In this installment of the FAIRTAX series I want to cover the “pre-bate” provision of the plan. The “pre-bate” is a provision designed to help with the basic necessities of life, to essentially “un-tax” food, medicine, utility costs, clothing, etc. up to the poverty level. It is not designed to help the “rich” buy new cars for their 16 year old as a birthday present, a new plasma TV, or that new boat or other play toy they might want. It is also not designed to allow that “poor” family to buy a plasma TV, or to buy their kids a video game. This means that the basic necessities of life will be tax-free for everyone. The basic necessities of life being tax-free, however, does leave money to help buy these other things if desired, as the decision on how the extra money is spent is up to the members of the particular household. Once again we see the playing field leveled, more money in the hands of We the People, and everyone being treated equally, “equality under the law” I think the Constitution calls it.
Poverty level spending is defined as the amount of money necessary for a given sized household to buy the essential needs of life as determined each year by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The amount of the “pre-bate” will differ depending on the number of people in the household, not on how much income is present. I constantly hear about “fairness” from the politicians, but fairness is not really a factor in today’s tax structure. People “paying their fair share of taxes” is a class warfare tactic designed by the political class to divide and conquer We the People, not a tactic designed for actual fairness. Are those paying no income taxes paying their “fair share”? Not in my book, and I am not one of the “rich”.
One benefit of the FAIRTAX pre-bate is that it must be applied for every year. I can’t imagine Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or other ultra-rich people applying for the Pre-bate so they aren’t likely to benefit. I can only imagine the flack these ultra rich would catch if they applied for something meant to help the least of us in America. The Pre-bate will also only go to those legally residing in the United States. It is designed to reward citizens, and those here legally with the proper work permits and authorization to be a part of our society. Those who work for money under the table pay no taxes now but will pay taxes when they spend their illegally earned wages under the FAIRTAX. They will not be able to participate in the Pre-bate as it is a provision designed to bring wage earners out of the shadows if they want to participate. I find this part rather insignificant compared to the fact that these people will actually be contributing to our tax structure through their purchases as the FAIRTAX will do. They already pay no income taxes and no Social Security or Medicare taxes as those of us legally employed are subjected to. Having the pre-bate will require those working under the table to come out into the light if they desire to benefit from the pre-bate provision.
As a household of 2, my wife and I will not benefit as much from the pre-bate as those who have larger families. It will benefit my children and grandchildren as the money taken off of the cost of the basic necessities of life will provide more money for food, utilities, and the other necessities. When they take the amount of taxes off the price of food, for instance, they can buy more food instead of paying federal taxes with that money. I am looking at the best option for the people of America and I find this to be a very fair and sensible way to implement that goal.
This is the final installment of the “nuts and bolts” of the FAIRTAX. My final installment will cover an overview of what you have seen so far and my conclusions as to the benefits of the FAIRTAX.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell Claremore, Oklahoma November 25, 2011