Velasquez reveals phone call conversation with UFC’s Dana White prior to signing with WWE

After the Crown Jewel press conference on Friday in Las Vegas, WWE’s newest Superstar Cain Velasquez talked to various members of the press regarding his new journey with WWE.
The former two-time UFC Heavyweight champion told that before he signed the contract with WWE, he called UFC President Dana White again to talk to him about what he’s doing and what he’s about to do
“We ended up talking on the phone,” Velasquez said. “He just supported me 100%. It was just a good, respectful talk that we had. He thanked me for everything that I did. I thanked him and the company for everything that they did. He just gave me his full blessing. He said, ‘This is awesome, what you’re doing. Go ahead, you have my full consent to go ahead and do what you want to do.’”
Velasquez is now getting ready for his first WWE match against Brock Lesnar, a match for the WWE title at the upcoming Crown Jewel pay-per-view in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Cain also got himself out of the UFC USADA drug testing pool as his MMA career comes to a close, at least for the time being. “As of right now, the chapter is closed on my MMA career,” he continued. “I’m focusing on the task at hand with the WWE. I love this sport. I’ve rebirthed myself into reliving it and loving it again. I’m all in on doing this. I’m diving deep into doing this, and this is what I’m doing for right now.”Click Here:

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