Daivari Gets Repackaged, Speaking Out On TNA, Impact Rating, Kip vs. Curry Man

— On last night’s edition of TNA Impact, Mike Tenay said Daivari is now going under his royal Arabic name, Sheik Abdul Bashir. A promo video followed with the former Daivari in an expensive suit. He talked about how he came to the United States to live the American Dream, but whenever people see him, they just want to pat him down for bombs. He called America the most slanted society on the planet, and said that due to his success, he’s “more American than you.”

— Daivari will be appearing on The Pain Clinic radio show this Saturday at 10 a.m. He will be talking about his recent move to TNA and more. You can listen to his interview at FeelThePain.net. Rich Jones sent in the following… The man known as Daivari (now Sheik Abdul Bashir in TNA) will be joining the Pain Clinic this Saturday July 26th at 10am on Hot Talk 1280 WHTK in Rochester and www.whtk.com ‘live’ on the internet. We will talk about his recent signing with TNA and his name change as well as stories from his time in the WWE and being the mouth piece of the Great Khali and Muhammad Hussan. Check it out this Saturday at 10am eastern on the Pain Clinic!

— Last night’s edition of Impact drew a solid 1.1 cable rating, reports PWInsider.com. This is the same number as last week.

— TNA has put up a video of a match between Kip James and Curry Man, which was originally taped for TNA Xplosion at last week’s Impact tapings. However, the catch is you have to watch it be broadcasted in Spanish as a part of their TNA Today En Español Con Willie Urbina show. You can see the match at this link.

See pics of Sting with gray hair and without his makeup on