能影響:
    • 市場上快速變化的科技環境要求生產管理系統必須不斷更新,以適應新的工具和方法。若無法迅速跟上趨勢,則面臨被競爭對手超越的危機。
    • 全球供應鏈的不穩定性,例如疫情或地緣政治因素會影響生產管理系統的效能與可靠性,使得企業難以保持穩定運作。
    • 隨著技術進步和開源解決方案增多,小型創新公司進入市場,加劇了大型企業製造業務模式的競爭壓力,使其傳統優勢受到挑戰。







  • 優化生產管理系統架構有助於提升生產效率和降低成本。
  • 系統組成需涵蓋計劃、排程、人力與資源預估等要素。
  • 資訊整合能促進各部門協作,提升運營效率。
  • 可擴充性確保系統能隨著業務需求變化而調整。
  • 即時數據分析和監控可以快速滿足市場需求。
  • 直觀的使用界面減少學習曲線,提高操作效率.



系統組成 計劃與排程 人力與資源預估 資訊整合 可擴充性 即時數據分析 傳統系統 通常依賴手動調整,效率較低 人力資源需求難以精確預估,導致浪費 部門之間溝通不暢,協作困難 擴展成本高,需重構系統架構 數據更新延遲,不符合市場需求 現代化解決方案 使用自動化工具進行實時調整,提高反應速度 智能算法幫助準確預測人力與資源需求 API和平台集成促進跨部門協作 模塊化設計便於快速適應業務變化 即時儀表板顯示最新市場趨勢 未來趨勢 智能製造將推動計劃與排程的高度自動化 AI技術可優化人力配置及資源利用率 雲端運算提升資料共享速度和安全性 彈性架構支持業務模式轉型 機器學習加速數據洞察並引導決策



1. **預測性分析與機器學習:** 透過收集歷史資料並運用機器學習,我們可以建立精準的預測模型。例如,透過分析裝置維護的資料,可以預測何時會發生故障,提前安排維護,避免生產線停擺

Keyword: 裝潢

Product Development Planning, from Product Idea to Manufacture

Time to read: 6 min

In an engineering utopia, every project would come in on time and under budget—and, of course, be delivered by a unicorn. Two of these are possible, despite all three being rare. But few projects are planned well, so we end up with unrealistic expectations and often don’t figure that out until the project is 80% through the original timeline and nowhere near 80% complete. How can you solve this perennial dilemma and introduce more predictability into your design process?

The solution is a phased program plan. Surprisingly, even though every product is unique, the process for developing an idea into a market-ready product always follows a similar pattern, and following a standard project plan increases predictability in product development. Breaking down complex projects into smaller phases, like breaking down a cross-country road trip into shorter legs, you can more easily predict the time and cost for your projects, arriving at your destination—project launch—with a smile.

Phased Project Plan Overview

Two of the biggest reasons projects break budgets are: a) Estimating time and cost for a large project is too complex to handle as a single piece; and b) it’s tempting to jump around, completing parts of the detailed design before a spec is complete, or adding features after the product is already mostly complete. A phased program plan solves both of these problems.

First, by following along the same steps for every development project—and tracking the time required for each phase—the task of estimating budget for these small phases becomes much simpler (though, sadly, never simple). Second, once each phase is completed, that part of the project is done; if you do decide to revisit past project phases, both you and your managers know you’ll need to adjust the budget and timeline to accommodate the addition.

With all this magic, how do you implement a phased product plan for your product? The beginning is very simple: Start with a product manifesto.

Problem Definition or Product Manifesto

Before you can start planning your project—before you even commit to a project, and certainly before you can begin developing it—you need to take the time to answer one question: What is its purpose?

For simple products, this can be a really simple answer. If you’re designing airplanes, this answer will be more multi-faceted. For any product, this is the starting point. You’ll get into highly technical specifications at the beginning of the actual development work, but for now you need to develop a high-level overview of what problem the product is going to solve and how it’s different than the competition. Make this as clear and concise as possible—you want this to be your guiding light for both planning the project and developing the product.

Specification Development

Now that you know where your project is going, you can begin the planning in earnest, and the first phase to plan is the specification development. This is often a phase where it’s easy to skimp, but investing the time up front to create a really good specification document will make every phases afterward smoother, so it’s well worth budgeting enough time to create a really good document with all the necessary research.

What makes a good specification? Pass-fail requirements. Writing a specification is largely a matter of taking soft, fuzzy desired features and translating those into hardline technical requirements. “Lightweight” is a useless requirement; “under three pounds” is a requirement to which you can design.

How long will you need to plan on this phase taking? That depends on the product, but for complex products, this phase can take hundreds of man hours. Plan to research standards for different requirements and possibly to do testing or in-depth research as part of the specification development. These requirements will become your testing standard in later phases, so budget enough time to get this phase right.

Concept Development

Concept development is the fun phase; it’s what many of us had in mind when we became engineers, and it’s the part Hollywood shows as a quick-moving montage of whiteboard sketches and high fives. For each concept area, plan to follow the same basic steps of brainstorming designs and comparing the designs to your specification for selection, but keep in mind that this phase can also have miniature development cycles entirely encompassed in the design, so you may also be creating mockups of different concepts to test out key features.

Detailed Design

Detailed design takes the concept (or concepts) you’ve developed and creates designs ready for prototyping and testing. The bulk of the development time will be spent in this phase, and as the detailed design is being developed, you may also be doing some small tests to validate parts of the design.

This is also the part of development where you’ll be handling fine-grain refinement, selection of off the shelf parts, and making your design easy to manufacture—everything to have the concepts ready for production. With such a massive scope, this is the part of the project that typically gets underestimated, so be sure to have some in-depth conversations with experienced members of your team when planning time and budget for this phase.

Iterative Refinement

Great designs require multiple rounds of testing and refinement, and you’ll need to build that time into your plan from the start. With more details in our article on testing, keep in mind that even for simple products you should plan on three to four iterations of “prototype-test-refine” for the complete design, before everything feels right and functions well.

Preparing the Product for Manufacture

And once your product is functioning well, it’s worth reviewing the design again to ensure that it will transition to mass production easily. Just keep in mind that even though you’ll need to do this final review of the design before moving forward to production, design for manufacture (DFM) and design for assembly (DFA) should be elements of the design, even from the concept development stage. If you have a good team of experienced designers and engineers and kept this as a polestar during the entire design phase, then you won’t need to plan too much time for this part of development, but if your team is less experienced, be sure to budget in enough time for further changes at this stage.

Getting Manufacturing Quotes

Putting together a request for quote (RFQ) feels wonderfully final the first time you do it, and nearly insignificant every time afterward. The manufacturing team receiving your RFQ will almost certainly have more experience in their field than your team, so be sure to allow time for feedback on the manufacturability, and plan on making some changes before the design is completely final.

Transitioning to Production

Once your product is at the manufacturer, it’s going to be time for some celebration. Budget time for your team to take the vacations they’ve been putting on hold, to catch up on sleep, to relax a little—and then plan on getting the team back to work. Managing a product during its production phase has an entirely different set of challenges, and you can look forward to an upcoming article for more information on that (sign up here to get the update as soon as it comes out).

Estimating Time and Resources

Now that we’ve mentally traveled through the whole development process, it’s time to return to the beginning: the project plan. How do you know how much time and money to allocate to each phase?

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer, and the best solution is to rely on the experience of your team. Break down the process in your project plan in as much detail as you can, and then speak with each team member to get estimates for each tiny chunk of work.

However, don’t take their estimates at face value when you’re adding up hours required for the project; it helps to compare their past predictions to actual work time to see how you’ll need to adjust their estimates. Does Tom always promise things in two days but give them to you in three? Plan on 50% extra time added on his estimates. Does Susan always deliver a couple days ahead of schedule? Adjust accordingly.

Finally, give yourself a small amount of margin in each phase, just in case you get a little behind. If you don’t need it in that phase, great! You have it for a future phase, and your clients are thrilled. How much should you allow? Again, that’s going to be based on experience with your team, but I usually add in about 15-20% when I’m working alone, and I’ve yet to receive complaints that I’m too early.

Planning Your Project

Maybe we can’t have unicorn delivery, but by planning your project to closely follow the steps above, you can achieve that mystical on-time, under-budget project. Are you just beginning your product development journey? Sign up here to have great design tips and technical articles delivered right to your inbox. Or are you scrambling to finish out a project that’s short on time? Check out our next-day prototyping services to help you get back on track!