11 Ways to Stay Active in the Winter Months

Below freezing temperatures and snow-covered roads can make the decision to stay cuddled up inside tempting. Don’t let the winter weather get you in a rut.



7. Join a gym. A gym membership will give you a place to go when you can’t get your exercise in anywhere else. It’s an easy way to get a full workout, since gyms have a wide range of equipment that wouldn’t fit in your home.

8. Take the stairs. Not ready to join a gym? Start with something a little less intimidating. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator can help you burn a few extra calories and will build cardio stamina over time.

9. Join an indoor sports league. Just because winter starts doesn’t mean team sports stop. Check your local gym or community center for indoor sports leagues like soccer, tennis or basketball.

10. Use free weights or resistance bands. Don’t want to leave the comfort of your house? There’s plenty of equipment you can use at home to break a sweat. You can get a full-body workout with resistance bands or free weights, and they don’t take up much room.

11. Watch online workout videos. Even without weights and bands, online workout videos can get you into shape in your own living room. Whether it’s cardio, yoga, Pilates or strength training, there are dozens of options available to find the workout that’s right for you.

As the seasons change, your options for staying active do too.

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