香奈儿woc发财包新旧版对比 有啥区别?

人生一定要拥有一款的香奈儿包包,woc链条包绝对算得上一个,我很早就喜欢上这款包,那时候长款钱包还是蛮流行的,chanel woc就是由钱包演变而来,钱包+链条的设计直接戳中无数女人的心,掀起了一股流行风尚。

chanel woc大家都喜欢称之为发财包,是香奈儿多少年来一直最受欢迎的款式之一,虽然现在很多品牌都推出了类型的款式,但woc的世界里,香奈儿在女人们心目中的地位永远不会动摇。

喜欢精致小包的女人一定都很精致,而她们一定会喜欢chanel woc,这款包把精致感觉做到了每个细节,设计十分经典,就像cf在口盖包的地位一样,已经成为woc链条包的经典样板款式,不仅永不过时,而且上身效果也很美。


精美经典:woc延续小香口盖包的经典设计,双C标志 菱格纹 链条肩带这些经典元素加持,尺寸设计的小巧又纤薄,加上精美的材质与手工打造,尽显精致美感,



时尚百搭:各种日常穿衣风格都能驾驭,衬衫 T桖 外套 裙子…,想怎么穿就怎么穿,一年四季全都适合,可起到点亮时尚的效果,轻轻松松搭配出时尚女人的风范。


chanel woc新旧版对比









▲新版chanel woc黑色球纹牛皮加银链肩带

虽然现在经典款woc已经推出新版了,但是依然还是能买着旧版的哦,接下来可以看看目前能买到的,chanel woc新旧版款式详细图,皮革有羊皮和球纹皮,金属有银色和金色两种搭配。

▲新版chanel woc黑色球纹牛皮加银链肩带

▲新版chanel woc黑色球纹牛皮加金链肩带

▲旧版chanel woc黑色球纹皮加金链肩带


▲旧版chanel woc黑色球纹皮加金链肩带

▲旧版chanel woc黑色羊皮加银链肩带



▲旧版chanel woc黑色羊皮加银链肩带


▲旧版chanel woc黑色羊皮加金链肩带


▲旧版chanel woc黑色羊皮加金链肩带

说了这么多新旧版chanel woc的区别,以及不同材质的优缺点,大家都知道怎么选了吗?欢迎在网页下方评论区发表你的看法。

文章关键词:香奈儿发财包、香奈儿链条钱包、chanel woc、香奈儿迷你包

Keyword: 外贸独立站

How to Create TODO Lists in Drupal? The Checklist API Module Overview

A to-do list is the primary tool of a productive person. It helps in everyday work and allows you to carry out your duties better. As it turns out, some of its elements can also be entered into the administration panel of a Drupal website.

In this article I’ll take a closer look at the Checklist API module, which provides Drupal users with an interesting implementation of a TODO list.


The first alpha release of the module was introduced in 2012 for Drupal 7. The stable version 1.0 was released several months later. To date, 12 stable versions have been created – including the newest, marked as 2.0, for Drupal 8 and 9.


Even though the Checklist API module isn’t very popular, it has become quite recognisable over the years. Currently, according to the official statistics, it’s used by over 30 thousand Drupal-based websites, 63% of which are the 7.x-1.x branch.

Module’s creators

The module is maintained by Travis Carden from Acquia, a very active member of the Drupal community. Besides him, 11 other people have also participated in the project so far. About 170 commits were created in total.

Purpose of the module

The Checklist API module is used to create lists with checkboxes. The status of the task execution is saved to the configuration or to the State API, and it can be modified using the code. Checklist API can be employed to build a to-do list, but that is only one way to use it.

In the case of the Droopler distribution, the Checklist API module was used as a mechanism supporting the update process. When automatic processes fail, we advise the user to perform the operations that aren’t checked on the list manually. There are detailed instructions and links available for them:

Checklist API is used by many tools for checking websites in terms of SEO and quality, including SEO Checklist and QA Checklist.


The module is available on the Drupal.org website. You can install it both via Composer (using the composer require drupal/linkit command) and from the .zip file available on Drupal.org.

Module’s use

After running the Checklist API module, you’ll probably be surprised by the fact that it doesn’t have any administration panel. New lists can only be created via the API. This is done using a hook – hook_checklistapi_checklist_info().

Here is an example of a hook that adds a simple to-do checklist when publishing a new website:

* Implements hook_checklistapi_checklist_info().
* Defines an example deploy checklist.
* .
function mylist_checklistapi_checklist_info() {
 $definitions = [];
 $definitions['mylist'] = [
   '#title' => t('Website deploy checklist'),
   '#path' => '/admin/config/development/website-checklist',
   '#callback' => 'mylist_checklistapi_checklist_items',
   '#description' => t('An example deploy checklist for the website.'),
   '#help' => t('<p>This is an example deploy checklist for your website, provided by the hook_checklistapi_checklist_items().</p>'),
   '#storage' => 'state',
 return $definitions;

This hook references the mylist_checklistapi_checklist_items function, which returns a multidimensional array. You divide the checklist into tabs with tasks. Each defined task can have a description and a list of links to help the user perform it:

* Implements callback_checklistapi_checklist_items() for mylist.
function mylist_checklistapi_checklist_items() {
 return [
   'tab1' => [
     '#title' => t('Drupal admin panel'),
     '#description' => t('<p>Set up the Drupal installation for PROD environment.</p>'),
     'aggregate_css_js' => [
       '#title' => t('Enable JS/CSS aggregation'),
       '#description' => t('Enable optimization of the site assets, it is crucial for page speed.'),
       'handbook_page' => [
         '#text' => t('Performance options'),
         '#url' => Url::fromUri('base://admin/config/development/performance'),
     'disable_devel' => [
       '#title' => t('Disable "devel" module'),
       'handbook_page' => [
         '#text' => t('Module list'),
         '#url' => Url::fromUri('base://admin/modules'),
   'tab2' => [
     // ...

After calling the above code, every authorised user of the website will get access to the new checklist. When they uncheck subsequent items, they’ll obtain clear information about the level of completion of tasks:

Defining the content via code has one major advantage – the ability to manipulate tasks, including automatically marking them as completed. Looking at the example above, you could write a module that will check by itself whether the CSS/JS aggregation is enabled and if the “devel” module has been uninstalled. This way, the potential user will save a lot of time.

Here’s an example of a piece of code that loads the checklist and enforces its initial state. If the “devel” module is active, the relevant checkbox will be checked automatically.

$handler = Drupal::service('module_handler');
$checklist = checklistapi_checklist_load('mylist');
$progress = [
 'tab1' => [
   'disable_devel' => $handler->moduleExists('devel'),


Checklist API is very useful for carrying out repetitive tasks, such as those you perform when publishing a new website. The module can also be used as a tool supporting security monitoring and website optimisation, performed as part of Drupal support.

With little effort, Checklist API provides plenty of possibilities and a convenient interface for non-technical users. I definitely recommend getting better acquainted with its functionalities.

How Olympic Medals Are Made

Time to read: 5 min

Image Source: Forbes. Paris Olympics medals.

Since 1904, top Olympians in the Olympic Games have been awarded gold, silver, and bronze medals. As in previous years, the Paris Olympic Games will award medals to Olympic and Paralympic competitors who reach the pinnacle of athletic achievement.

Behind this inspiring vision lies the hard work and complexity involved in creating the medals themselves. At Fictiv, our mission is to simplify sourcing for custom manufacturing projects like this, so we tapped our manufacturing experts to weigh in on the intricate process that would be involved in concepting, designing, sourcing, and manufacturing this year’s Olympic medals—all in service to the incredible heritage of the Games. 

The final results: Over 5,000 medals were produced, each 9.2mm thick, and weighing between 450 and 500 grams.

Designing the Olympic Medals

Image Source: Forbes. Close-up of the complex design of this year’s Olympic medals.

Each host city is responsible for the design and manufacture of Olympic medals. This year, the process began when the Olympics Organizing Committee collaborated with artists and designers to brainstorm motifs and themes that embody the Paris Olympics. This culminated in a design competition where artists and designers submitted their proposals and were judged by a panel that included the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The design must adhere to specific guidelines set by the IOC, that required the inclusion of the Olympic motto and the year of the Games.

Assessing Medal Manufacturability

The design would then be shared with manufacturing engineers, who offer design for manufacturability guidance (DFM). Engineers examine the design to ensure it aligns with manufacturing best practices and principles and can be manufactured. Typically this involves an effort to simplify the manufacturing process, reduce production costs, and improve product quality and consistency. But, in the case of Olympic medals, tolerances, repeatability, and aesthetics are critical to the final product, so DFM would prioritize the relevant attributes.

Each medal for the 2024 Paris Olympics contains original iron from the Eiffel Tower. The iron was cut into a hexagon, with puddled iron left in its original color, then placed in the center and embossed with the emblem of the Paris 2024 Games. From a manufacturing standpoint, this precise process requires strict adherence to tight tolerances and aesthetic guidelines. 

DFM, in this case, would ensure all of the requirements were included in the design and ready for manufacturing. Reliable, accurate DFM isn’t always easy to find, and finding the right manufacturing partner with in-depth knowledge and expertise in engineering and manufacturing of custom-made items like the medals can be extremely difficult. 

Material Sourcing & Sustainability for the Paris Olympic Medals

Increasingly, sustainability is a critical priority in manufacturing and sourcing Olympic medals. This year is no exception. The Paris Olympics medals were made with a strong focus on sustainability, ethical practices, and environmental responsibility. By using recycled materials, ensuring fair trade and conflict-free sourcing, and maintaining transparency in the supply chain, the organizing committee aimed to set a new standard for the responsible production of Olympic medals.

Sourcing complexity is intrinsic to manufacturing in a global economy. Finding responsibly sourced materials from reliable, high-quality manufacturing partners is one of the most significant challenges facing supply chain leaders today.

Prototyping the Olympic Medals

Medals are typically manufactured using casting, which often first requires a prototype with a sand cast or clay mold. This year, the medals are produced by the French National Mint. Likely  steps include selecting the appropriate molding material, applying mold release agents to the pattern to prevent sticking, and constructing the mold. The mold material would be packed around the pattern for a single-use mold, such as a sand mold. The curing/setting process would then allow the mold to set around the pattern. The time required for this process can vary depending on the material used. Demolding the final product would remove the cast or break the mold away. Post-cast processing involves finishing steps such as trimming excess material, CNC machining the strap hole, and electroplating or polishing. The Paris Olympic medals likely require all of these steps.

The quality control step is one of the most critical, as this is the process by which any defects or deviations from the design specifications are flagged. Then, continued testing is used to ensure the product meets the required standards and performance criteria. 

Olympic Medal Production Testing

Once the Olympic medal casts were ready for testing, test parts would likely have been created to test the validity of the design. A test part is often manufactured using a sand cast, 3D printed, or CNC machined format to test the fit and function of the parts. 3D printing is typically used for rapid prototyping for quick iterations and adjustments, whereas CNC machining is used for prototypes requiring high precision, like this year’s Olympic medals. 

Following a close inspection by quality engineers, the medal manufacturer would then provide the prototype to the Olympic Committee in charge of overseeing medal production. After a visual inspection of the medals and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) testing, where X-rays are utilized to confirm the composition meets the requirements using radiation, the Olympic Committee experts would offer final approval.

Olympic Medal Final Production

Once the manufacturer’s quality control team verifies the initial production, the project would then move to production, typically casting, stamping, and CNC machining. Additional advanced techniques for the medals would include engraving and embossing. Each medal would then be carefully crafted to meet high-quality durability and aesthetic standards. The final finishing steps often involve electroplating, polishing, cleaning, or a combination of these steps. 

Assembly & Shipping

After securing final inspection and quality control, including inspection to ensure the medals meet all the quality standards, the final assembly might involve further polishing. Next, ribbons are often produced using the colors and branding of the specific Olympic Games. 

Finally, the manufacturer would carefully package, label, and ship the final products to the Olympic Committee. This step involves everything from customs to documentation and logistics, to ensuring security clearance. 

Vision Meets Design & Manufacturing

The design and manufacture of the Paris Olympics medals blend artistic vision, technical expertise, and a deep respect for the Olympic Games’ tradition and values. The manufacturing process is incredibly complex, but the rewards are clear: Seeing the Olympians claim their place on the podium, medal in hand. 

Visit our website at www.fictiv.com to learn more about Fictiv and how we help companies simplify sourcing for custom manufacturing. 
Sources: Olympics.com, How It’s Made, Forbes

Keyword: ai retopology

How Hilary Duff Went from Blue Hair to Platinum Blonde

If you've ever dyed your hair any color on the ROYGBIV spectrum, you already know how hard it is to get that stuff out when you're ready for a change again. But Hilary Duff just made it look easy. On April 8, the actor revealed her new white-blonde hair, which now extends all the way down to her waist. It's an impressive feat, considering she had a pastel blue shade less than a month ago. 

"Have you noticed that I’m blonde…. and Rapunzeled???" Duff wrote in an Instagram post. "@nikkilee901 you are hair fairy goddess and I thank you for going down all my hair-ventures with me. Especially for all the tender loving care you treat my hair with when you have to undo what I make you do."

Duff's colorist, Nikki Lee from Los Angeles's Nine Zero One salon, broke down via a press release how she took the actor "from sky blue to springtime sunshine." According to Lee, it took eight hours and two rounds of a color-removing solution just to get all of the blue pigment out of Duff's hair. Then, to lighten the hair to that platinum blonde hue, she used a few different professional-grade Redken formulas. 

Instagram content

This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.

To add length to Duff's hair, extensions were a must. "Lisa Satron and I used a Great Lengths combination of tape-in and individual keratin-bonded extensions in 18-inch and 20-inch for the perfect look," Lee explains. "We mixed rooted and bronde tape-ins in the back of the head and individual keratin-tip extensions in front and sides for the most moveable effortless look."

Sadly, this isn't a transformation you could pull off easily at home or without a licensed professional — but if you're in the market for a hair-repairing product to soothe heat-damaged or color-treated hair like Duff's, there's always the In Common Common Crystal Cashmere Treatment system, the bond-repairing treatment Lee used to keep Duff's hair as healthy as possible during their lightening session. [Lee co-created the brand.]

We don't know about you, but this new look has us itching even more for a drastic springtime hair transformation ourselves. Be right back, we're off to call our colorists. 

All products featured on Allure are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

More on celebrity hair:

  • Chrissy Teigen Now Has Pink Hair, and No, It's Not a Wig
  • Everyone, Please Look at Megan Thee Stallion's Platinum Hair
  • Salma Hayek Lets Her Curls Down In Latest Makeup-Free Selfie

Now, see Martha Stewart's morning beauty routine:

Don't forget to follow Allure on Instagram and Twitter.

Sustainable superhydrophobic and self-cleaning wood via wax within Epoxy/PDMS nano-composite coatings

The stability of wood materials in harsh environments requires a durable superhydrophobic (SH) coating. In this paper, a sustainable SH coating, suitable for interior and exterior applications of wood, was produced by reinforcing with bio based carnauba-wax two matrices, i.e. Epoxy resin or polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Fluorine-free dodecyl-terminated silica nanoparticles (DDT-SiO2), prepared through a chemical procedure, have been used to increase the hydrophobicity of all coating formulations. A novel approach for the wood substrate preparation was proposed and tested. The results showed that long-term water-repellency of the SH coatings can be enhanced by solvent/ultrasonic pre-treatments, controlling the chemical and morphological characteristics of the wood substrate before coating.

The formulation containing wax exhibited a contact angle of 172° and a sliding angle <3° when applied on a clean/micro-structured wood surface subjected to solvent pre-treatments. The PDMS-based coating displayed excellent durability to water impact test, 120 cycles outdoor weathering/aging and severe environments (i.e. chemicals, ultrasonic and sea-water) than Epoxy one. While wax decreased the transparency of Epoxy-based coatings, the synergistic effect on the durability of the coating was evident. The superior characteristics of non-wetting, mechanically durable and resistance to finger-touch test of wax-PDMS-DDT-SiO2 coating were attributed to the hierarchical structure caused by carnauba-wax self-assembly and interwoven morphology. In fact, the wax helps keep the “PDMS-NPs” lotus-like structures tightly connected, producing a robust surface.

The self-cleaning test, carried out using commonly used liquids and colored water, confirmed the admirable performance of the PDMS-based coating, guaranteeing also aesthetic property. The surface treatment obtained can be considered “eco-friendly” as it is composed of vegetable carnauba-wax containing nanoparticles modified with non-fluorinated compounds.

The study has been published in Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 186, January 2024.

Ezequiel Lavezzi offered PSG contract extension

According to Di Marzio, PSG have offered Argentinian attacking midfielder Ezequiel Lavezzi a contract extension, with his current deal expiring at the end of the this season.

The Italian journalist does not believe that Lavezzi will accept because he apparently wants a change of scenery, possibly in Italy.

His agent Alejandro Mazzoni has been in touch with Juventus, meeting in Vinovo recently, with the parties set to meet again to discuss the situation in the future.

The player’s wage demands are going to be a stumbling block. Inter are interested in the player, AC Milan are monitoring the situation but seem less convinced.

Click Here: Re-KanKen Bag

Seconds – Black Square Glass Candle Jar with Black Wooden Lid 250ml

NOTE: This jar has imperfections and is not recommended for retail. These are perfect for testing your candle creations.

This is a very strong, thick glass jar and complies with ASTM 2179 AND 2147 testing methods. (Ensures glass is able to withstand heat and has no cracks or fractures)

Measurements: Height 7.9cm, Width 8.2cm.

Approximate Volume: 250ml

Finish: Black inner spray*

We recommend 4mm Cotton Wicks for this jar.

* As theses candle jars have undergone a water soluble paint finish, (rather than a solvent finish) they are more prone to scratching, so please take care when handling the jars. Washing, soaking and immersing the candle jars in soapy water will soften and deteriorate the finish. Use only a DRY – soft cloth (microfibre is best) to remove dust, prior to filling. The water soluble paint finish performs just like coloured glass during burning.

Keyword: MDC Connector

Protecting wood by thyme essential oil

Researchers have presented a method of improving the fungal decay resistance of solvent and waterborne polyurethane-coated wood by microencapsulated thyme essential oil.

Free and microencapsulated thyme essential oils (Zataria multiflora Boiss) were incorporated into solvent and waterborne polyurethane coatings separately to enhance decay resistance of the biocide free coatings. The essential oil was extracted by hydro-distillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus for 4 h.

Coated hornbeam wood

Poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) microcapsules containing thyme oil as an active ingredient were prepared through solvent evaporation method with oil in water emulsion system. Fungal resistance of the coated hornbeam wood (Carpinus betulus) against white rot fungus Coriolus versicolor CTB 863 A and brown rot fungus Coniophora puteana BAM Ebw. 15 was tested according to European EN 113 standard before and after six-cycle accelerated aging test (ASTM D1037). The results revealed that the core-shell capsules were formed properly, and their sizes were in the range of 5–50 µ.

The free essential oil was not efficient enough to improve the fungal resistance, while the microencapsulated oil enhanced the resistance even after the accelerated aging via a controlled-release mechanism as well as protected the susceptible ingredients through the shielding effect of the polymeric shell.

The study has been published in Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, Volume 19, May 2022.

Keyword: PLC Splitter


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第二步,将分页预览视图中第1页与第2 页之间的虚线向下拖动直至表格最下方,使虚线与实线相重合。







Halloween Hanfu China Cosplay Costumes Chinese Hanfu Dress

Halloween Hanfu China Cosplay Costumes Chinese Hanfu Dress Jin Dynasty Hanfu 3 Colors

The design of this Hanfu China is full of ancient charm and elegant color matching, which shows the gorgeous beauty of Chinese Hanfu dress. High-quality fabric is soft and skin-friendly, light and breathable, suitable for spring and autumn. Thermal underwear can be added in winter.

Package Included:
One Big Sleeve Coat
One Top Outside
One Top Inside
One Skirt

Size Information Unit cm (1cm=0.394inch, 1 inch=2.54cm) Dress Set Size Height Bust Weight S 152-160 Under 88 Under 45 M 158-166 85-95 Under 55 L 166-170 90-100 Under 60 XL 168-175 98-108 Under 70 Warm Tips: The size is Asian size, please choose the size according to the size chart Item Measure by hand, it could be 2cm-3cm different. All the images we list are 100% real object photos. But different computer monitor display colors differently.