Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist
How to make ‘cloud eggs’ – a new internet sensation [Video]
Instagram has changed the way we think about food. Food trends like Starbucks’ Unicorn Frappuccino have people lining up to get the newest, prettiest food products, just for that photo opportunity. If you’re looking for your next Instagram food post, look no further than the newest trend, “cloud eggs.” Here’s how to make them.
Petraeus Bombshell: Private Emails Led FBI To Mistress, Conflicting Details Emerge
The Benghazi story line never fails to shock. The latest on the Petraeus Affair is worth noting, not for gossip purposes, but for the possible connection to the upcoming Benghazi hearing. FBI sources say they began an investigation last spring, when they mistook an email Petraeus had sent to his girlfriend as referring to corruption. At that point they uncovered the affair, and continued to investigate the emails. And here is where the story gets “murky”. There are two conflicting reports in regards to the ending of the relationship. One report, Ed Morrsisey at HotAir cites a series of tweets by Martha Raddatz:
Official tells me sevrl people who knew Petraeus got anonymous harassing emails. So investigation started. Emails then traced to Broadwell.
— Martha Raddatz (@MarthaRaddatz) November 10, 2012
(1/2) @martharaddatz reports thatfriends of Petraeus received weird emails, & i’ve learned the CIA& D/CIA ASKED the FBI to investigate.
— Marc Ambinder (@marcambinder) November 10, 2012
(2/2). The FBI did. They discovered that Broadwell was likely the source. They disclosed this to Petraeus 2 weeks ago.
Ok, so from this information it looks like it was Petraeus himself, who asked the FBI to investigate. That Paula Broadwell, the mistress, went “Fatal Attraction” email version on Petraeus. From another source, Ronald Kessler we read a total different version:
At some point after Petraeus was sworn in as CIA director on Sept. 6, 2011, the woman broke up with him. However, Petraeus continued to pursue her, sending her thousands of emails over the last several months, raising even more questions about his judgment.(emphasis mine)
This article also cites “FBI sources” for the information above. Which is it? And why is it important? This affair happened prior to Petraeus becoming the CIA Director. We can surmise that the CIA was well aware of the ended affair. So why did he have to resign now? Why did Petraeus have to “tell the world” the reason he was leaving? Its logical to conclude that even if they told him to resign, or, if Petraeus had a moment of “guilt” and felt he needed to resign, what is the purpose of outing the whole affair? Why not just say “I am leaving for personal reasons” and spare your family the embarrassment? And lastly, why is this coming now, 3 days after the Election, and a week before the Benghazi hearings?
What if Petraeus had information as CIA Director that would point at the White House for the Benghazi debacle? Petraeus went on record and stated
No One In the CIA Ordered Operatives To Stand Down
No one in the CIA. Does Petraeus know who ordered the “stand down” order? Could it be that the White House knowing of Petraeus’ affair told the Director “he might want to play ball with their narrative on Benghazi, or that affair you had might just make it into the news?” This is just speculation on this writer’s part, but much of this Petraeus resignation doesn’t pass the smell test. Could have Petraeus then, decided to “just out the affair himself”? The conflicting reports about the affair, seemingly both from “FBI sources” to the timing and circumstances surrounding the resignation are producing many more questions than answers.
UPDATE! In an article by Aaron Klein this other bombshell
Perhaps overlooked is the CIA’s role in purportedly using the Benghazi mission to coordinate U.S. aid to Syrian opposition groups and information those same insurgents include jihadists openly acting under the al-Qaida umbrella.
Patraeus resigned at a time when the U.S. intelligence community is facing criticism over both its response to the assault in Benghazi and whether it had early warnings of al-Qaida plans to attack the U.S. mission in that country.
These issues, of the US “gun running” from Benghazi, and aiding jihadits is information that Petraeus needs to testify on. Recall that the Benghazi “mission” was called the “Benghazi Consulate”, fact is, there is no Consulate in Benghazi. Obama and Hillary Clinton were careful in the last weeks to refer to the Benghazi “mission”, as they dropped the term “Consulate”. That is important, there was a “mission” in Benghazi, and that mission was arming the Syrian rebels, who have ties to al-Qaida. Petraeus must testify if we are to know the truth.
–thanks to Diana Nowell of “Hidden British News” who contributed to this post.
What Shutdown? 82 Percent Of Small Businesses Are ‘Unaffected’ By Federal Lapse, Study Says
Most small businesses are “unaffected” by the federal government shutdown that is stretching into its fifth week, according to a poll from the Job Creators Network (JCN).
JCN surveyed 427 of its members, all small business owners, from Jan. 16-22 and released the results Tuesday. JCN reported that 82 percent of small business owners have not noticed any impact on their operations since the shutdown began Dec. 22. Roughly Seven percent of respondents said they were “somewhat affected,” and another seven percent said they were “very affected.”
“There’s no doubt that this is disruptive to the federal employees who are missing paychecks, but the impact on small business nationally is still fairly limited,” JCN President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz said in a statement.
“We don’t want to minimize the problems this is causing for some small businesses and federal employees, but it certainly isn’t the national economic disaster that the news coverage makes it seem,” Ortiz said. “The effects of the shutdown are so far confined to government contractors and businesses that serve communities with large concentrations of government employees.”
The JCN survey also questioned small business owners on the media’s coverage of the shutdown. 93 percent of shutdown coverage is biased against President Donald Trump and Republicans. Less than five percent of respondents said the coverage was fair, according to poll data.
“Small business owners believe almost universally that the news media is failing to present the story in a balanced way,” Ortiz said.
The shutdown as affected roughly 800,000 federal workers. Federal worker unions are suing the Trump administration over the shutdown and Democrat lawmakers have taken part in several union protests to position themselves on the side of workers during the shutdown and in the lead up to the 2020 election.
Congress overwhelmingly passed bipartisan legislation Jan. 11 approving backpay to all federal employees who have continued to work through the shutdown even though their regularly scheduled paychecks have been interrupted.
The federal shutdown will likely have a noticeable impact on the U.S. economy, and that impact will grow larger as the shutdown continues. Economists speculate that the shutdown may end a streak of job growth lasting 99 straight months, the longest in U.S. history.
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NYU Hires Fact Checker Who Was Fired for Falsely Labeling Veteran A Nazi
NYU hired a former New Yorker employee Wednesday who had been fired for falsely labeling an ICE agent as a Nazi, to teach on far right coverage.
Talia Lavin will now be teaching a class at New York University called “Reporting on the Far Right” in NYU’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. She is a “writer and researcher focused on far-right extremism and social justice,” according to her university profile.
Lavin was fired from the New Yorker for accusing a disabled ICE agent and US Veteran of being a Nazi due to a cross tattoo on his arm. This accusation came after she viewed a photo of the veteran online, where she then tweeted about it. She later deleted her tweet, saying that “some vets said this ICE agent’s tattoo looked more like a Maltese cross than an Iron Cross (common among white supremacists), so i deleted my tweet so as not to spread misinformation.”
The official ICE twitter account responded to the incident by pointing out that the cross was the symbol of the agent’s platoon in Afghanistan. “Justin Gaertner is a combat wounded U.S. Marine who continues to serve his country as an ICE computer forensics analyst, helping solve criminal cases & rescue abused children,” they said in a tweet.
In a statement, ICE told Lavin and the New Yorker that they owed Gaertner an apology. The statement also advised that the writing on Gaertner’s arm was “the Spartan Creed” dedicated to protecting family and children.
The New Yorker disavowed any association with Lavin’s views.
Less than a month after she was fired from the New Yorker, Lavin was picked up by Media Matters, the progressive media watchdog, where she worked as a “researcher on far-right extremism and the alt-right.” Her work includes topics such as Russian influence on positive American coverage of Trump, far right anti-Semitic conspiracies, how YouTube assists in right-wing radicalization, and more.
Obama Administration Renews Push to Ratify Law of Sea Treaty
The Obama administration has initiated a renewed push to convince the U.S. Senate to approve the 1982 United Nations Law of the Sea treaty. Administration officials claim approval of the pact is necessary to protect the U.S. Navy’s right to carry out exercises off the coast of China. In the past Chinese ships have harassed U.S. vessels.
The administration’s push to approve the treaty comes at a time of increased focus by the Pentagon on China’s military buildup and the expansion of its influence in the Asia-Pacific region. The Pentagon is also watching escalation of a dispute between Beijing and the Philippines over a South China Sea island.
Ratification of the treaty has long been blocked due to congressional concerns that the treaty gives the UN far too much control over American oil and mineral rights while threatening U.S. sovereignty. Treaty opponents contend that China will not to change its maritime claims even if the treaty is ratified.
On the high seas, the U.S. Navy “locks in” its rights and freedoms by its capacity to sink any ship that would try to deny those rights.
The United States doesn’t need the Law of the Sea Treaty (or LOST). The Continental Congress established the U.S. Navy in 1775, and over the next 236 years it has become the greatest, most powerful maritime force in world history. LOST was first adopted by the United Nations back in 1982. Since then, the United States Navy has managed to protect the U.S. and her maritime interests without benefit of LOST.
In the interest of national security and sovereignty, the United States should withdraw from the UN, stop paying all dues to what’s become an Islamofascist/Communist criminal organization, and expel them from American shores permanently.
Quick Break Video: You Suck at Cooking can even make a tomato sandwich fun
Take a few minutes out of your busy day to learn how to make an authentic toasted tomato sandwich as Youtuber “You Suck at Cooking” takes you on a country journey, “where tomatoes come from,” to find the best ingredients. It’s one part pickup truck commercial, two parts, er, tomato sandwich, and 100% fun. Only YSAC can make such a simple thing, so entertaining.
See some of our favorite YSAC videos HERE.
Full Recipe:
Seriously? There’s like three ingredients if you don’t count the salt and pepper.
note: If you don’t have a 500 Watt Galvanized-steel-nichrome-wire-lateral-current-low-impedance-split-phase-omnidirectional-quad-voltage-wide-arc-triple-coil-toasting-machine, my understanding is that an oxy-acetylene torch will also work.
Black Friday Online Sales Break Records
by Henry Rodgers
Online sales during Black Friday hit an all-time high in 2018, reaching over $6.2 billion in sales — a massive increase to the previous year.
There was a 23 percent increase compared to 2017’s $5.03 billion, according to a Saturday report from Adobe Analytics. The numbers show many consumers are staying home to shop instead of heading to crowded malls or stores, most of which have long lines on Black Friday.
“Retailers have done their part to build better mobile experiences for consumers and turning nearly 10 percent more smartphone visitors into buyers this Black Friday versus last,” Taylor Schreiner, the director of Adobe Digital Insights, said to Fox Business.
Numerous incidents of chaotic shopping experiences were reported Friday, which contribute to the historic numbers of shoppers who bought online.
Record numbers are also expected for Cyber Monday according to Schreiner. Adobe is predicting around $7.8 billion in sales.
“Indeed, the entire holiday season continues to see vigorous growth with Cyber Monday expected to be the largest U.S. online shopping day in history,” Schreiner told Fox Business.
Transatlantic Community Imposes Sanctions on Russia for Ukraine Invasion
Today, the United States, EU, and Canada took coordinated action in response to Russia’s continued aggression against Ukraine by imposing sanctions on individuals who orchestrated the unjustified November 25 attack on three Ukrainian naval vessels near the Kerch Strait. Additionally, the United States imposed sanctions on six Russian defense firms, including shipbuilding companies; two individuals involved in the November sham “elections” in Russia-controlled eastern Ukraine; and two Russian energy and construction companies operating in Crimea.
“In the five years since Russia started its campaign of aggression against Ukraine, we have stood firmly with our Transatlantic partners in opposition to Russia’s malign and illegal actions, including its attack near the Kerch Strait,” U.S. State Department officials said in a statement. “Russia’s attack represented a dangerous escalation and a violation of international law. We call upon Russia to immediately return to Ukraine the seized vessels and detained crewmembers, and keep the Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azov open to ships transiting to and from Ukrainian ports.”
“We also call on Russia to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, including its territorial waters,” they added.
Officials also said that the international community will not stand by while Russia continues to violate international norms and laws and the Transatlantic community stands united in our efforts to counter Russian aggression.
Five years after its invasion of Ukraine and its attempted annexation of Crimea, Russia continues to undermine Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity while failing to implement its obligations under the Minsk agreements. On November 25, 2018, Russian authorities opened fire on and rammed three Ukrainian ships off the coast of Crimea, seizing the ships and capturing 24 Ukrainian crew members, who remain illegally detained in Russia. Russia also continues its occupation of Crimea, and the Kremlin has also backed illegitimate elections held by Ukrainian separatists in the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic on November 11, 2018.
As a result of today’s designations, all property and interests in property of the designated individuals and entities are blocked, and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from transacting with them. Moreover, any entities owned 50 percent or more by these designated persons are also blocked by operation of law.
Source: U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of the Treasury
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