FBI Reveals Record Number Of Illegal Aliens Barred From Buying Guns

The FBI released its list of those prohibited from gun purchases in 2018, with illegal aliens topping the list by a landslide.

A new report from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System breaks down the number of people blocked from buying guns in 2018. At 7,836,600, the “illegal/unlawful alien” category ranked at the top, beating the second category by nearly 2 million. The “adjudicated mental health” category came in second place with 7,836,600, and convicted criminals rounded the top three with 3,833,213.

The active records of those barred from gun purchases have increased over the years.

The numbers also highlight the escalating fight over illegal immigration. The federal government is currently under a “shutdown” because President Donald Trump and congressional Democrats are at odds over funding for a proposed wall on the country’s southern border with Mexico.

“We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall & also change the ridiculous immigration laws that our Country is saddled with,” Trump tweeted Friday. “Hard to believe there was a Congress & President who would approve!”

The murder of a California police officer on Wednesday by an undocumented immigrant also highlights the personal tragedy associated with illegal alien-related crime. Officer Ronil Singh, 33, was shot and killed at a traffic stop by an illegal alien. Singh leaves behind a wife and baby boy.

“He’ll never see his son walk. He doesn’t get to hold that little boy, hug his wife, say ‘good night’ anymore because a coward took his life,” Newman, California, Police Chief Randy Richardson, choking back tears, said to reporters Thursday.

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