Geraldo Rivera Visibly Shaking After Exploding At Fox Co-Host Over Benghazi

Geraldo Rivera continues his allegations that anyone claiming the Obama Administration could have mounted a rescue at Benghazi “is just preposterous!”  Geraldo appearing on Fox and Friends Friday morning, seems to have adopted the Left’s talking points, screaming at Co-Host Eric Bolling

“You are a politician looking to make a political point!” he added after Bolling challenged him, later repeating the point: “You are misleading the American people because you want to make a political point.”

Poor Geraldo, what is known is that Geraldo has always “leaned forward” championing this Regime’s talking points.  At one point,  he even goes after Charles Woods, Ty Woods’ Dad.  Pointing his finger and pontificating that Mr. Woods is being led down this path of misinformation, and declaring  how unfair it was to blame Obama for going to Las Vegas instead of saving Ty Woods was a “disgrace” according to Geraldo.   No Geraldo, what is a disgrace is for a journalist, who through his career has done his share of exploiting stories, is allowing his personal “leanings” to blind him”?  Stonewalling the American people is the disgrace, as Gretchen Carlson points out.

After we killed Bin Laden, the Obama Administration had no problem leaking out ALL the information just days after that event.  So what gives here Geraldo?   As for Geraldo’s claim that “he has consulted with four star Generals, and other military personnel and nothing could have been done to rescue those in Libya” —I’d like to point Geraldo to   Geraldo using the “Raid on Entebbe”, (in which a plane was hijacked by terrorists, kidnapping the Israeli passengers, and holding them in Uganda) as a comparison is pure hogwash!  Were the passengers being actively killed, and the LIVE feed being watched by the Israeli PM?  OF course not, Geraldo!  Geraldo stating it took the Israelis “seven days” to mount a rescue, is correct.   However, one of the big glaring differences Geraldo, is that Benghazi was an attack, not a hijacking, Benghazi was a battle happening in real time, not a hostage taking!  Thanks for trying Geraldo, but we get how the Left uses its talking points to confuse.

Let’s not indulge in fairy tales Geraldo,  your anger proves you are very invested and upset over the facts that your guy, Barack Obama, left men to die, facts you aren’t able to personally face yet.

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