Great Again: U.S.A. Leads all others in competitiveness and technology

Prepare for another week of White House press releases where the Trump administration correctly points out they have truly made America great again, because now even a European study group says so.

The United States is once again the most competitive economy in the world and the top in tech.

The USA leads the IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2018 followed by Singapore, Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland. Rising from the 3rd spot, the USA overtakes Singapore and Sweden to top the ranking.

and [emphasis added]:

The top five most competitive economies in the world remain the same as in the previous year, but their order changes. The United States returns to the first spot, followed by Hong Kong, Singapore, the Netherlands and Switzerland. The United States improves three positions from last year while Hong Kong drops one spot and Singapore remains 3rd. The return of the United States to the top is driven by its strength in economic performance (1st) and infrastructure (1st).

Of note is that the previous report had the U.S.A. at #4 which demonstrates that the Trump administration’s policies have had a dramatic effect on the American economy and have literally put America first.

The US also jumped two spots from #3 to #1 in the digital competitiveness ranking:

In 2010, at the equivalent time period in Obama’s first term, the US dropped from first to third in its ability to compete with the world. By the end of his administration, his progressive policies had pushed the American economy to #4 in competitiveness while he oversaw the slowest economic recovery in decades.

For the first time in decades, Singapore (1) and Hong Kong (2) have topped the US (3) in IMD’s [2010] World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings.

Yeah, America isn’t really missing Mr. “You didn’t build that!” Ok, well maybe Obama’s Education Secretary is:

“We’re not top ten in anything!” Arne Duncan exclaimed Sunday on CBS “Face the Nation.” He apparently missed the IMD reports … among other things.

Pretty sure CNN, NBC, The New York Times and Washington Post will also downplay America’s amazing accomplishment, but that’s why we’re here.

America is exceptional. America is first again. America is great again. America … is back!

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