Former wrestler, Mid-South Wrestling and UWF promoter and WCW Executive Vice President Cowboy Bill Watts posted a message on his website this afternoon, revealing himself to be part of WWE’s 2009 Hall of Fame class. Here’s the official word from
Got a very surprising call yesterday…from the offices of the WWE…(which is Vince McMahon’s pro-wrestling company)…the ‘flagship of the industry’….world-wide…and the ‘caller’… told me ‘they’ had chosen me to be ‘inducted into the WWE Wrestling Hall of Fame’…on the next Wrestlemania (which is their biggest annual event on pay-per-view)… Saturday…April 4th…and ‘would I consent and be available to attend the festivities in Houston on that date’…and for that weekend… and I can ‘assure you’…anything the WWE does like this is ‘first class and then some!’
First…what an honor… to be ‘recognized by one’s peers’… and this…doubly so…because Vince Jr. and I have been on the ‘opposite sides’ of this business back when I was still active…(although his father and I worked extremely well together during his life)…
But when Vince’s idea for ‘his vision’ of pro-wrestling was launched… it put him in an adversarial position to all other promotions here in the US… and eventually he was the ‘winner’… and has built a true financial empire with ‘his brand’…and changed forever the sport and industry…
Now…he and I did work together for 3 months some years back (my last active participation in the industry)…
and I gained ‘huge personal respect for him’…and as a visionary…and a person…his creative genius flowed in great lock-step with me during our ‘creative sessions’… he truly was one I could ‘do booking with’ in the same far reaching way I was taught by another true genius of our business…Eddie Graham…And everything Vince did…and how he interacted with me…was complete class… he is a detailed work-a-holic…with great self-discipline…who lives and breathes this business and his vision of it…
So…I respect him completely… even if we are ‘not on point’ on everything philosophically…;>)
Thus…I never ‘envisioned being asked by his group’ to be inducted into their Hall of Fame…so…it was ‘a surprise’… a very ‘pleasurable one’… and I accepted with a ‘whole heart’… and look forward to this…btw…I am also going to their World HQ this month to do a ’round-table discussion’ in two TV tapings…not-related to the HOF…which should also be interesting and fun…
So…I just wanted to share this with you…
I am also asked to ‘choose my presenter into the HOF’…and one of the great honors I personally experienced was to be chosen by Ernie Ladd to be his presenter into this same HOF years ago…and I still grieve his fairly recent loss as he transitioned to his Heavenly home… and there are many who have contributed so damn much to my career…*(sadly also…too many that have transitioned out of this life)…
in fact…in reflecting as I write this…my 25 plus years in the industry…there were so ‘damn many’ true ‘characters’…’unique individuals’… both in the biz and out…that contributed so tremendously to my life…that as hard as it may be for any of you to accept…’I am humbled by them…and their contributions’…and even moreso…for those who impacted me in such a major way… at a time when I did NOT take the time to even truly realize it…or value it so tremendously… to each of them… thank you!!
But without a doubt… if it is agreed to by them (WWE)…there can be ‘no other’…than Jim Ross…(their JR)…as he has been with me since he was a young man…and worked his way up to my ‘right hand man’… by becoming a great contributor and force in so many aspects of this business… and even now…is a VP in WWE…and one of Vince McMahon’s trusted advisors…and Jim has always ‘been a supporter of mine’…sometimes even to the detriment of his own career momentarily… because you just cannot hold a good man back for long…
like at WCW… when I left that operation and they ‘appointed a guy named Bischoff to run it’…which in my opinion was the final straw that begin the process of totally destroying that wrestling division in Turner Broadcasting…who no longer is involved in wrestling…and in that process…Jim was ‘let go’… much to his chagrin… because he had given so much of himself to them… and earned his position…and was the most talented — and trustworthy person they had…but it became a blessing as Vince McMahon recognized his value…and hired him…and he has been with Vince ever since… while wrestling at TBS is ‘no longer’… and I don’t believe Bishoff has ever been more than someone’s ‘gopher’ since…which suits his ‘no-talent self’…in my ‘humble opinion’…;>)
Thus… I will choose Jim to be ‘my presenter’…’also hoping I can still gently influence him into writing a favorable speech about me’… and not revealing the ‘few flaws’ that someone so close for so many years may think they have perceived’…;>)
Of course now…as JR…he wears the ‘black cowboy hat’… which sometimes also signifies being a ‘villain’…;>) …and I’m sure some of you also see him on the sidelines at every OU football game… which is his heart’s delight now too… but even there he is wearing that ‘black hat’…
But myself…with my ‘pure heart’…I wear a white cowboy hat… a true ‘babyface’… a hero…handsome and trustworthy… and all that other stuff so associated… and after all…as Sputnik Monroe used to say… and now I have plagiarized: “I am the women’s pet and the men’s regret!”…;>)
and ‘not now’…just a ‘legend in my own mind’… as some may have somehow thought…;>)
But a Hall of Famer…
Yours truly,
Cowboy Bill Watts
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