EU Unemployment Stats Troubling

With the Euro-zone embattled in a financial crisis that has seen the heads of the governments of Greece and Italy ousted, it certainly appears that there will be more leaders of financially insolvent countries to also be ousted from office in the very near future. One of the most recognizable signs of an economy in trouble is generally considered to be found in the host country’s unemployment numbers. With the creation of the Euro-zone and the one-region monetary currency of the Euro, the huge disparities between Euro-zone economies was supposed to be equalized, to hear the globalists that forced the Euro onto the countries of Europe tell it. Once again, it appears that the creation of the euro-zone has resulted in more of what it was promised to prevent: Countries such as Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal have now suffered immensley, compared to the economies of, say Germany. The following chart showing Unemployment numbers across the Euro-Zone, with U.S. and Japan included as a reference) compiled from Eurostat, shows just how Germany has thrived while other countries are suffering today. Germany has seen it’s unemployment remain stable around 5% right through the major EU financial crisis, while Spain’s has shot up to over 23% today.

In an article from Reuters and posted on we see that Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Nicholas Sarkozy are calling for a new European treaty that would mean “stricter controls on each nation’s budget.. and harsh punishments for those who don’t stick to them.”

President Nicolas Sarkozy and Chancellor Angela Merkel said their proposal included automatic penalties for governments that fail to keep their deficits under control, and an early launch of a permanent bailout fund for euro states in distress.
They said they wanted treaty change to be agreed in March and ratified after France wraps up presidential and legislative elections in June. “We need to go fast,” Sarkozy said. (emphasis mine)

The question still remains unanswered as to just where the funding for this “permanent bailout fund” will come from. In looking at the unemployment numbers above, and the Merkel/Sarkozy refusal to the issuing of bonds in theory guaranteed jointly by all euro zone countries, but in practice by the bloc’s strongest member, Germany. “We reject the idea of euro bonds,” she said.
Sarkozy rallied behind her, saying it would be absurd for France and Germany to cover the debts of countries on whose debt issuance they-Zonehad no control. The two biggest economies that have inserted themselves as power-brokers over all of the Euro-zone now refuse to put up any of their funds to bail out the smaller countries. Again from the above-linked MSNBC article, we see the following tidbit from the UK government:

Several governments, notably Britain, Ireland and the Netherlands, oppose treaty change because it might not win public backing in a referendum.
The British government said the changes proposed by Sarkozy and Merkel did not mean a significant transfer of power to Brussels and would therefore not require a referendum in Britain, which does not use the single currency.

Merkel and Sarkozy’s “treaty change” will not require a referendum in Britain, who was smart enough to see this train-wreck of a powerplay for the disaster it was a long time ago. Meanwhile Germany and France enrich themselves while demanding stiff penalties for the smaller countries that have suffered directly from the EU Globalists massive power-grab. This situation is far from over, regardless of what Merkel and Sarkozy tell the world.

Democrats Reject GOP Proposal To Deny Raises To Federal Employees Disciplined For Sexual Misconduct

House Democrats defeated a Republican-led provision to deny raises to federal employees who have been disciplined for sexual misconduct.

Lawmakers in the House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to give civilian federal employees a 2.6 percent pay raise this year. However, Democrats successfully blocked a GOP provision that would have withheld raises for employees penalized for sexual misconduct.

“During calendar year 2019, no increase in pay as authorized under this Act may be provided to any Federal employee who has been disciplined for sexual misconduct under chapter 75 of title 5, United States Code, or any other provision of law,” read the text of the provision.

The proposal, despite receiving support from 189 Republicans and 17 Democrats, was ultimately defeated by a vote of 216-206.

“As Washington Democrats continue their ill-advised push for unilateral pay raises for federal employees, regardless of their performance, Republicans continue to ask Democrats to amend their legislation,” Erin Perrine, a spokeswoman for House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, said in a statement provided to The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Currently this bill treats victims the same as their harassers. That makes no sense.”

Among the Democratic lawmakers who voted against the proposal was California Reps. Tony Cardenas, Eric Swalwell and Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.

Cardenas, who chaired the vote for the Democrats on Wednesday, was sued in 2018 for allegedly drugging and molesting a then-16 year old girl in 2007 when he was a member of the Los Angeles City Council. Gabbard stands among as the first House Democrat to officially mount a 2020 presidential campaign. Swalwell is also mulling a presidential run.

Watch: The Avengers: Endgame Trailer is Dark, But Hopeful

Marvel Studio released the trailer for the next chapter in the Avengers line, Avengers: End Game, that will complete the story left adrift in the previous release, Avengers: Infinity War.

The trailer begins with a hopeless message as Tony Stark records a message to Pepper Potts as he expects to die the next day.

“Food and water ran out four days ago,” Stark says while floating in a ship in outer space. “Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning. That’ll be it.”

“When I drift off, I will dream about you. It’s always you,” he added.

The remainder of the trailer paints a bleak picture with members of the Avengers universe talking about the loss of friends and family due to Thanos’ use of the Infinity Stones to kill half of all living things.

Only at the very end is there any hope as Captain America and Black Widow discuss a plan that they believe will work.

“This is going to work, Steve,” Black Widow says to Captain America.

“I know it is. Because I don’t know what I’m going to do if it doesn’t,” he replies.

Avengers: Endgame hits theaters April 26, 2019.

Defense Department to Provide $200M defensive aide to Ukraine

The Defense Department announced Friday that it will provide $200 million to Ukraine in security cooperation funds for additional training, equipment and advisory efforts to build the defensive capacity of Ukraine’s forces among its ongoing struggle with Russian-supported forces in Crimea.

“This reaffirms the long-standing defense relationship between the United States and Ukraine, and brings the total U.S. security sector assistance to Ukraine to more than $1 billion since 2014,” the statement reads.

The added funds will provide equipment to support ongoing training programs and operational needs, including capabilities to enhance Ukraine’s command-and-control, situational awareness systems, secure communications, military mobility, night vision and military medical treatment.

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) who founded the Senate Ukraine Caucus, applauded Friday’s announcement which he called “a clear message that America stands with the Ukrainian people in their struggle…against Russian aggression.”

The Trump administration announced that the U.S. military would begin sending lethal aid to Ukraine in December 2017, which marked a major departure from Obama White House policy. Obama administration officials frequently refused to supply Ukraine with lethal aid.

The decision to increase military aid for Ukraine comes after President Donald Trump’s meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Helsinki Finland in which the president was accused of being weak on Russia. Trump was further accused of siding with Putin over his own intelligene agencies.

Fair Tax Series: America’s Road to Prosperity Part 4: The Pre-bate



In this installment of the FAIRTAX series I want to cover the “pre-bate” provision of the plan. The “pre-bate” is a provision designed to help with the basic necessities of life, to essentially “un-tax” food, medicine, utility costs, clothing, etc. up to the poverty level. It is not designed to help the “rich” buy new cars for their 16 year old as a birthday present, a new plasma TV, or that new boat or other play toy they might want. It is also not designed to allow that “poor” family to buy a plasma TV, or to buy their kids a video game. This means that the basic necessities of life will be tax-free for everyone. The basic necessities of life being tax-free, however, does leave money to help buy these other things if desired, as the decision on how the extra money is spent is up to the members of the particular household. Once again we see the playing field leveled, more money in the hands of We the People, and everyone being treated equally, “equality under the law” I think the Constitution calls it.

Poverty level spending is defined as the amount of money necessary for a given sized household to buy the essential needs of life as determined each year by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The amount of the “pre-bate” will differ depending on the number of people in the household, not on how much income is present. I constantly hear about “fairness” from the politicians, but fairness is not really a factor in today’s tax structure. People “paying their fair share of taxes” is a class warfare tactic designed by the political class to divide and conquer We the People, not a tactic designed for actual fairness. Are those paying no income taxes paying their “fair share”? Not in my book, and I am not one of the “rich”.

One benefit of the FAIRTAX pre-bate is that it must be applied for every year. I can’t imagine Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or other ultra-rich people applying for the Pre-bate so they aren’t likely to benefit. I can only imagine the flack these ultra rich would catch if they applied for something meant to help the least of us in America. The Pre-bate will also only go to those legally residing in the United States. It is designed to reward citizens, and those here legally with the proper work permits and authorization to be a part of our society. Those who work for money under the table pay no taxes now but will pay taxes when they spend their illegally earned wages under the FAIRTAX. They will not be able to participate in the Pre-bate as it is a provision designed to bring wage earners out of the shadows if they want to participate. I find this part rather insignificant compared to the fact that these people will actually be contributing to our tax structure through their purchases as the FAIRTAX will do. They already pay no income taxes and no Social Security or Medicare taxes as those of us legally employed are subjected to. Having the pre-bate will require those working under the table to come out into the light if they desire to benefit from the pre-bate provision.

As a household of 2, my wife and I will not benefit as much from the pre-bate as those who have larger families. It will benefit my children and grandchildren as the money taken off of the cost of the basic necessities of life will provide more money for food, utilities, and the other necessities. When they take the amount of taxes off the price of food, for instance, they can buy more food instead of paying federal taxes with that money. I am looking at the best option for the people of America and I find this to be a very fair and sensible way to implement that goal.


This is the final installment of the “nuts and bolts” of the FAIRTAX. My final installment will cover an overview of what you have seen so far and my conclusions as to the benefits of the FAIRTAX.


I  submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.


Bob Russell                              Claremore, Oklahoma                                    November 25, 2011

Papa Roach – HELP (Lyric Video)

Check out the official lyric video for of ‘HELP’ by Papa Roach off their new upcoming album Crooked Teeth.

Lyrics to Papa Roach ‘HELP’

I think I need help
I’m drowning in myself

Did someone turn the lights out
Or is it just another dark cloud in my head?
Cause I’m cut deep, my heart won’t beat
Deep down low it’s killing me
If I wanna scratch out yesterday
I’ve got so much I need to say

I think I need help
Cause I’m drowning in myself
It’s sinking in, I can’t pretend
That I ain’t been through hell
I think I need help
I’m drowning in myself

They’re preying on my weakness
Believe it
I’m thinking to myself “No not again”
And I won’t keep listening
When temptations creeping in
If I wanna make it another day
I’ve got so much I need to say

I think I need help
Cause I’m drowning in myself
It’s sinking in, I can’t pretend
That I ain’t been through hell
I think I need help
I’m drowning in myself

I think I need help
Cause I’ve put myself through hell

I think I need help
Cause I’m drowning in myself
It’s sinking in, I can’t pretend
That I ain’t been through hell
I think I need help

I think I need help
I think I need help

OPEC Believes US Shale Boom Won’t Last Long


by Jason Hopkins

OPEC predicts that competition with the U.S. will drop significantly in less than five years, allowing members of the world’s largest oil cartel to keep dominating the market.

During a meeting in Algiers, Algeria, members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) predicted Sunday that U.S. shale growth would “slow significantly” after 2023, triggering renewed demand for their own oil. OPEC, according to The Wall Street Journal, expects U.S. output to top off at 14.3 million barrels a day around 2027 and then drop to an average of 12.1 million barrels a day by 2040.

The oil cartel predicted in a report published Sunday global appetite for OPEC oil will grow as American supply steadily declines.

“Thereafter, a gradual decline in non-OPEC liquids supply, coupled with moderate, but sustained global demand growth, leads to a steady increase in demand for OPEC crude, which rises to nearly 40 million barrels a day by 2040,” the report forecasted.

The cartel, however, also acknowledged how explosive growth in the U.S. has currently upended the global market.

“Declining demand for OPEC crude is a result of strong non-OPEC supply in the 2017–2023 period, most notably from U.S. tight oil,” OPEC said of its long-term outlook. “The U.S. remains by far the most important source of medium-term supply growth, contributing … two-thirds of new supply, driven by surging tight oil output.”

American oil producers have experienced unprecedented growth in recent years, largely thanks to the implementation of hydraulic fracturing, which has unlocked fossil fuel reserves long believed as uneconomical to extract. The U.S. has now surpassed both Saudi Arabia and Russia in becoming the world’s largest producer of crude oil.

However, this has not shielded U.S. consumers from OPEC’s manipulation of oil price. In a coordinated effort to keep prices up in the face of strong U.S. output, OPEC has worked to keep production low.

Ahead of their Sunday meeting, U.S. President Donald Trump warned members — again — to stop raising oil prices.

Republican Sen Cory Gardner Will Give Up On A Wall, Vote With Democrats

Colorado Republican Sen. Cory Gardner’s spokesperson said Wednesday that the senator will break with his fellow Republicans and vote for a Democratic bill to end the partial government shutdown without any border security funding gains.

Gardner’s spokesperson told The Denver Post Editorial Board that the senator opposes shutdowns, even the 2013 partial government shutdown under the Obama administration.

Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska also plan to vote for both Trump’s offer and the Democratic plan, reported Axios. But the funding bill in question is expected to fail, since it needs 60 votes and most senators will vote along party lines. The Senate is split with 53 Republicans and 47 Democrats and Independents who caucus with Democrats.

Republicans are putting forward a “compromise” spending bill Thursday afternoon as well, and it is also expected to fail, according to The Denver Post.

Gardner’s announcement comes as the shutdown over border wall funding extends past the one-month mark — it hit day 34 Thursday. Trump wants more than $5 billion for a southern border wall; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said a border wall would be “immoral.”

Gardner is also up for re-election in 2020 and has at least three Democratic challengers so far, including openly gay nonprofit director Lorena Garcia. Gardner was classified as one of seven senators most likely to lose their seats in 2020 by CNBC in November. Collins was also on CNBC’s list.

Gardner has represented Colorado since 2015. Several of Gardner’s family members were doxxed in October because he voted to confirm Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

He endorsed Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the 2016 presidential election, according to Ballotpedia. He called on President Donald Trump to withdraw from the race after a 2005 recording of Trump making lewd comments about a woman was published in October 2016.

If Gardner loses in 2020, his Democratic challenger would join senior Democratic Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet in Washington, D.C.