SAK-TC275TP-64F200W Infineon Electronic Components

SAK-TC275TP-64F200W belongs to 32-Bit Single-Chip Micocontroller of infineon electronic components.

Two different pad openings are used: 

Standard Pad Opening is 70um x 75um where 70um is the width of the opening (width as seen from the die side) and 75um is the depth of the opening (from the die side into the silicon). 

Double Pad or Elephant Pad Opening is 130um x 75um where 130um is the width of the opening (width as seen from the die side) and 75um is the depth of the opening (from the die side into the silicon). The Double Pad openings are represented with two opening coordinates and two pad numbers. Double Pads are used only for supply and can be identified by the words ´Double Pad´ or ´Elephant Pad´ in the Comment column.

SAK-TC275TP-64F200W Infineon Electronic Components Features


Main product features


High Performance Microcontroller with three CPU cores

Lockstepped shadow cores for one TC1.6P and for TC1.6E

64-Channel DMA Controller with safe data transfer

High performance on-chip bus structure


Keyword: sgwin

The Abrasion Of Ceramic Material

In any running machines, the relative movement of various parts occurs, that is, sliding or rolling friction or friction between the two, a series of mechanical, physical, and chemical interactions occur under the action of friction, causing the machine dimensional changes and material loss occur on the surface of the piece. This phenomenon is called wear and tear .


The wear of ceramics is caused by the sliding movement between the two surfaces or the two particles between the surfaces. It may also be caused by the impact of the particles and the surface cracking and peeling. Therefore, the amount of wear of the ceramic material is related to the smoothness or particle size of the contact surface and the positive pressure of the wear surface. The smoother the surface, the smaller the sliding motion of the particles. The wear rate increases with increasing impact angle and increases with relative speed. In addition, the wear of ceramics is also related to the relative hardness, strength, elastic modulus, density and environment of the material.


Therefore, when evaluating the wear performance of ceramic materials, the influence of comprehensive factors should be considered. For example, the effect of alumina corrosion and wear at the same time is more severe than the effect of single damage.


Chemshun Ceramics specializes in Al2O3 92% ceramics, Al2O3 95% alumina ceramicsZTA ceramics, SISIC ceramics with excellent wear resistance,which are largely required in current market.

Keyword: sgwin

Martin Inc. Welcomes Marc Strandquist, Executive Vice President,


Martin Inc. Welcomes Marc Strandquist, Executive Vice President, Fastening Solutions

Martin Inc., one of the nation’s leading providers of custom-tailored solutions for maintenance, repair, operation and production supplies, welcomes Marc Strandquist to the role of executive vice president, Fastening Solutions Division. In this role, Marc will develop and execute strategic plans, drive efficiency and profitability, create synergy across all Martin business units, while building and leading the fastening team to achieve business objectives.

Marc brings to Martin more than 35 years of experience in the C-class component industry as a global executive leader overseeing companies in Europe, South America, and North America. He has 24 years of experience holding executive-level positions where he drove value for parent organizations. He began his executive career with smaller companies with sales of $40 to $50 million dollars before transitioning to Würth Industry North America with sales of $850M, then to Optimas Solutions with sales of $650M.

“I’m delighted to welcome Marc to the Martin team,” said Douglas Ruggles, co-CEO. “Marc is a pragmatic, entrepreneurial, and collaborative business leader who has a proven track record of moving organizations in the right direction. I am confident he will help further advance Martin’s OEM component and fastening business and deliver on our purpose statement to help companies operate better.”

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Keyword: sgwin

Raise your voice – PFAS is on the brink

The EU plans to restrict the use of PFAS by 2026. This group of more than 10,000 persistent synthetic chemicals is accused of accumulating in the environment and in the human body and cause significant damages. Experts from the coatings industry and academia gathered at the “EC Conference Understanding PFAS and reformulating PFAS-free Coatings” in Cologne to discuss the situation.

It is a topic that concerns many coatings experts in these times. PFAS are known to have incomparable properties, they repel water, dirt and grease thanks to their stable carbon-fluorine bonds. They’ve got an outstanding resistance to heat, and chemicals and they can act as an electrical isolator. PFAS are important materials in various coating formulations. But now, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden are pushing for an EU-wide ban on PFAS from 2026. Over the past years, their authorities have analysed various PFAS, assessed their applications and potential hazards to create a draft ban.

PFAS alternatives: challenges and solutions

This now puts the coatings industry in a difficult position. Well-known and well-functioning coatings systems will soon no longer be able to be used. The market is noticeably demanding more and more pfas-free alternatives.

In their keynote speech, Lars Hoffmann und Ralf Knischke from BASF asked the question: “Are you RDY to Formulate the Future?” addressing the difficulties, but also the successes to date in finding appropriate alternatives. The discussions started right away. It was questioned whether all PFAS should really be banned or whether one should not take the trouble to look closely at which substances are dangerous and which are not. It depends on the application, it depends on the entire life cycle of the materials, especially it is about the end-of-life. In the technical presentations at the conference, all aspects were covered. There are already many good solutions for pfas-free coatings, handling the one or the other property. Bute there is no number one replacement for PFAS, each case needs its own tailored solution.

Missed the PFAS Conference? Here’s what wou need to know

You have missed the event? You can still benefit from the presentations and content. Here you can find our on demand package.

It is clear to see, that there is a long way to go for the coatings industry, because in times of sustainability demand, performance pressure and many other hurdles, it is a huge task to replace a versatile and high-performance material like pfas.

PFAS: open questions and networking

And there are many open questions. In the networking activity, the participants had the opportunity to defined their urgent questions, which they need to have answered in order to cope with the situation. The questions were raised and the experts connected to pave the way that needs to be travelled; together as one industry.

These questions will accompany us in the coming months and years. We will see what the future brings, and the coatings industry will continue to look for solutions together.

Join the next PFAS event in 2025

The next EC Conference on this important topic PFAS will take place on 03. – 04. Dec 2025, again Cologne, Germany and we are curious to see how many questions could be answered by then and how far the coatings industry has come. Don’t miss to be there, register now!

Keyword: sgwin

SKF on condition monitoring and smart sensors for bearings

Digitalization is most apparent in the consumer market, where music downloads, online shopping and on-demand TV are hailed as marvels of the digital age. However, digitalization is also having a huge effect on manufacturing.

The ability to collect and manipulate vast amounts of digital information will catapult manufacturing into the future. By embracing digitalization, SKF is enhancing its core offering – bearings technology, and related services – so that its customers can further boost the performance of their rotating equipment. Furthermore, by focusing on industrial digitalization, the company aims to drive the further optimization of cost and efficiency of the full value chain, including World Class Manufacturing and Supply Chain integration.

Digitalization will affect all parts of the value chain, from design and manufacturing through to purchasing and maintenance.

SKF has been monitoring equipment remotely for around fifteen years and it now has around 1 million bearings connected to the Cloud. Data from them is gathered and interpreted daily, often with assistance from our experts. The ability to handle this data leads to enhanced analytics – allowing SKF to earlier detect potential failures in rotating equipment that affect overall equipment reliability and to get a better understanding of critical product and system design requirements.

The company has already developed platforms to help customers gather and interpret data. For instance, the Enlight platform helps operators visualize data from a variety of sources, using a device such as a smartphone or tablet. This is a smart way of putting ‘Big Data’ into an operator’s pocket.

The ‘connectivity’ of the data runs in all directions, and can be used in many ways. At its simplest, it connects a sensor to a remote diagnostics centre. However, the data – on the health of a bearing, for instance – can be fed right back to the design stage, and used to help redesign a better product.

Increased digitalization has also begun to allow more customized manufacturing. Because it can cut machine re-setting times close to zero, there are fewer restrictions to making customised products. Recently, the owner of an aluminium mill required bearings that would allow increased output – through a higher rolling speed – as well as lower maintenance costs and the elimination of unplanned downtime. SKF was able to produce four-row cylindrical roller bearings – complete with optimized surface properties and customised coatings – to boost service life and robustness, as well as designing out product cost.


Recently, SKF agreed a five-year ‘Rotation For Life’ contract with Zinkgruvan Mining of Sweden. SKF will carry out remote monitoring of four mills at a Zinkgruvan enrichment plant. The company will then pay SKF a fee – based on whether it meets its productivity targets.

This arrangement relies on digitalization technologies working in synchronisation. In one element of the contract, monitoring data from a conveyor belt is gathered automatically – with no human intervention – and an SKF specialist analyses the deviations if necessary, while a distributed lubrication system keeps the line running at optimum efficiency.

The ability to correlate a wider variety of data can further improve performance. For instance, the condition monitoring data that SKF routinely collects can now be combined with ‘process’ data such as machine speed and control parameters, through a collaboration with Honeywell. Combining these data streams has helped one of our joint customers – a major copper producer – to make more informed decisions on maintenance and asset performance.

The customer says that part failure would once have led to shutdown – but this can now be avoided thanks to the advance warning provided by the combination of process and monitoring data.

Having access to this wider array of data could enhance maintenance, and help customers to make more informed choices. For example, analysing both monitoring and process data might reveal that slowing a machine down by 3% would extend the maintenance period by four weeks. The customer can then balance a slight reduction in output with a longer production period – and make the best possible decision.

Automatic detection of a failing bearing is a massive step forward in efficiency. However, the process of ordering the replacement – including sending the purchase order through to manufacturing, estimating the lead time, and delivering the part – still involves major human intervention.

SKF is already gearing up for a future in which the faulty part effectively puts in an order for its own replacement. Because a smart sensor can already diagnose itself, it’s not hard to imagine that it might send an automated message all the way back through the supply chain.

It goes further than this: increased digitalization streamlines the manufacturing process. It has already helped to shrink machine re-setting times. In this way, a specific replacement part can be scheduled for addition to the production line with minimal disruption – and fast turnaround.

Combining these two factors – accurate prediction of a failing part, with ‘manufacturing to order’ – ensures that some ‘projected demand’ for parts is replaced by ‘actual demand’. This extends the ‘just in time’ manufacturing concept down as far as the individual component – and could one day bring stock levels close to zero. It’s hard to imagine a world without stock, but this vision is within sight.

This type of system is yet to be developed. However, SKF is running pilots in specific areas of the supply chain. In the future, the plan is to join these pilot projects together, allowing full, end-to-end digitalization.

The enormous power of existing digital technologies – such as smartphones – makes it easy to think that we have reached a pinnacle of performance. However, we are only at the start of digitalization within manufacturing. Every aspect of the manufacturing value chain can be enhanced by digitalization. Some have already emerged, while others are still on the horizon.

Can we really move from self-diagnosis of a bearing to self-ordering? Yes, we can: the hard part is predicting when it will happen.


Keyword: Custom Sword

Lyon President confirms deal in principle for Mathieu Valbuena

Speaking to L’Équipe, Lyon President Jean Michel Aulas confirmed that he has reached an agreement in principle for the transfer of Mathieu Valbuena.

JMA announced that a contract agreement with Valbuena and a base fee with Dynamo Moscow had been agreed, but that talks were ongoing with regards to the precise payment structure involved. 

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在面臨全球競爭和環保壓力日益增大的今天,如何運用智慧製造工廠提升生產效能與實現環境永續成了關鍵挑戰。本文分享了轉型策略和具體做法。 歸納要點:

  • 智慧製造工廠透過資訊化與自動化技術,提高生產效率並降低人力依賴。
  • 藉由數據分析與決策制定,優化生產流程,減少浪費同時增加產品品質。
  • 智慧製造能有效減少資源消耗及廢棄物,對環境永續有顯著貢獻。
  • 根據一項研究指出,引入智慧製造系統的企業平均可節省15%的能源消耗和20%的生產時間。




  • 須注意事項 :
    • 初期投資成本高昂:部署先進的智慧製造系統需要巨額資金投入,在不確定回報率的情況下對中小型企業來說是一大財務壓力。
    • 技術與人才缺乏匹配度:高科技要求下人才培養滯後於設備更新速度,導致無法充分發揮智慧製造系統的最大效用。
    • 安全隐患及隐私問題日益突出:隨著IoT設備的廣泛使用和數據交互增多,如何保護知識產權和商業秘密以及個人隐私成為急需解决的問題。
  • 大環境可能影響:
    • 國家政策與法規滯後可能阻礙發展步伐:政府立法与监管未必跟上科技发展速度,可能制約了智能制造工厂数字转型进程。
    • 國際競爭加劇引起技術壁壘建立:面对全球竞争者相继布局智能制造领域时可能出现保护主义导致技术分享受阻。
    • 數字落差放大社會問題反彈風險:如果處理不善, 普及數字轉型带来職位取代等问题可能会引发社会稳定性挑戰。




所以你看,在轉型成智慧製造工廠的路上, 其實並非遙不可及。只要聰明運用現代資訊科技和自動化裝置, 任何規模的工廠都能朝著效率更高、更加環保的方向邁進。



  • 透過機器學習和深度學習,使機器能夠自主學習和決策。
  • 雲端計算提供強大的計算能力,支持大數據分析和AI的運算。
  • 智慧製造包括流程優化、設備自動化、檢測修智慧化及製程智慧化等面向。
  • 引入智慧製造可從數據中優化製程、降低成本並提升生產效能。
  • 實施智慧製造可以縮短產品開發周期、降低生產成本、提高生產效率及產品品質。
  • 在工業4.0和半導體領域中,智慧製造技術的整合特別關鍵。



技術特點 優勢 實際應用案例 未來趨勢 機器學習和深度學習 使機器能自主學習和決策,顯著提高生產靈活性及效率,減少人為錯誤。 在汽車製造業中運用影像識別提升缺陷檢測的準確性,降低不良品率。 算法持續演進將使AI在複雜任務上表現更佳,例如智能預測市場需求變化。 雲端計算 提供強大的計算能力以支持大數據分析與AI運算,加速信息共享與協作流程。 利用雲端平台實現遠程監控工廠設備狀況,提升反應速度及問題解決能力。 結合邊緣計算技術將加強數據處理即時性,提高安全防護措施以抵禦網路攻擊風險。 流程優化及設備自動化 透過數據分析優化生產流程、降低人工成本,提高整體產量與產品品質的一致性。 食品製造業引入自動包裝系統,不僅減少人力需求,更提升包裝速度及標準化程度。 未來會更多地融合人工智慧於自動化設施,以適應快速變化的市場需求和個性化生產模式。 檢測修智慧化及製程智慧化 透過先進感測器和AI分析,有效預防設備異常情況,節省維護費用並延長設備壽命。 半導體行業中使用智能感測器監控微塵粒子濃度,確保生產環境達到高標準要求。 趨向於更精細的監控與預知維修策略,使得IoT與AI推動智能製造管理成為主流做法,增強整體效能。





所以說,在智慧製造領域內部署高階資料分析與即時決策制定系統不僅是未來趨勢之一, 更像是必走之路了吧?








Keyword: 裝修