5 deadlines to watch on the EU-Turkey migration deal

Making the controversial EU-Turkey migration deal work was always going to be a huge logistical challenge. Now that the terror attacks in Brussels have stirred up fresh opposition, it’s a political one too.

Even before the attacks, EU leaders warned that major elements of the deal reached this month would be difficult to implement, from the mass mobilization of officials and resources needed in Greece to process arriving migrants to the ability and willingness of some countries to accept even the smallest number of asylum seekers.

Under the deal, Greek authorities detain newly arrived migrants and send them back to Turkey; in exchange, the EU agreed to resettle up to 72,000 Syrian refugees directly from Turkey and speed up financial aid to help Turkey care for the 2.7 million Syrian refugees it is hosting. Those who arrived before the deal came into force will either have to be sent back to their countries of origin, if they are illegal migrants, or have their asylum claims examined in Greece.

Already, there are signs that the deal is in trouble. Two EU officials said Turkey has been slow to enact certain terms: It has authorized no new returns of migrants under the readmission agreement with Athens and is not moving forward on providing full protection to non-Syrian refugees. Officials also said it is too early to measure how well Turkey is doing in preventing additional migrants from leaving on their way to Greece.

Here are five key issues that will determine whether the deal succeeds or fails:

1. Security concerns

After the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Poland shut its doors to refugees. “I say very clearly that I see no possibility at this time of immigrants coming to Poland,” Prime Minister Beata Szydło said Wednesday. Other countries could follow.

Diplomats fear that countries that never wanted to take part in the relocation of 160,000 refugees across Europe will use the terrorist threat as an excuse to pull out. They also say that countries could use security concerns to beef up their background checks on refugees, making the whole relocation process even slower that it is now. If any refugees are linked by investigators to the terrorist attacks it could be a further threat to the deal.

What to watch for, and when: Unless there is another terror attack, by the middle of April it should be clear if countries have grown even more reluctant to take in refugees.

2. Migrant flows

This is the major point for the EU. If migrant flows in the coming weeks continue to be high, then the deal is virtually dead.

There is a line in the joint declaration approved by EU and Turkish leaders that makes it clear: “Should the number of returns exceed the numbers provided for above, this mechanism will be discontinued.” Which means that if the number of Syrians returned to Turkey is above the 72,000 figure, the deal is breached. “It’s a way to keep pressure on the Turks to keep their borders shut,” said a diplomat.

What to watch for, and when: It will be clear by the end of April if the deal has had any impact on reducing migrant flows. Only monthly figures are reliable, officials say, and with better weather likely to make it easier for people to move, the comparison with data from spring last year will show if there had been any reduction.

Since the agreement took effect March 20, the flow of migrants has been uneven.

Last Thursday marked the first day since the crisis started that no migrants arrived in Greece, according to Greek government data, but officials say the drop was an exception mainly due to bad weather. On Friday, another 161 migrants arrived and despite warnings of forced removals, a few hundred arrivals came each day, with a peak last Monday of 1,162.

 3. Visa liberalization

This is the major point for the Turks. The deal says that visa liberalization for Turkish citizens traveling to the EU will take place at the latest in June, “provided that all benchmarks have been met.”

That’s easier said than done. Out of 72 benchmarks that Turkey must implement, Ankara has fulfilled 37. Of the remaining 35, 12 have not been fulfilled or only partially met, and work is progressing more smoothly on the remaining 23. 

It took Ankara years to implement the first 37 benchmarks, so “we don’t think that Turkey will manage to meet all the remaining benchmarks in a few weeks,” said Alexandra Stiglmayer, senior analyst at the European Stability Initiative, a think tank. “I am sure that if Turkey does not get visa liberalization the deal is off or delayed.”

What to watch for, and when: Here there’s a hard deadline. If by the end of May, Turkey hasn’t managed to meet the benchmarks, the deal is in trouble.

4. Greece’s ‘Herculean’ task

About 4,000 people are being mobilized to handle the logistics of the deal, some 2,500 of them from EU member countries, according to an estimate from the Commission.

Tribunals will have to process asylum claims and any resulting appeals quickly. Refugee identification centers, so-called hotspots, have been turned into detention centers for those migrants who are to be returned. Greece and Turkey have to swiftly enact legislative changes to make the deal fully legal.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker wasn’t just making a Greek analogy when he described it as a “Herculean task.” The return of Syrians to Turkey and their resettlement is supposed to start April 4.

What to watch for, and when: The next few weeks will show whether Athens is managing or collapsing under the refugee burden. Small protests have already taken place in some detention centers. After April 4, it will be clear if the resettlement and return of Syrians is working.

 5. Legal challenges

Many legal aspects remain to be addressed, including the issue of Greece recognizing Turkey as a safe third country, a key point for sending migrants back there. A Commission spokesman said early last week that Greece would introduce legislation soon, and in the meantime asylum requests lodged as of March 20 would not receive a decision until the new legislation is adopted.

Some humanitarian organizations suspended some of their activities on the Greek islands, complaining that registration centers were being turned into detention centers.

What to watch for, and when: If Greece does not change its laws and Turkey is still foot-dragging on granting full protection for non-Syrians, experts say, it will be another sign the deal is in trouble.

EU officials say they hope that the message that migrants will be jailed and returned would be enough to significantly discourage new arrivals by the end of April.

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