The following are highlights from a recent interview with Triple H from NBC Sports Radio out of Los Angeles:
On Daniel Bryan’s popularity: “I think this is a moment in time – is the torch being passed? Or, is this the moment where John Cena continues to cement himself as the face of WWE for this generation?
“I think with Daniel Bryan, there’s an honesty there. Daniel is what he is – a frumpy-looking, long-haired, bearded guy who doesn’t really apologize for how he looks, but he’s that good in the ring. Historically, when you look back at the business, when you got past the flamboyant Hogan/Macho Man Era, you had the Bret Hart technician, a lot less hype and personality and charisma (who let the in-ring speak). And there’s kind of those shifts back-and-forth… Maybe that’s what it is – I do think Daniel is the cross-over of so many of those factors that make a Superstar big. He’s got charisma, he’s got personality, he’s different, he’s his own man. He’s just Daniel Bryan. And he’s damn good and damn exciting at what he does”
On Hulk Hogan in the WWE 2K14 video game and his place in WWE history: “Hulk Hogan will forever be the face of a generation of WWE Superstars. I don’t know that there’s a more recognizable guy – there’s Rock, there’s Hogan, there’s Cena, and there’s these recognizable characters that become household names. And Hulk Hogan is one of the biggest of all-time – a true legend in our business. No matter what, he will always have that place in the WWE Universe. Always.”
Check out the complete interview below: