Deer and Racoon top list of animal-related insurance claims

A new study was released today on the number of animal-related insurance losses for the years 2014-2017. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) data is gleaned from insurance claims for losses that occurred in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia. A total of 1,740,425 animal-related insurance claims were processed with 1,739,687 of them—99.9 percent—involving vehicles. The actual number of incidents is likely much higher since many drivers do not choose to carry coverage for that type of event.

Animal Claims 2014 – 2017











About 640,000 of those claims specified one of the top five animals involved and over the four-year period, 91 percent of those claims involved deer.


While all animal-related claims went up six percent over the four-year period, those that specified a deer was involved actually declined by 30 percent.

The top five animals involved in vehicle collisions were deer (584,165), raccoons (22,644), dogs (20,610), turkeys (7,289) and coyotes (6,023).

Animal Claims 2014 – 2017, Specifying Animal Type





































The top five states where these incidents occurred were: Pennsylvania (145,728), New York (115,670), Texas (105,036), Wisconsin (81,282) and North Carolina (79,252).

The top five cities for these encounters were: San Antonio (3,945), Austin, Tex. (2,452), New York(2,442), Pittsburgh (2,115) and Rochester, NY (1,929).

You can download the complete report here and an infographic here.

Animal-related losses are a good reason to make sure that you have adequate insurance and understand your coverage to protect against losses from these and other kinds of damage-causing incidents. The average animal crash claim amounted to about $4,000 in 2016 according to one major insurer. That would have amounted to nearly $1.8 billion in claims in 2016.

A bit macabre, but here’s just how devastating, to both the animal and the vehicle, an animal-related car crash can be.

In Surprise Move, House Republican Releases Bruce Ohr Transcript

Saying that his patience with the Justice Department “has grown thin,” Georgia Rep. Doug Collins on Friday unilaterally released a 268-page transcript of a deposition that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave to Congress last August.

Collins, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, took the unusual step by reading a statement on the House floor and providing a link to the Ohr transcript in the public record.

In 2016 and 2017, Ohr served as a back channel between the FBI and Christopher Steele, the former British spy who authored the anti-Trump dossier alleging collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Ohr’s wife, Nellie, worked as a contractor for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that hired Steele.

Ohr was interviewed on Aug. 28, 2018, by a task force of members from the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees.

Collins said Friday that he plans to release additional transcripts from interviews conducted by the task force. Lawmakers have also interviewed Nellie Ohr and FBI and Justice Department officials such as former FBI general counsel James Baker and former FBI attorney Lisa Page.

“Out of an abundance of caution, we gave DOJ an opportunity to review them for information that would endanger national security, but after many months and little progress, our patience has grown thin,” Collins said.

“The proposed redactions have nothing to do with national security and are anathema to our goal of government transparency,” he continued, adding that “I am, therefore, today making one of these transcripts public.”

“I intend to make other transcripts public soon. I’m willing to consider any reasonable redactions DOJ makes in a timely manner, but won’t allow these transcripts to remain shrouded in secrecy.”

On Benghazi “They Stood and Watched and Our People Died” says Retired CIA Officer

On the eve of the final Presidential debate, CBS reported the US had drones overhead watching the attack at Benghazi.  “Watched” is the key word here, “watched” for seven hours.   This attack was not over in minutes.  So what if anything, did the “powers that be” do during these seven hours?  The answer seems to be “what they didn’t do”.  According to Retired CIA officer Gary Berntsen, who commanded CIA counter-terrorism missions targeting Osama bin Laden:

“You find a way to make this happen,” Berntsen says. “There isn’t a plan for every single engagement. Sometimes you have to be able to make adjustments. They made zero adjustments in this. They stood and they watched and our people died.”

The “new & improved” spin coming out of the Obama Administration, (yes they are changing the “story again”), goes something like this: “we are gonna stand by this narrative– this attack is somewhere between a spontaneous event where well armed and well trained “individuals” (don’t call them terrorists!) capitalized on heightened protests in the region whereas these individuals took to the streets with military grade weapons and  stormed our Consulate, whereas four Americans were killed.”   Basically, that is what is now being said.  Obama Campaign  spinmaster Stephanie Cutter, on NBC yesterday said

“its important we don’t politicize this, every step of the way as intelligence is learned, as the intelligence “improves” about what happened that night, the President makes it available to Congress and to the American people, its been a very transparent process…”  (emphasis mine)

The CBS report also says that at the beginning of the attack: 

“…an unmanned Predator drone was sent over the U.S. mission in Benghazi, and that the drone and other reconnaissance aircraft apparently observed the final hours of the protracted battle.

The State Department, White House and Pentagon declined to say what military options were available. A White House official told CBS News that, at the start of the attack, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta “looked at available options, and the ones we exercised had our military forces arrive in less than 24 hours, well ahead of timelines laid out in established policies.”

Ok, so here we have Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, being well aware and involved in decision making on Benghazi from the very beginning, actually “looking for available options”.  This kind of raises many questions, one being,  why did Dempsey and Panetta decide to “do nothing” and “just watch”?

This is just getting more and more ridiculous.  Expect tonight more of this same “transparency” from the President.  I suspect the President will go on the offensive on Benghazi.   Seems his surrogates out in full force in the last 24 hours re- spinning the story, making it appear as if its Republicans who “jumped the shark”, who wouldn’t allow the White House to get their “intelligence” straight, trying to make us believe it takes weeks and weeks to ascertain what happened during an attack they were watching in real time.   Yes, expect Obama to say “we are doing an extensive investigation, which we must let take its course”.  I’m sure those investigations will “roll in” on or about November 7th, 2012.  We are in obvious re-spin mode, stall stall stall, and act angry and incensed about anyone who questions Benghazi.  Expect some more of that mock anger and indignation from Obama tonight.

Star Wars releases a fantastic tribute to the best princess on the big screen

Disney’s ‘Star Wars’ website and YouTube page featured a charming, funny and touching tribute to Princess Lea actress Carrie Fisher.

The video features highlights from her Star Wars appearances and interviews that will have you laughing and crying as Disney remembers The Princess of the force.

if the video does not play – click HERE for the non-amp version

Man Pulls Gun Outside Oregon School, Police Shoot Him Dead

Police killed a man who drew a gun while being escorted off the premises of an Oregon middle school Friday.

The man was forced out of Cascade Middle School in Eugene, Oregon over a custody dispute, The Associated Press reported Friday. The school was put on lockdown for close to four hours.

The shooting occurred outside of the school at 10:27 a.m., according to a Eugene Police Department Facebook post Friday.

“As officers were escorting the male from the school, he produced a firearm and a struggle ensued,” the police department wrote. “During the struggle the subject was shot by police and is now deceased.”

No students were hurt, The AP reported. Police led small groups of students to a nearby church to meet up with parents in the afternoon.

The middle school set up a “care room” with counselors to support students throughout the day.

“We will resume school at the regular time on Monday and will have the Care Room set up for any students who need that support,” the school’s website said. “We will communicate about any specific plans or changes to the typical school day on Sunday evening.”

Eugene Police Department and Cascade Middle School did not immediately respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Green Ontario Fund Offers Thousands in Rebates for Insulation and High Performing Windows

In December 2017, Ontario Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Chris Ballard announced the start of the Green Ontario Fund, a Government-funded program that will offer eligible homeowners rebates of up to thousands for energy-efficient home renovations such as windows and insulation. The cap-and-trade program aims to promote sustainable home improvements among Ontario residents, making them easier and more affordable, while at the same time aligning to the principles of the Climate Change Action Plan. According to the goals laid out in this plan, Ontario pledges to cut green house emissions by 15% before 2020 and by 37% before 2030. Because residential and commercial buildings account for a quarter of greenhouse emissions in the province, informing the population on the disadvantages of under-insulated houses and making energy-efficient upgrades more affordable was the best course of action. He also added that the funds are being re-invested in green programs that help businesses and homeowners combat climate change and enjoy a cleaner, healthier environment. The program is currently open to homeowners, as well as tenants who get the landlord’s permission to do home upgrades.

Applications for the Green Ontario Fund can be sent online via and, in order to be eligible for the rebates, homeowners, tenants and condo owners must work with an approved contractor. In addition to rebates on insulation and energy-efficient windows, they can also benefit from a $100 rebate on smart thermostats. Those who do not know if their homes are energy efficient and need more guidance on the topic are encouraged to contact the Green ON support phone line.

New rebates covered by the Green Ontario Fund

Homeowners who do the following improvements are eligible for considerable rebates:

  • Energy efficient windows – homeowners who replace their existing windows with new, energy efficient ones that respect program requirements can receive $500 per window and up to $5,000 in total. Energy star windows are designed not only to reduce noise pollution and condensation, but also reduce the home’s carbon footprint and increase its resale value.

  • Insulation – homeowners who insulate their properties are eligible to receive a total of up to $7,200 through the Green ON rebate. They are added as follows: $1,500 for insulating the attic, $1,900 for insulating the basement and $3,800 for insulating the exterior walls. Because uninsulated or under-insulated homes are the biggest source of greenhouse emissions in the province, adding a layer of insulation would make a considerable collective impact on reducing greenhouse gases. Insulation seals the small cracks in windows, doors, attics and roofs, sealing the building and preventing heat exchange. As a result, HVAC appliances no longer need to work 24/7 and greenhouse gases are reduced. For homeowners, insulation is good news because it reduces energy bills by up to 25% and increases thermal comfort. It can be done with several materials, depending on the desired R-value and insulated area of the house.

  • Air sealing – up to $100 off. Sealing trouble spots that allow air leaks cuts heating and cooling costs. The most common trouble spots include the staircase framing, porch roof, chimney shaft, attic access and ducts.

  • Heat pumps – homeowners who invest in a new ground source heat pump can get a rebate of up to $20,000, and those who repair their existing pumps are entitled to up to $4,500. These rebates only apply if the heat pumps are Energy-star certified.

  • Air pumps – Energy-star certified air pumps installed by certified contractors can bring homeowners up to $5,800 in rebates.

Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Chris Ballard and Parminder Sandhu, chair of the Green Ontario Fund informed homeowners that they should inspect their homes regularly for signs of energy leaks, such as drafty rooms or house areas that stay cold despite HVAC appliances. Addressing these energy leaks isn’t only a matter of comfort, he adds. Under-insulated homes with low quality windows lead to higher energy bills and contribute to pollution.

The Green Ontario Fund is heavily regulated and Ontario residents do not have to worry about door-to-door contractors trying to sell them home improvements. In addition, all home improvements included in this program must only be carried out by approved contractors who meet the requirements.

This program has become an essential component in the province’s Climate Change Action Plan and it is expected to contribute to cutting greenhouse gasses considerably. It is funded by carbon market proceeds and includes other positive actions such as:

  • Measures that encourage the transition towards electric vehicles: incentives, building a solid infrastructure of charging stations

  • Gas emission reduction programs for small to medium sized businesses, as well as large enterprises

  • Energy retrofits for residential properties

  • Developing microgrid projects in First nations communities to reduce reliance on diesel fuel

  • A cycling commuter network covering the entire Ontario province

  • Social housing retrofits

Public reception on the Green ON rebates have been overwhelmingly positive so far, as building an energy efficient home can be quite costly and this program makes it more affordable. According to, the program is currently closed as smart thermostats are being installed in participating houses, but will resume shortly, so applications can be submitted online.

Warriors Encouraged by Fellow Veterans on Wind Cave Trail Hike

Injured veterans and their guests empowered each other as they hit a rough hiking trail near Usery Mountain’s Wind Cave during a recent Wounded Warrior Project® event (PRNewsfoto/Wounded Warrior Project)

MESA, Ariz. — Injured veterans and their guests empowered each other as they hit a rough hiking trail near Usery Mountain’s Wind Cave during a recent Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) event.

“I needed to get out and spend time with other veterans,” said Army veteran Ruben Rojo. “It was a tough hike, but very worth it.”

Isolation is one of the most significant struggles wounded warriors deal with after serving their country. It can be difficult knowing how to overcome that challenge and rekindle bonds similar to those formed in the military.

Afterward, hikers gathered to get to know others from their community better and learn how they could eat out and be healthy at the same time by selecting fresh ingredients that don’t add up to major calories.

“I met some Army and Navy veterans and their families,” Ruben said. “These events mean a lot to me because they get me out, I meet new people, and I live.”

WWP program events like this give wounded warriors an opportunity to experience veteran peer support firsthand. These social gatherings get them out of the house and connect them with fellow service members and their communities.

“I’m always interested in learning about a new hiking site,” said Angelica Canez, wife of National Guard veteran Daniel. “I thought the hiking experience was great, and I totally enjoyed our lunch as a group, as well as meeting new people and learning about their stories and hiking adventures.”

Activities like hiking and socializing with other veterans can help injured warriors cope with stress and emotional concerns. In a WWP survey ( of the injured warriors it serves, more than half of survey respondents (51.6 percent) expressed they talk with fellow veterans to address their mental health issues, and 30.3 percent indicated physical activity helps.

“Wounded Warrior Project, to me, means family and a community that helps me sustain not only myself, but my veteran as well,” Angelica said.

Geraldo Rivera Visibly Shaking After Exploding At Fox Co-Host Over Benghazi

Geraldo Rivera continues his allegations that anyone claiming the Obama Administration could have mounted a rescue at Benghazi “is just preposterous!”  Geraldo appearing on Fox and Friends Friday morning, seems to have adopted the Left’s talking points, screaming at Co-Host Eric Bolling

“You are a politician looking to make a political point!” he added after Bolling challenged him, later repeating the point: “You are misleading the American people because you want to make a political point.”

Poor Geraldo, what is known is that Geraldo has always “leaned forward” championing this Regime’s talking points.  At one point,  he even goes after Charles Woods, Ty Woods’ Dad.  Pointing his finger and pontificating that Mr. Woods is being led down this path of misinformation, and declaring  how unfair it was to blame Obama for going to Las Vegas instead of saving Ty Woods was a “disgrace” according to Geraldo.   No Geraldo, what is a disgrace is for a journalist, who through his career has done his share of exploiting stories, is allowing his personal “leanings” to blind him”?  Stonewalling the American people is the disgrace, as Gretchen Carlson points out.

After we killed Bin Laden, the Obama Administration had no problem leaking out ALL the information just days after that event.  So what gives here Geraldo?   As for Geraldo’s claim that “he has consulted with four star Generals, and other military personnel and nothing could have been done to rescue those in Libya” —I’d like to point Geraldo to   Geraldo using the “Raid on Entebbe”, (in which a plane was hijacked by terrorists, kidnapping the Israeli passengers, and holding them in Uganda) as a comparison is pure hogwash!  Were the passengers being actively killed, and the LIVE feed being watched by the Israeli PM?  OF course not, Geraldo!  Geraldo stating it took the Israelis “seven days” to mount a rescue, is correct.   However, one of the big glaring differences Geraldo, is that Benghazi was an attack, not a hijacking, Benghazi was a battle happening in real time, not a hostage taking!  Thanks for trying Geraldo, but we get how the Left uses its talking points to confuse.

Let’s not indulge in fairy tales Geraldo,  your anger proves you are very invested and upset over the facts that your guy, Barack Obama, left men to die, facts you aren’t able to personally face yet.

Experts: US Oil Boom Is Defying Expectations

The United States is expected to churn out far more oil this year than what international analysts originally forecasted.

The International Energy Agency, a Paris-based organization that helps coordinate energy policies for industrial countries, released its latest oil market report on Friday, noting exceptional numbers for the U.S. fossil fuel industry.

The agency reported that U.S. oil production is expected to rise by 1.3 million barrels a day this year. While this number is lower than the record-smashing 2.1 million increase producers enjoyed in 2018, it’s more than double what the IEA initially expected to see in 2019.

The forecast illustrates the latest in the country’s shale oil boom, which has experienced unprecedented growth in recent years thanks to the emergence of hydraulic fracturing and an administration that has fostered a more conducive environment for fossil fuel development. Already, the U.S. is the largest international crude oil producer, with output expected to top 12 million barrels per day this year and reach 12.9 million by 2020, according to the Energy Information Administration’s latest report.

Analysts predict the U.S. will keep blowing past its global competitors.

“By the middle of the year, US crude output will probably be more than the capacity of either Saudi Arabia or Russia,” read a portion of IEA’s report, meaning they expect American companies to churn out more oil than what Saudi Arabia or Russia are even capable of producing.

President Donald Trump has hailed the U.S. energy boom as glaring proof that he isn’t secretly in cahoots with the Russian government — a conspiracy theory long repeated by his critics.

“‘Gas prices drop across the United States because President Trump has deregulated Energy and we are now producing a great deal more oil than ever before,’” the president tweeted on Monday, attributing the quote to Fox and Friends. “But this is bad news for Russia, why would President Trump do such a thing? Thought he worked for Kremlin?”

The Russian economy — which is entirely dependent on its energy exports — stands to lose with increased global production, which ultimately lowers the price of oil.

The IEA went on to say that, even if global economic growth slows, oil demand will continue to rise.

“Our expectation for slightly faster global demand growth in 2019 is maintained even though economic growth is likely to be slower than in 2018,” the agency stated. “The impact of higher oil prices in 2018 is fading, which will help offset lower economic growth.”