South African Guard Tries to Lay Hands On Putin’s ‘Nuclear Suitcase’, Russian Spokesman Throws South African Gov Under the Bus

At this year’s BRICS summit, Russian President, Vladimir Putin’s security detail was challenged while trying to enter a building.

via the Daily Mail-

Armed guards from Vladimir Putin’s entourage were involved in an ugly fight in South Africa after they were ordered to put top secret suitcases – believed to contain the codes for Russia’s nuclear arsenal – through a security scanner.

Angry ‘pushing and shoving’ broke out after some members of Putin’s security detail were prevented from following the Russian president into the conference hall staging the summit, which was hosted by South Africa’s president Jacob Zuma and also involved Brazil, Russia, India and China.

What’s interesting is the apparent lack of diplomacy that happened next, when a Russian spokesman threw the host of the summit (South Africa) under the bus.

Kremlin officials blamed the embarrassing bust-up on the South Africans, with Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov saying: ‘They manage football better. A lot of confusion.’

He added: ‘The incident happened because of the fault of the inviting side.’

Also interesting?  The spokesman said South Africans “manage football  better” in response to the incident over the suitcase presumed to have nuclear codes.  This is interesting, because the American counterpart to that suitcase just so happens to be referred to as a “football” by members of our President’s security.  (of course, in this case, “football” refers to “soccer”, but an interesting tidbit, still)


Simply put, it’s a group of five (it used to be four) nations that happen to have large populations and a lot of economic potential, but they lack the same kind of pull that the United States and Europe have enjoyed over the years.  It has been their hope that maybe they can band together and use their synergies to help achieve prominence and leverage on the world stage that they haven’t been able to obtain individually.  As this piece on Bloomberg details, their results, so far have been mixed at best.


An investment analyst at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. famously came up with the BRIC designation (South Africa was an afterthought) in 2001

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.

While the Bloomberg piece suggests that the BRICS summit can sometimes (or often) come across as a fruitless endeavor, it should be noted that these countries are becoming more and more coveted by various corporations around the world due to their large populations and practically untapped markets.

India, for example, has been seen by many as the next place for a great smartphone boom, as more of it’s 1.2 billion citizens become upwardly mobile.

Government Shutdown Won’t Stop NORAD’s Santa Tracker

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) will continue its more than 60-year-old tradition of tracking Santa Claus as he leaves the North Pole to deliver presents across the world.

The twitter account for NORAD and the U.S. Northern Command announced Friday that Santa will be tracked on Christmas Eve regardless of whether or not a government shutdown has gone into effect.

“In the event of a government shutdown, NORAD will continue with its 63-year tradition of NORAD Tracks Santa on Dec. 24,” the agency said. “Military personnel who conduct NORAD Tracks Santa are supported by approximately 1,500 volunteers who make the program possible each and every year.”


Accordingly, Congress failed to pass a spending measure before government funding expired Friday at midnight, triggering a government shutdown.

The House passed a stopgap funding bill Thursday that included $5.7 billion for the a wall on the U.S.-Mexico. However, Senate Republicans were not able to get the necessary 60 votes needed to send the bill to the president’s desk. Prior to the vote, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer vowed that any legislation with additional funding for a border wall would be dead on arrival.

Regardless, NORAD is funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, which is not included in the stopgap funding bill and has already been funded for the 2019 calendar year. President Donald Trump signed the Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act into law in 2018, which included a budget of $717 billion for the department.

Tesla’s Shares Free Fall As Analysts Claim The Automaker Is Nearly Insolvent


by Chris White

Tesla has less than six months to go before the electric automaker enters complete insolvency due to chronic business problems, according to one Chicago-based investment group founder.

Analysts are blasting Tesla as the Silicon Valley company’s shares and bonds continue to flounder amid concerns about the safety of electric car technology. Tesla is not in financial condition to absorb any more bad news, one analyst told The Daily Caller News Foundation

“If you look at the financials, they are going to run out of money in less than three months,” Vilas Capital Management CEO John Thompson told TheDCNF in reference to what he sees as the company’s inability to deliver the family friendly Model 3. Tesla is making only around 975 Model 3s a week — well short of the 2,500-unit rate target by the end of this quarter.

Concern is growing over Tesla’s poor production performance. It managed to build a mere 260 Model 3s between July and September of 2017. That number is well below the 1,500 Tesla promised before the end of the fourth quarter of said year. Total orders for the wallet-friendly vehicle tumbled from a high of 518,000 to 455,000.

Production on the highly touted vehicle was expected to expand from 100 cars in August to 1,500 in September then plateau to 20,000 per month in December 2017. CEO Elon Musk promised to eventually produce 20,000 cars per month. The falling numbers coincide with Tesla’s inability to turn a profit.

“If you are losing a ton of money and you keep losing money, it’s like driving your car without a seatbelt,” Thompson said. His group is shorting sales of the 14-year-old electric vehicle company. “If you hit something, then you are dead. They are finding themselves in an unstable position.”

Tesla’s shares fell as much as 8.2 percent Tuesday to the lowest in nearly one year, while its debt is setting new all-time lows. Tesla’s stock and bonds are declining as analysts doubt the electric-car maker can reach production targets for the Model 3. A deadly Uber accident on March 19 also hurt the Tesla brand, which is inextricably tied to self-driving technology.

Shareholders approved a compensation package potentially worth $2.6 billion for Musk Wednesday in a test of their confidence Tesla’s leader. The compensation involves no salary but sets rewards based on Tesla’s market value rising to as much as $650 billion over the next decade.

Much of Tesla’s problems can be laid at the doorstep of the company’s willingness to stay wed to Musk, who splits time between running SpaceX and Tesla, tech investment group Devonshire Research Group (DRG) co-founder Matt Stack told TheDCNF.

“This is amazing. It’s a back-ended deal to himself alone. It shows profound degrees of embedded control Elon has over the board,” Stack said of Musk’s compensation package. “He’s (Musk) too commingled in the company; he needs to be replaced as the CEO immediately.”

Tesla’s move to acquire solar panel company SolarCity in 2016 was likely part of the automaker’s plan to attract “loss-tolerant” investors to avoid possible financial downturn, DRG warned investors. Loss-tolerant investors are capable of enduring massive amounts of loss in an enterprise, company or asset with or without knowledge of the loss — it’s a type of pyramid scheme, according to a report DRG published in May 2016.

Venezuela Pres Nicolas Maduro Tells US Diplomats To Get Out After Trump’s Latest Move

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said Wednesday he is severing diplomatic ties with the U.S. and expelling U.S. diplomatic personnel within 72 hours after U.S. President Donald Trump recognized his rival as the country’s true leader.

Trump became one of several world leaders to recognize Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaidó as the country’s president instead of Maduro with a statement Wednesday morning. Maduro, 56, countered by saying he would cut diplomatic ties with the U.S. during a speech outside his presidential palace in Caracas Wednesday, reported Reuters.

The people of Venezuela have faced economic hardship and crackdowns on their freedom under Maduro, who succeeded infamous socialist dictator Hugo Chavez.

Trump’s announcement came after Guaidó, 35, declared himself the country’s interim president amidst “nationwide protests” Wednesday, reported NPR. Maduro is still holding onto power, however.

Trump also seemed to indicate his administration would ratchet up oil sanctions against Venezuela in his announcement Wednesday, reported CNBC.

“I will continue to use the full weight of United States economic and diplomatic power to press for the restoration of Venezuelan democracy,” he wrote.

Gauidó is the head of Venezuela’s Congress, according to CNBC. CNBC also reported:

Venezuelan opposition sympathizers had been urging Guaido to assume the presidency since Maduro was inaugurated to a second term on Jan. 10 following a widely boycotted election last year that the United States and many other foreign governments described as a fraudulent.

Brazil and Canada have also recognized Gauidó over Maduro. Maduro compared Brazilian President Jair Bolsanaro to Adolf Hitler in a speech Monday after Brazil recognized Gauidó Saturday.

Pentagon Submits U.S. Space Force Proposal to Congress [Full Text]

“Our destiny, beyond the Earth, is not only a matter of national identity, but a matter of national security.”

President Donald J. Trump

The establishment of the U.S. Space Force will help ensure the United States is postured to deter aggression and outpace potential adversaries in order to protect and defend our national interests in the face of a changing space environment and growing threats.

    • Fundamentally transform our approach to space
    • Establish the U.S. Space Force 
    • Maximize warfighting capacity and advocacy for space
    • Outpace future threats 
    • Defend our vital national interests in space 

The Defense Department has forwarded to Congress a proposal to create the U.S. Space Force — the sixth branch of the armed forces, officials at the Pentagon said today.

Space is a vital national interest, and the Defense Department seeks to maintain America’s comparative advantage in this new domain of great power competition, officials said. To that end, they explained, DOD has proposed that the U.S. Space Force initially be established as a new military service within the Department of the Air Force.

In this model, the new military service would have a similar relationship to the Department of the Air Force that the Marine Corps has with the Department of the Navy. A uniformed four-star Space Force (chief of staff who would be granted full membership in the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Additionally, the proposal calls for a new undersecretary of the Air Force for space, who would provide dedicated civilian supervision of the USSF, under the direction of the secretary of the Air Force.

Many nations have advanced their space capabilities and are actively looking for ways to deny America’s access to this critical domain. China and Russia have developed anti-satellite capabilities, and other nations — such as North Korea and Iran — are developing assets designed to negate American advantages.

“It is imperative that the United States adapt its national security organizations, policies, doctrine and capabilities to deter aggression and protect our interests,” President Donald J. Trump said in a directive he signed Feb. 19.

If Congress passes the proposal, the U.S. Space Force would be authorized to organize, train, and equip military and civilian personnel “to ensure unfettered access to and freedom to operate in space and to provide vital capabilities to joint and coalition forces in peacetime and across the spectrum of conflict,” the proposal says.

The proposal indicates that stand-up of the U.S. Space Force would be phased over five years – fiscal year 2020 to fiscal year 2024. During this period, the preponderance of space missions, capabilities, and associated personnel residing in the existing military services, including the Air Force, would transfer into the U.S. Space Force, under the direction and final approval of the secretary of defense.

Full Text of the DoD Proposal


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Savvy financial tips that will help you save some money

The economy is more unstable than we would like to think and it is always good to have some money saved since you never know what the future holds. Frugality can be a positive trait that will help you, whether you are a young adult or an elder person.

Discounts are one of the best ways to save money, and the senior discount is the most well-known ones. There should be discounts for everything, from food to entertainment or car rentals. Senior discounts are nothing to be ashamed of and you should take advantage of them since it is not wise to miss an opportunity like that. Thanks to the Internet, finding coupons and discounts has never been easier. Sites like Couponbuffer can always help you find the best deals and you can search for the products you are interested.

If you ever feel guilty about your discount think about all the money that you could save. That money can then be used for better purposes. Whether you decide to help a relative through college, donate them to a good cause or simply spend them for yourself, having a sum of money is always helpful.

Restaurants that offer discounts

Many restaurants offer discounts, including fast food and sit down ones. Here are some of them:

  • Burger King offers 10 % off for persons over 60.
  • Captain D’s Seafood has its Happy Wednesday Offer that allows you to get 8 meals at $4.99 or less as long as you are over 62.
  • IHOP has a senior menu for persons over 55.
  • KFC offers you a small drink for free if you are 55 or older.
  • McDonald’s has discounts on coffee for people over 55.
  • Outback Steakhouse gives you 15 % off if you have an AARP membership.
  • Dunkin’ Donuts gives a free doughnut with a large or extra-large coffee to AARP members. The offer varies by location.

Grocery stores that offer discounts

If you are looking to get some fresh ingredients for yourself and your family, then grocery stores are the best options. Luckily for you, many of them offer some discounts:

  • Albertson’s offers you 10 % off the first Wednesday of the month as long as you are older than 55 years.
  • Great Value Food Store gives 5 % off every Tuesday for persons who are sixty years old or older.
  • Morton Williams Supermarket: 5 % off every Tuesday for everyone older than 60.
  • Publix has 5 % off every Wednesday for people who are 60 or older. However, that offer is available only in certain regions such as South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, parts of Alabama, and North Carolina
  • Rogers Marketplace offers 5 % off every Thursday for people who are 60 and older.
  • SuperFresh gives 5 % off every Thursday for every person who is older than 55 and has $30+ of groceries.

Pharmacies that offer discounts

Medicine is very important for elder people, and luckily for you there are many drugstores who offer senior discounts:

  • More than 64 000 pharmacies across America accept AARP discounts.
  • Target has its Target Prescription Savings Program that offers 10 to 50 % off any prescriptions.
  • Costco offers the Costco Member Prescription Program for persons who do not have insurance coverage and the program provides savings of 2 to 40 %.
  • Rite Aid has the Rite Aid Rx Savings Program that gives more than 15 % for generic and brand-name prescriptions.

More People Watched ‘House Hunters’ And A Reality TV Show About Iranian-Americans Than Beto’s CNN Townhall


by Joe Simonson

More people between ages 25 and 54 tuned into Home and Gardening Television (HGTV) and Food Network on average than CNN’s townhall event on television featuring Beto O’Rourke giving his pitch to Texas voters on Thursday night.

According to cable ratings reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation by Nielsen, CNN’s one-man show with the Democratic Senate candidate was a relative bust, bringing in under a million viewers and getting less than half of regular programming on Fox News airing at the same time.

Only 938,000 people watched the event on television, finishing last on Nielsen’s list of five channels, next to MSNBC and Fox News, which delivered 2.6 million views.

In the key 25-54 age demographic, CNN finished behind TBS, TNT, FNC, AMC and The Food Network at 276,000 during the 7 p.m. timeslot. Comparatively, Fox had 437,000.

Other shows Thursday, like Bravo’s “Shahs of Sunset,” which follows around a group of Persian-Americans in Los Angeles, aired at 10 p.m. Thursday and had 851,000 total viewers on television.

Programming on HGTV also outperformed O’Rourke’s event, with back-to-back episodes of “Flip or Flop Atlanta,” scoring over 1 million viewers from 9 to 10 p.m.

O’Rourke has been regularly trailing in the polls throughout his campaign to Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.

Reversing Paralysis With Nose Cells? It Might Work

Meet Jasper, a 10-year-old dachshund,  whose back legs were paralyzed. Today following a unique medical trial he is now walking and playing in the yard with his family.

Jasper can be seen in the video before and after his treatment at the BBC website.

In the study, funded by the Medical Research Council in the UK and published in the neurology journal Brain, 34 pet dogs all with spinal injuries were used. The dogs had olfactory ensheathing cells from the lining of their nose removed. The cells were grown and expanded for several weeks in the laboratory and then transplanted into the injury site. Twenty-three dogs had actual cells transplanted while the other 11 were given a neutral fluid as a control.

According to the BBC interview: Many of the dogs that received the transplant showed considerable improvement and were able to walk on a treadmill with the support of a harness. None of the control group regained use of its back legs.

The study is the first to test the transplant in real-life injuries rather than laboratory animals. Six months after the treatment, many of the dogs were able to walk with the aid of a harness.

Professor Robin Franklin of the Wellcome Trust-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute told The Times: “The principle is, we take these cells from one location where they get nerve fibers to grow, and take them to a location where nerve fibers don’t usually grow.”

“We’re confident that the technique might be able to restore at least a small amount of movement in human patients with spinal cord injuries… but it’s not the magic bullet that’s going to solve spinal cord injury,” says Franklin. ·

Whether this will bridge between damaged and undamaged parts of the spine will work in humans is still unknown. But the success of the experiment does give some hope to people with spinal injuries.

Smoking cessation: $22 billion market at a crossroads

Public health issues are so complex that they do not lend themselves to simplification. Nonetheless, the stakes are clear: it’s all about saving lives. That is the case in the fight against smoking, which is now at a crossroads.

The only way to understand current policies in the fight against smoking is by analyzing the history of this public health nuisance.

First of all, the initial phase of recognizing that tobacco damages health was long and chaotic. The scientific facts connecting smoking to various cancers were at first denied, then covered up. Next, vast marketing resources were deployed to ensure market growth for a notoriously harmful and dangerous product that continued to attract new users. Lastly, misleading products were devised, including so-called “light” cigarettes that gave the false impression that they would be less carcinogenic.

The other main element of the problem is the focus on nicotine. In the 60s, experts identified nicotine as the addictive ingredient in tobacco. That created the misconception that nicotine was the harmful ingredient in cigarettes. In reality, while nicotine is a chemical composition with downsides in terms of health, it is very benign. In any case, it is not responsible for causing cancers. As Professor Michael Russel wrote in 1976: “People smoke for nicotine, but they die from the tar.”

As the tobacco industry had proven its malice and nicotine had been identified as public enemy number one, the strategy for the fight against smoking seemed clear: preaching total abstinence as the only way to protect one’s health. One major drawback appeared fairly quickly: the task was insurmountable for most smokers…

Enter a new player: the pharmaceutical industry. Identifying a colossal market, and having noted that, rather than being the enemy, nicotine could be an ally, Big Pharma entered the market for alternative nicotine products sold in pharmacies. Patches, lozenges, chewing gum: the idea was to calm your urge with a dose of nicotine while no longer inhaling the smoked fumes that are responsible for cancer. It is a market that some experts estimate will reach 22 billion dollars by 2024, and which launched the idea of “harm reduction”: chewing nicotine gum is certainly not ideal, but still considerably lowers damage, compared to smoking cigarettes.

While it is an effective quitting tool for some, this industry has nonetheless proved itself incapable of offering most users a way out from tobacco, due to complex social and anthropological reasons.

Technological innovation has since offered a new tool, in keeping with the idea of harm reduction. With electronic cigarettes (and now heat-not-burn products), the logic is the same: nicotine is delivered to the former smoker without the smoke and tar connected to burning tobacco in a traditional cigarette. These solutions seem to offer an alternative that works for many smokers who want to quit. The act of bringing the electronic device to the mouth, and the vapor that comes out (reminiscent of smoke) are surely part of the success with former tobacco addicts.

But at the same time, the hand-to-mouth movement and the vapor riles advocates of plain and simple abstinence, who see electronic alternatives as nothing more than a disguised continuation of the cigarette that might even encourage the very young to start. The precedent of the “light” cigarette left its mark. Especially since Big Tobacco is looking to gain a foothold in these new markets, which are expected to offer them and their shareholders a much-needed cash windfall.

That is what some specialists have started calling the “tobacco paradox”: a situation in which one of the answers to tobacco’s public health nuisance is in the hands of those initially responsible for it.

After independent studies by the Food and Drug Administration, Public Health England, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, as well as the British Committee on Toxicology, it is now understood that alternative cigarettes expose the user to about 90% fewer chemical compounds than combustible cigarettes. The scientific debate is therefore behind us. The central battle now is to educate the public, which is made tough amidst a backdrop of deep distrust and caution by public health officials, due to a lack of long-term clinical data.

This is the finding of a recent publication by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the highest public health authority in Great Britain. For Professor Gillian Leng, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Health and Social Care at NICE, the central issue now is to give good information to those who want to stop smoking. He reminds us that on one hand, the dangers of smoking cigarettes are well known, beyond even a shadow of a doubt. On the other, independent studies show that the harmful components in the vapor produced by e-cigarettes are either absent or present in very reduced quantities. At the same time, the scientific community is still evaluating the more long-term issues of e-cigarettes, which explains why they cannot communicate more definitively on the subject.

However, Gillian Leng concludes, it is disturbing to find that due to these ongoing studies, some smokers refuse to switch to e-cigarettes, and are thus literally encouraged to continue smoking. According to her, the fact that complete clinical studies have not yet been carried out does not negate the scientific community’s conviction that these products are most likely less dangerous than cigarettes, and that smokers should receive information to this effect from health practitioners.

In fact, the results of the annual “State of smoking” study, published by the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, are disconcerting. They show that most smokers around the world believe that e-cigarettes are more dangerous than cigarettes. For instance, in England, less than 10% of people questioned understand that nicotine is not responsible for cancers. In short, the lack of public knowledge regarding these questions is costing lives, if we are to believe a study published by the renowned Tobacco Control magazine, which says that switching to e-cigarettes could save millions of lives in the United States each year.

This lack of knowledge has its roots in the history of the fight against tobacco, but also in the general public’s weak scientific background. Unfortunately, it is also due to an often ill-informed echo chamber in the general press, which is more interested in catching attention with shocking headlines and giving space to the most alarmist voices than truly explaining a complex subject.