CNC Machining Use Cases in the Military and Defense Industries

As a major source of manufacturing revenue, the defense and military industries rely on some very flexible, cost-effective and reliable technologies. With global defense spending expected to grow at a CAGR of about 3 percent over the 2019–2023 period, reaching US$2.1 trillion by 2023, they also invest heavily into modern machining solutions in various different sectors of their workflow.

The general requirements of military equipment can vary immensely, but a few things apply across the board. In general, military-grade equipment needs to be rugged, rigid and work well within harsh terrains. A lot of the large equipment is metal and requires metallic parts, but there is also a place for medical supplies (which must be approved by military authorities, the FDA or whatever government regulations may apply depending on the region).

Since defense applications can cross over with other industries like communication, medical and aerospace etc., this often means that they use all of the machining facilities specific to these industries as well. The machines often have to be large and capable of processing materials like alloys and hard, durable metals.

Here are just some of the ways the defense industry implements CNC machines and how they bring something unique to the table:

Aerospace Applications

One of the major users of CNC manufacturing technologies is Lockheed Martin. Not only is Lockheed Martin arguably the biggest name in defense manufacturing, they are also the third biggest aerospace firm in the world, behind Boeing and Airbus. However, the company has slightly different needs from the other two as it has a much larger focus on defense. This is where precision machining technologies come in, providing major part accuracy, process reliability and cost savings.

While CNC machines have been used in military applications since their inception, modern mills and drills offer something unique that most other manufacturing technologies cannot match. The precision alone allows for far more novel military applications. The composite skins on the F35, for example, are milled and drilled to such close tolerances that the plane’s assembled surface avoids the mismatches that can show up on a radar.

In the case of the F-35, manufacturers use a five-axis milling machine with an overhead gantry, which provides ample power for their precision-machining operations on the composite skins of aircraft. It also manages complex carbon fiber reinforced plastic parts along with the aluminum vacuum fixtures that hold the part during manufacturing. A single machine alone drills numerous types of parts for all sections of the aircraft and for the manufacturing process itself.

Similarly, Northrop Grumman is another aerospace defense contractor that is finding CNC machines to be the best way to achieve their goals. They have a long-standing partnership with world-class manufacturing conglomerate Siemens to use their systems and has invested a ton of money in developing new technologies for their own use. Northrop Grumman’s research has indicated that the main categories a CNC machine needs to fulfill (for defense applications) are robust machine design, machine tool repeatability, machine tool responsiveness, environmental temperature stability and stable machine foundation.

Northrop Grumman’s Hawthorne plant uses two-gantry, 5-axis Cincinnati Vertical CNC Routers with adjustable CNC fixturing to bypass build and setup costs for hard tooling. Three adjustable beds of new POGO Universal Holding Fixtures (UHFs) cut setup times by about two-thirds on trimming and hole drilling operations on more than 100 different fuselage skin parts. These systems are a crucial part of speeding up their operations and work alongside the NC machines in their arsenal.

General Atomics has also been an enthusiastic endorser of CNC machining technology (among many others) in their aircraft development. Their work with the Predator craft is one great example. It serves as an all-composite aircraft hand layed up at one of their fabrication facilities south of Rancho Bernardo, Calif., using primarily carbon/epoxy prepregs, and cured in an autoclave. The prepreg materials are cut on a computerized cutting and kitting machine and core cutting is done on a 5-axis CNC cutting machine.

Weapons Development

4-axis CNC machines were used to develop Tomahawk missiles as far back as the Gulf war. This trend has only gone deeper as the technology advances, bringing in multiple axis machines with large workspaces and volumes that can create the skin of a missile in one workflow. Aside from precision, such systems require a lot of torque so that they can mill tougher materials. Needless to say, missiles like the Tomahawk require large, heavy-duty systems which also need to work with some pretty powerful materials as these weapons often need to withstand ship travel and even submarine conditions.

To develop these, Raytheon uses a FANUC six-axis robot. This allows a single department to manufacture the entire 20-foot cruise missile on its own, with the robot doing most of the heavy lifting. As one may imagine, it is a dangerous task, so having as little manual labor is a massive benefit for the company. Using robot assembly is therefore not just cheaper, faster and more accurate, but also actively safer.

Small components for missiles and vehicles are being developed all the time using multi-axis machining technologies. Helicopter components like rotating and stationary swashplates, main and tail rotor hubs and main rotor sleeves are all being developed with CNC machines at Sikorsky’s facilities for example.

Even vehicles like the Hummer H2 use multiple components that are milled. A good example is the grill in the front, using aluminum and high-tolerance steels. These are much quicker to make and assemble thanks to the unique advantages of CNC machining.

Detection Systems & Radar Tech

Detection systems and communication devices are always necessary for defense and military facilities. As such, providing and maintaining them has always been the remit of the latest in manufacturing technologies. This is another area where CNC machining can excel when used as a bulwark for the military’s operational needs.

Radome and radar dish development requires uniquely laborious shapes and fine finishes. This is so that they can pick up very minute signals, which one would need for weapons detection systems. This often means that the CNC machined components have to be smooth and precisely curved in all the right ways.

Even aside from these detection systems, their casings are also machined and milled. Having high endurance becomes especially necessary as they often have to part of military vehicles that will either go at high speeds or need to withstand a great degree of wear and tear. Radars can consist of multiple metals and alloys, so any CNC machine handling these has to bring a fair deal of versatility to the table.

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How to prevent injection molding flash

Flash or flashing is one of the most common problems associated with injection molding, the most widely used manufacturing process for plastic parts.

Injection molding flash is when a line of excess material builds up on the outside of a molded part, typically after leaking through the parting line of the mold. A small amount of flash is normal, but too much can affect the cosmetic appearance, surface texture, and assembly of parts.

This article looks at the main strategies for preventing injection molding flash, as well as methods for removing flash (deflashing) after the molding process is finished.

What is injection molding flash?

Flash is excess plastic that forms on the surface of parts made by plastic injection molding (or similar processes like casting). In most cases, flash occurs when material escapes between two mold halves, at the parting line.

Injection molding flash can vary in severity. Molded parts will almost always display witness marks — signs of tooling features like core pins — and product designers should design parts so these marks are as inconspicuous as possible. One type of witness mark is the witness line: a line on the molded part that shows the parting line of the mold halves.

Flash can be considered a more severe case of a witness line. Flash is not only visible on the surface, it physically protrudes from it. This can cause numerous issues: the flash may be sharp, making the part dangerous to handle, or it may prevent the part from mating with other components due to its reduced dimensional accuracy.

Injection mold flash can have several causes, including:

  • Poor alignment between mold halves
  • Worn, damaged, or dirty molds
  • Poor venting
  • Unbalanced plastic flow
  • Insufficient clamping force
  • Low plastic viscosity

In general, up to 0.1 mm of flash is considered acceptable unless the part has unique needs in terms of surface flatness. It is possible to reduce flash below this amount, but the cost of tooling may increase.

Preventing flash

Preventing or minimizing flash can involve steps at both the moldmaking and molding stage. Better molds are less likely to produce flash, but proper handling of the molding process is also essential to minimize flash and other injection molding defects.

Tooling improvements

Most flash occurs at the parting line of the two mold halves, which makes the mold halves themselves obvious culprits. When the mold halves are not properly aligned and do not fit snugly together, they cannot properly close, which allows material to escape. This escaped material then solidifies as flash on the outside of the moldings.

During the toolmaking stage, the process of mold fitting is carried out to ensure that the mold halves fit together properly without gaps that can cause flash. If the mold halves are not properly aligned, it becomes very difficult to eliminate flash.

Toolmakers are also responsible for the venting of a mold. Vents in the tooling allow air to escape, which enables the molten plastic to fill the mold cavity entirely. Proper venting can also minimize flash. How? Poorly vented molds require higher injection pressures, which can end up forcing the two mold halves apart, creating a gap between them which leads to flash.

Another tooling consideration is flow paths. If some flow paths to the mold cavity are longer than others, unbalanced filling can occur, leading to discrepancies and air traps throughout the mold cavity. Unbalanced flow can also cause flash. Flow leaders and deflectors can be used to ensure balance during filling.

Of course, molds are not indestructible, and wear over time can worsen mold alignment and create gaps that lead to flash. Mold maintenance and refitting should be carried out if the two halves do not fit snugly together, in addition to regular cleaning to prevent buildup or dirt and debris that can prevent effective clamping.

The mold’s parting line placement is another important consideration during the initial moldmaking stage. Although this does not prevent flash, it can ensure that flash occurs in a location that minimizes its aesthetic and functional impact on the part.

Molding process improvements

A well fitted mold is less likely to produce flash, but the molding process itself also contains several variables that can affect the extent of flash on molded parts.

One of the most common causes of excessive flashing is insufficient clamping force. Clamping forces — typically applied via hydraulic or mechanical clamping systems — are required to keep a mold closed during injection, and they must counter the pressure of the injection itself. If the clamping force is insufficient, the mold can open slightly, allowing material to escape and flash to form. High-viscosity materials and thin-walled parts require greater clamping forces.

Uneven clamping and molding forces can lead to other issues like mold deflection, which can also lead to increased flash.

The nature of the molding material can also affect flash. Low-viscosity molten plastic is more likely to escape from the mold and cause flash because it flows more freely and can therefore seep through gaps in the parting line. Although some plastics have inherently low viscosity, the viscosity can be increased by using a lower melt temperature in the molding machine.

Removing flash

Injection molding flash cannot always be prevented prior to molding. Fortunately, it is possible to remove flash from molded parts using post-processing techniques. Removing injection molding flash from finished moldings is sometimes called deflashing. Getting rid of flash is easier on soft materials like silicone rubber but is also possible on hard plastics.

One deflashing method is to use manual tools like a knife or file. The benefit of this method is the accuracy: since a human operator is responsible for deflashing, they are able to identify what is waste material (flash) and what isn’t. It is also the most suitable approach for brittle parts that could be damaged by machine-based deflashing methods. But this process is expensive at scale, since the process must be repeated for each individual molding.

Another deflashing option is using a tool and die system. With this approach, the molding is placed within a die shaped like the final part and punched through the opening to quickly remove flash. This option is typically faster than manual trimming for very large batches, though it requires extra machinery and is still slower than batch deflashing processes.

If manual or die punch flash removal is not possible, batch deflashing processes can be employed. These processes are much faster than manual deflashing, but there is a risk that pieces of the component will be broken off accidentally.

One batch deflashing technique involves using blast media, which can remove excess material like flash from the finished moldings. A related method is tumbling, in which the moldings are put in a vibrating chamber along with non-abrasive media like ceramic beads. These techniques can rapidly remove flash from multiple parts but may not be suitable for delicate or brittle components.

Blasting and tumbling can both be assisted by cryogenic freezing of the moldings. By using a cryogen like liquid nitrogen, operators can make the flash extremely brittle, which allows it to be more easily removed via blasting or tumbling. Using cryogenic deflashing and cryogenic deburring techniques can help maintain critical tolerances and consistency between parts.

Molding with 3ERP

3ERP is a prototyping and small-batch production specialist with years of experience making injection molded parts. We offer a range of injection molding services with several finishing options to ensure high-quality parts with minimal flash.

Request a free quote today.

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Keyword: milling

Global Visions of the Future of 3D Printing from China by Gordon

A personal perspective with ten years of doing business and living in China

Gordon Styles

There is no point in me repeating information that is already widely available on the Internet and in the Wohlers Report. I went to China in 2005 with the express intention of setting up a rapid prototyping/3d printing company and have subsequently lived and worked in China for more than ten years. I therefore intend to give a very personal perspective on China’s future role in the global 3d printing market.

Star Prototype China Limited

I started my first 3d printing company, STYLES RPD, in the UK in 1993 and sold it in 2000. I started my second 3d printing company, Star Prototype, in Hong Kong/China in June 2005. With just a few thousand dollars in my pocket and a business plan under my arm I started STAR as a one-man band in a tiny bedroom in Dongguan.

The original plan was to raise venture capital, buy stereolithography machines and sell SL parts to the west, but this plan was soon scuppered when I was unable to raise venture capital. Apparently it is impossible to be successful in China if you cannot speak Chinese; have no friends in China; and no customers. I guess I have always enjoyed an impossible challenge.

Without any investment whatsoever STAR has now grown to be more than 200 people with sales of approximately EUR 13m. We have cash in the bank and are completely self-financing.

At first I tried to sell SL and SLS parts to European and American customers, but there was a clear problem with delivery times. It takes typically 2 to 3 days to deliver a 3d printed part to the west and this proved to be too long for most customers – not to mention issues with customs declaration. In addition, we found that SL and SLS machines were being loaded very inefficiently and therefore the prices in China were already higher than their western counterparts. In the end, we realized that CNC machined prototypes in ABS were substantially lower in price, even though it is apparently a far more inefficient process than SL or SLS, but the customers loved the service and to this day the majority of the prototype parts we ship to the west are CNC machined.

Some History about 3D Printing Service Bureaux in China

Since the mid-nineties the Chinese local and national governments have set up government funded 3d printing bureaux all across China with the intention of seeding a 3d printing sector. Three good examples were Shenzhen YinHua (founded in 1996, now called KaiAo; Quick in Shenzhen Bao’an; and Hansun in Xiaolan/Zhongshan (founded in 1999). Over time these Government bureaux were subject to ‘buyouts’ that have left them ostensibly privately owned. In parallel in the early 2000’s a number of Hong Kong based and owned 3d printing bureaux were set up in Hong Kong.

Although all of these companies had SL or SLS and vacuum casting capabilities, most still gained most of their revenue from CNC machined prototypes.

Eventually the HK based bureaux realized that they had to move into Guangdong to lower their cost base and get close to the emerging customers inside China. By 2005 when I did an extensive market research study in China, in preparation for building my own rapid prototyping company, the market leaders inside China were either Government owned or Hong Kong owned. Now there are a myriad of Chinese owned 3d printing companies, most of which have “sprung out” of Government, HK, Taiwanese, or other foreign owned China based bureaux. STAR alone has been the birthing ground for 9 “spring out” bureaux. The majority of 3d printing bureaux are now Chinese owned.

Exportation of 3d printing

One would imagine that China would be able to export SL/SLS models at low cost, but the exportation of stand-alone SL and SLS parts from China is almost non-existent due to five key factors:

  1. The parts are already too expensive, or at least there are no commercial savings once landed
  2. The parts are generally of a substantially lower quality and tolerance than western parts
  3. The delivery time to foreign countries is typically 2 to 3 days extra and customs can hold up parts (most exporters do not do their export documentation in accordance with Chinese and destination laws and this causes hold ups)
  4. The materials are often found to be fake, low quality, or degraded (often not post cured in the case of SL parts)
  5. CNC machined ABS prototypes are still cheaper than SL/SLS

Over the last five years we have noticed the emergence of Chinese owned 3d printing bureaux that mostly use locally produced SL and SLS machines. These companies are engaged in a vicious race to the bottom on pricing and quality. The local machines are typically one-third the price of western machines and are very similar to machines you would have seen in the late 1990’s in the west.

Image of 3D Printed parts in China

Since I first came to China to live and work in 2005, 3d printed parts sold in China have had a major image problem. They are viewed as being weak and poor quality in comparison to CNC machined ABS prototypes. Even to this day Chinese customers will insist on CNC machining rather than SL or SLS to ensure the quality and robustness of their prototypes. But critically the key reason why Chinese users have not switched from CNC to 3d printing is price. Even to this day I can buy or produce CNC machined ABS prototypes for substantially less than Chinese made 3d printed parts. How is this still possible?

Since 2005 I have noticed a general problem in the 3d printing service bureaux sector. Initially there were a number of grants available for large 3d printing machines, and in addition a number of Government owned machines were spirited away from their original location to other locations. This led to the cardboard cutout SL and SLS machines. I have seen a number of these. One would visit a bureau and they would claim to own a large frame 3d printer. You would be shown a room from the outside that had darkened glass and curtains on the inside. You could just catch a glimpse of a machine at the back of a dimly lit room. As an expert in the field I could immediately see that the machine was a cardboard replica. Of course our hosts would disagree. One time I got a look at one up close by just walking into the room when I was unaccompanied.

Also, some bureaux would buy a machine and find that they just couldn’t get enough work for it and when it came time to replace the laser they would opt to buy two CNC milling machines instead of one laser. To keep the grant aid they would need to demonstrate to the Government that the machine was still in working order. To do this they would fill the vat with a ‘fake’ liquid, a half built model on a plate, and do a laser show with a cheap ‘display laser’. I caught two suppliers doing this. One of those companies tried to sell me SL parts that had clearly been CNC machined out of ABS and sanded. The supplier fast retracted his claims when I told him that I had owned four SL machines of my own.

Even today the selection of a 3d printing company in China is fraught with problems:

  1. The machines are rarely maintained, assuming that the company concerned even owns the machine
  2. Parts are often built on locally made machines even when it is claimed that a western machine is being used, but even so,
  3. Most machines are rarely if ever calibrated
  4. Vat heaters are often burned out and not replaced. Not too great a problem in the heat of the summer, but in winter the resin is unusable
  5. The processing software for orientation and supports is almost always fake, which leads to scrambled data. Even when I have requested proof of legal ownership I will be handed fake documents. Local support software is either a copy of western software or extremely basic.
  6. The resin is almost always a fake local material if a branded material is claimed (this must be differentiated from a genuine local material sold as such – note that SL resins are not difficult to produce if the recipe is known)
  7. The Post Curing Apparatus (PCA) tubes are rarely replaced until they blow. The UV spectrum that cures SL resins will die out long before the lamp stops shining in the visible spectrum.

Even after ten years in China, and being a large purchaser of SL and SLS parts, I have only found one bureau that sticks to my rules. We guard that asset carefully. If you’re going to buy parts in China, you’d better keep very close to your supplier.

China going Global: The Values Mismatch?

I have worked in China for ten years and for much of that time I simply could not figure out why I had such an incongruent feeling when dealing with Chinese businesspeople and suppliers. Anyone who has worked in China knows that feeling. There was clearly a major mismatch between how Europeans and Americans do business and how the Chinese do. I am not in anyway claiming that one model of the world is better than the other, I am merely pointing out that there is a mismatch.

Recently I learned about the Clare Graves spiral system of values levels (see appendix 1) and had an epiphany. Just as individuals progress through the various values levels from birth to death, so countries have a values level mean. China’s mean is values level 3. The Chinese society is spread across values levels 2, 3, and 4 (with an emerging 5). But most western countries are spread across values levels 3, 4 and 5 (with an emerging 6). Business people going to China are strongly values level 5 business people, whereas Chinese businesspeople are mostly values level 3. (I must state that no level is better than any other level. If you live in a values level 3 environment, you had better get good at being values level 3 or you will probably not survive.) Much of what China is criticized for in business is related to this values level mismatch.

When operating a business in the UK I was solidly a values level 5 businessperson; but now operating in China I have had to adopt certain values level 3 principles so that I can operate effectively in China. For my customers I am values level 4 (operation of factory) and 5 (my entrepreneurial spirit), but in the factory I am VL3 (dealing with the employees on a day to day basis) and VL4 (the operation of the factory and disciplinary framework for VL3’s). Get with the values level that is appropriate or be eaten alive, and that goes for any environment on earth.

In terms of the 3d printing industry of China expanding out to the rest of the world the Chinese will face this values level mismatch problem most everywhere they will go.

China’s Global 3D Printing Advance

Will Chinese 3d printing machines flood the world market? I doubt that will happen for at least another ten years, patent issues not withstanding. The customer service ethos, language skills, and quality is simply not there yet. In 2005 I predicted incorrectly that the Chinese would switch very suddenly from CNC machining of prototypes to 3d printing. The switch had happened in the early and mid-nineties in American and Europe, and when it happened it was very sudden. (Between 1993, when I bought my first SLA-250, and 1995, the UK saw almost the entire CNC model-milling industry die. In the last ten years there has been a resurgence of CNC based prototyping, but it is still a niche market.) I expected the transition in China to have completed its transition by 2010, but even now in 2015 the switch is still happening, and it is very slow.

Government Investment – The Golden Shovel

The Chinese Government is reputed to be ploughing USD 1bn into 3d printing across academia, state-owned-enterprises, and private business; but recently the system of tax breaks for “highly encouraged industries” was abandoned completely. In fact, the entire system of categorizing companies and sectors as “discouraged; encouraged; and highly encouraged” was abandoned early in 2015. One can imagine this is due to economic growth pressures.

It is evident from my own experience with the local schools in China that they are all buying 3d printers. Children of friends of mine have shown me their 3d printed FDM parts. One kid in uniform walked passed a café I was sitting in recently carrying a 3d printer away from the school. The Government plan is to put a 3d printer into every one of their 400,000 elementary schools. That alone could be an investment of around USD 400m; although I imagine the cost of producing the tiny FDM style machines is collapsing as we speak.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) is currently writing a plan called “The country’s additive manufacturing industry promotion plan for 2015-2016”. The top echelons of the Chinese Government are taking 3d printing very seriously. The industry is already breaking many boundaries with the printing of the largest metal parts for aerospace; the largest 3d printed buildings; and the cheapest printers on earth.

The intent exists to dominate the 3d printing space globally. My feeling is that the Chinese will utterly dominate the space eventually, but it will take decades to achieve. My guess is that they will start by carving out unusual niches such as low cost house building into the Middle East.

The Tsunami of VL5 Business People from China

One key thing must change before China can dominate business in the world: Chinese society must transition fully from a mean values level of 3 to a values level of 4. Do not underestimate this effect. This is the effect that, my humble opinion, the US Government does not appreciate. Once the Chinese reach a mean of values level 4, similar to other developed countries, it will mean that they have an emerging business class that is predominantly values level 5, and that is when they will utterly dominate business on planet earth. Any country that ignores this key transitional issue will be caught with their pants down. The days of the obvious values level mismatches in deals such as Alibaba/Yahoo, and WaHaHa/Danone, that went so disastrously wrong, will be a thing of the past and Chinese values level 5 businesspeople will dominate global business.


In summary I believe that the Chinese will come to utterly dominate the 3d printing space, but I think it will take decades to achieve, maybe a whole generation. As the Chinese say – man man lai 慢慢来 – which would be the equivalent of ‘slowly slowly catchy monkey’ in English. Frankly you could map this approach on to the entire ‘emerging China’ issue.

My first employee and former business partner James Li explained to me that the ‘way’ of the Chinese is to be humble and hide your power as it grows. If your house grows taller, build taller walls. One day your power becomes so apparent that all around you merely defer to you in awe and will not challenge you. If you ever use your power in an aggressive manner, you allow your enemy (and he means your competition) to assess you and learn how to destroy you. This is the traditional Chinese approach to everything. The good news is that the Chinese hate to use their power and prefer to negotiate a peaceful outcome. In a multipolar world this might be refreshing.

One of China’s key strengths is that the Government acts as the largest venture capitalist on Earth funding anything that looks promising with sums of money that make most global investors blush. Western Governments need to take note if they expect their domestic manufacturers to compete with this approach.

To suggest in the 1960’s or 1970’s that one day the Japanese would make a quality product in any engineering field would have been considered ludicrous to all but a few western engineers in the know; and yet today they are mentioned in the same breath as Germany and Switzerland when choosing a high-tech CNC machine tool. So it will come to pass in a few short decades that Chinese products will be given high status.

Appendix 1 – Clare Graves Values Levels Summary

Note: There is no values level that is better than any other values level. They are all contextual. If you are thrown into a forest with just your close family with no hope of finding civilization, you had better learn to operate at Values Level 1 or die.

All modern humans operate across multiple values levels depending upon environment and context. For example I was tested and my values levels were:

VL1 – closed out

VL2 – closed out

VL3 – moderate

VL4 – above moderate

VL5 – high

VL6 – moderate and still emerging

VL7 – emerging

VL8 – not reached

My mean could be seen as VL5, but able to operate across 3, 4, 5, and 6 seamlessly. Most people are having a narrower bandwidth than me. Working in China has required me to re-open VL3 to survive in China.

[The notes below are my personal observations and from work by Adrianna James of The Tad James Company. I am a certified NLP Master Practitioner – the study of Clare Graves’ spiral values levels is now adopted as part of the NLP Master Practitioner course. These notes are for guidance only.]

Values Level 1 – Survival

Basic survival in small bands; hunting gathering; instinctive; uses deep brain programs; distinct self is barely awakened; lives much as other animals; minimal impact on environment; concerns about finding food, shelter, and mating are dominant.

Emerged 100,000 years ago, is merely 0.1% of modern global adult population and has about 0% of power. (Percentages add up to 111.2% and 107% respectively in source data for all currently defined 8 values levels, and act only as a guide.)

In the context of a modern human this level is observed in babies and toddlers. In most cultures this is only observed in tramps, long-term homeless and long-term sick.

Values Level 2 – A Clannish “Us”

Small village mentality; magical enchanted village; obey the desires of mystical spirits; allegiance to elders, custom and clan; preservation of sacred places, objects and rituals; bond together to endure and find safety; seek humanity with natures power; shamanism; sacrificing beings to the spirits; dead ancestor worship. Hunting and gathering made more efficient through specialization in the tribe.

Emerged about 50,000 years ago, represents about 10% of global adult population today, and holds about 1% of power.

In the context of a modern human this level is observed from being a small child until puberty.

In the context of China, many people who grew up in villages carry these values quite strongly, hence the strong adherence to the rituals of Chinese New Year and other festivals. (Remember: there is no right or wrong – there just “is”.)

Values Level 3 – My Powerful “Self”

Every man for himself; dog eat dog world; kill the competition – literally in some cases; rebelling against level 2 values; expression of self, but to hell with others; escape domination by others or nature; avoid shame, feel no guilt, fight to get respect; gratify impulses & senses immediately; fight to gain control at any cost; not constrained by consequences; low self-esteem.

Emerged about 10,000 years ago, represents about 20% of global adult population today, and holds about 5% of power.

In the context of the modern human this is often observed around puberty. Teenagers rebelling against family control. If a level 3 does not transition to level 4 they are often seen as adults who believe that life/the government/the world owes them something and believe that welfare is their right. Nothing is ever their fault, and the world is against them. Most gangs start with VL3, but usually transition to VL4 to control the gang members.

In the context of China: many Chinese business people operate on values level 3. It can take decades in business for them to transition through level 4 to level 5, but transitioning they are.

Values Level 4 – A Righteous “Us”

Obedience and deference to a book or a system of rules. The book can be religious, business, or legal in nature. Sacrifice self to the betterment of the majority. Monotheistic religions are defined by level 4 values.  My reward is in heaven or later in life. Reverence to a higher authority. Seek to find meaning and purpose in life; sacrifice self to the truth; bringing of order; stability and future reward; control of impulsivity through guilt; enforce principles of rightful living; divine plans put people in the proper places. All of the ‘isms’ of capitalism, communism, socialism reside here. Democracy; benevolence; autocracy; moralistic; prescriptive; resistance to change; the rules are black and white and must be obeyed.

Emerged about 5,000 years ago, represents about 40% of the world’s modern adult population, and holds about 30% of power.

In the context of modern humans this is seen when people finally accept the rules of the higher authority, whatever or whomever that may be. These people are considered to make the best employees and are very loyal. These people are widely considered to be the backbone of “society” and the workforce. When governments talk of “hard working families” they are referring to VL4 led families.

The very nature of the Communist Party is values level 4, as is that of most governments and bureaucracies around the world. The challenge for the Chinese Government over the last half century has been to govern and develop a predominantly VL2 country as it transitioned through VL3 and VL4, and endeavor to engender a VL5 entrepreneurial business and innovation spirit amongst its business leaders.

Values Level 5 – My Strategic “Self”

If it ain’t broke – then break it and make it even better; strive for autonomy and independence; seek out the good life and abundance; bring about progress through the best solutions; enhance living for the many through technology; play to win and enjoy competition; learn through tried and true experience; entrepreneurial spirit; the power of ideas; it’s just business; the ends justify the means; invention. What is the point of God?; atheism emerges.

Emerged around 300 years ago, represents about 30% of modern adults, and hold about 50% of power.

In the context of modern humans this is the business, innovation, and entrepreneurial values level. Most business people in developed economies are VL5 business people.

In the context of China, there are a relatively small number of VL5 business people today – most are doing VL3 business. They are happy to compete, treat their workers very well, and look to long-term success by delivering good quality and service. This is the emerging business class of China that the rest of the world needs to take notice of. It may be a small minority today, but within a generation it will be the norm.

Values Level 6 – Our Communitarian “Us”

Liberate humans from greed and dogma; care for the holistic environment; explore the inner being of self/others; promote a sense of community and unity; share society’s resources among all; reach decisions through consensus; refresh spirituality and bring harmony; softness; tasteful wealth; sensitivity; respectability; personality; social class distinctions unclear; rule by the majority (but not democracy in the current context); do anything not to be rejected.

Emerged around 150 years ago; represents about10% of the modern world population, and holds about 15% of power.

This is seen as the environmental, green, hippy values system. That said, most people that appear to be VL6 (particularly the hippies of the 60’s) are in fact VL4 reaching out to VL6. This is referred to as a 6 inside of 4 effect.

Vales Level 7 and 8 not relevant to this discussion – see below.

Images below downloaded from the web, credits reside within the images.

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Lehvoss Group: Expansion of the compounding technical center

Another compounding plant for the development of high-performance compounds went into operation.

After extensive construction work in its innovation center, the Lehvoss Group has put another compounding plant into operation at its Hamburg location. The twin-screw extruder used was tailored to the requirements by the manufacturer Krauss Maffei Extrusion GmbH. For the development of innovative plastic compounds, recyclates, concentrates, additives and hotmelts, the high-temperature plant is equipped with various side extruders and dosing. A wide range of raw materials such as granulates, fibers, flakes, powder and liquids can be metered. Newly developed screws with a special design for an adapted and optimized melt preparation are also used.
“I’m proud to now have such a future-proof system with the latest technology in our technical center. This enables us to drive innovations even better and faster, and our customers receive samples and results in an even shorter time. The first customer projects and advance developments are already waiting to be implemented,” says Dr. Linda Trosse, Head of Process Engineering Development, Lehmann & Voss.

Tips for Writing Presentation Slides

g-protein-coupled receptor inhibitors

Not many school kids are comfortable when teachers ask them to prepare presentations. It’s such a daunting task that students just do whatever they can to avoid making them. Unfortunately, quite a number of adults still think writing a presentation as something too mentally taxing.

When it’s been hours since you fired up Microsoft PowerPoint and you find yourself staring and blanks, you need help. Here are the top 5 things you need to keep in mind when preparing any presentation

Tips for Writing Presentations

#1. Always have an introduction, main message, and conclusion

The basic element grouping for essays still applies to presentations. You can’t just jump into the main message without giving the audience any kind of context or background information. You’ll end up with too many interruptions and questions later on.

Use the first slide to introduce the outline of the things you’re about to cover. Be sure to put the conclusion at the end to sum up the major points and concepts that the audience should pick up.

Both the intro and conclusion should only take one slide. If you can’t put everything in a single slide, that’s alright. Some presentations are longer than others, so if you really have to, spread them into two slides.

#2. Put one idea per slide

As you move from one slide to the next, you’ll realize that putting only one idea per slide makes the transition from one slide to the next seems fluid. You are explaining your ideas one bit at a time and it is easier for the audience to grasp them. The audience knows that when you move to the next slide, you’re going to introduce the next concept or major point.

#3. Keep the text sparse and short

Although the basic elements of a presentation are similar to an essay, you should never plaster every slide with text. Writing a wall of text is one of the most common mistakes people make when making presentations.

Whenever possible, dedicate at most 25% of the available space for text. The more text you put on each slide will only make the presentation looks cluttered.

At the same time, be sure to use short sentences. Bullet points work very well for this because you don’t even need to write complete sentences.

#4. Focus on visuals

Since text only occupies a small portion of each slide, you can fill the rest with visual elements.

Visual elements are integral parts of a good presentation. Charts and graphs are excellent tools to simplify a long-winding explanation. It’s so much easier to understand complex data when you’re using images instead of words.

#5. Prepare a note

Since you’re keeping the slides nice and clean, you should prepare a note. It’s like a cheat sheet that you can peek once in a while as you’re explaining the main concepts you put on the slides. After all, not everyone is blessed with excellent an memory. If you need a note, make one.

OK, so those are our simple tips on writing presentations. Just remember that you should prepare the presentation way before you need to present them. Use the extra time to clear your mind so when it’s time to proofread and edit the slides, you can see them with fresh eyes.

If you need help with the proofreading, just copy all the text and paste it on the online spelling checker. It can save you plenty of time when trying to find spelling and grammar mistakes.

Qtm10-30 Small Business Mobile Concrete Blocks Making Machine in

Green tea bag packing machine

Product Description

1. QTM10-15 egg laying block machine: Large mobile brick machine Some other main features:

(a). the largest mobile machine in China; (b). can produce hollow and solid block; (c). with a HZC25 concrete mixing plant, block and concrete can be the two main products for your fortune;(d).with mobile concrete mixer you can take the production line to your construction pot or be a lessor for your customer.
2. QTM10-15 egg laying block machine: Advanced techniques made the host machine designed reasonably and
achieved box vibration, hydraulic stripping, omni-directional automatically movement.QMT10-15 egg laying block
machine works faster because of automatically feeding system. High quality of steel and precision welding made the
machine a longer service life and hydraulic system made less fault during work.
3. QTM10-15 egg laying block machine: This kind of brick machine is manufactured on the base of technical
modifications to the original block shaping machines, that is changing the former one-time-vibration into
twice-vibrations of molding core. This model of machine can be suitable to the customers who have any kinds of
existing cement working sites.
4. Hydraulic pressure
5. No need pallet

Overall Dimension


Molding Cycle


Moulding Size


Machine Weight


Total Power



400*200*200mm hollow block : 1200-1440pcs per hour

Rated Pressure


Product Advantages

Company Profile

QINGDAO HF MACHINERY CO.,LTD is the professional manufacturer and exporter for block machine technology. Our factory has three manufacturing bases that cover an area of 500 acresand a plant construction area of 100,000 square meters.

We are always developing advanced products to international standards to meet consumer demands. We cooperate with SIEMENS for Motors and PLC intelligent control system, YUKEN for the hydraulic operations to insure our machines have the highest quality standrads with a stable working status.

We have more than 50 technician to ensure superior installations and after sale service to assist customer to install the machine and perfrom the proper training abroad.

We warmly welcome clients from all over the world to visit our factory.

Our Customer

Why Choose Us




這篇文章探討了解決漏水問題的最佳方法與技巧,特別是在頂樓防水方面的重要性不容忽視。 歸納要點:

  • 使用綠色建材與循環經濟的防水材料,如植物性樹脂和再生橡膠,能有效延長防水層壽命並符合環保需求。
  • 智慧型防水系統透過感測器監控屋頂狀況,即時偵測漏水風險,實現預警及智慧化維護,減少損失。
  • 針對不同屋頂材質提供專業的防水方案評估,包括高科技自癒合塗料及高壓噴塗技術,提高防水效果。









  • 頂樓漏水是需要重做防水層的信號,常見的徵兆包括天花板上的水漬與水痕。
  • 屋頂破損、地面和牆面結構不佳以及排水系統問題都可能導致漏水。
  • 為了解決漏水問題,需要清除舊防水層,並更新相關設施如管線和衛浴設備。
  • 透過提前預防,可以減少因反覆修補而產生的費用,降低壁癌風險。
  • 社區內若有住戶提議進行防水工程,應共同討論選擇廠商及分攤費用。
  • 如果屋頂漏水情況嚴重,建議找專業師傅進行全面檢查與修繕。



解決方案 優點 缺點 適合情況 重做防水層 提供長期保護,減少漏水風險 成本較高,需要專業施工 屋頂漏水嚴重,且老舊建築 修補現有防水層 相對經濟,快速解決問題 可能無法根本解決問題,需定期維護 初期小範圍漏水或小裂縫 檢查排水系統 可避免因阻塞引起的二次損害,提高排水效率 如果結構不佳仍需其他修繕措施 屋頂排水不暢通時 更新管線與衛浴設備 改善整體使用環境,有助延長設施壽命 需要時間和人力,影響日常使用 老舊設施需要更換時 社區合作進行防水工程 分擔費用,共同提高整體居住品質 協調困難,可能存在意見分歧 社區內多戶面臨類似問題



Keyword: 室內設計

Tiger Infrastructure Partners acquires International Aerospace Coatings

Tiger Infrastructure Partners, a middle market growth infrastructure investor, has announced the acquisition of International Aerospace Coatings (“IAC”), a market-leading aviation services provider headquartered in Shannon, Ireland and Irvine, California.

IAC utilises 18 hangars strategically located at seven airports and two customer sites in the United States and Europe to provide essential services to a diverse and durable customer base in the global aviation industry, including aircraft manufacturers, commercial airlines, aircraft leasing companies, air cargo carriers and governments. IAC’s core business involves aircraft painting, aviation technical services, aircraft interior refurbishment and aircraft graphic solutions.

“Aim to open new facilities”

“We are excited to partner with Tiger for IAC’s next chapter of growth,” said Martin O’Connell, CEO of IAC.  “We expect a combination of aviation industry tailwinds to drive demand growth for aircraft painting, and in partnership with Tiger, we aim to open new facilities and expand our capacity substantially in the years to come.  By 2027, we anticipate the industry will have a significant shortfall in serving capacity versus annual demand.” 

New podcast episode: The last year in review

In the latest episode of the European Coatings Podcast, we speak about how the past year has been for the paints and coatings industry and the results of our annual survey.

2021 has already been the second year in the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite these adverse circumstances, the year has been relatively good for the coatings industry, as our traditional annual survey with industry decision-makers in the European Coatings Journal shows.

However, high prices and shortages of key raw materials are worse than ever. Our editors Damir Gagro and Vanessa Bauersachs talk about the shortage of raw materials and other results of our annual survey in our latest podcast episode.


Speaking:  Damir Gagro, Vanessa Bauersachs / Production: Sarina Lux


This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Soundcloud and many other players of your choice. All recent episodes can be found on our overview page.

Remark: This podcast is sponsored by MÜNZING.

Keyword: HE 5000