Simple way to highly transparent and omniphobic coatings

A recently conducted study focuses on a facile und cheap approach to fabricate omniphobic and robust polyurethane coatings for anti-smudge applications.

A new study reports a facile approach to fabricate highly transparent omniphobic coatings only by using poly (dimethyl siloxane) as a low-surface-tension reagent incorporated into the polyurethane matrix. The resultant smooth polymer-based coating not only exhibits significant repellency to various liquids, but also has a excellent self-cleaning performance, allowing cooking oil and pump oil to slide cleanly without leaving traces.

Mechanically durable and wear-resistant

It can be easily applied onto various substrates without affecting its remarkable ink repellency, especially to impart striking anti-smudge performance to fabric. It can also effectively protect the substrate from the corrosion of chemical reagents, and it is mechanically durable and wear-resistant, which greatly enhances its practicality. As the researchers point out, it may be highly desirable because it is cheap and fluorine-free.

The study has been published in Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 179, June 2023.

Last chance saloon for Rolland Courbis at Montpellier

According to various French media outlets this morning, Montpellier manager Rolland Courbis is virtually in an untenable situation after losing to Monaco last night.

A loss to ASM is certainly nothing to be ashamed of, especially considering that Montpellier are bottom of the table with just one point, but it was the manner in which they were defeated.

Montpellier were two goals up at half-time after goals from Congré and an own goal from Carrillo.

Monaco came out in the second half and managed to over-turn the deficit, MHSC running out 3-2 losers with a penalty from Fabinho sealing their fate.

Courbis must at least avoid defeat this weekend against Lorient, or face the sack.

Click Here: 2021 Soccer Tracksuit

Pool Equipment Enclosure Ideas

If you’ve ever wanted to hide your pool pump and filter, this post is for you! A pool equipment enclosure not only keeps your backyard looking tidy, but also protects your costly pool equipment from being damaged by the sun, rain, snow, or anything else Mother Nature has to offer.

While it’s not necessary to cover and enclose pool equipment, many pool owners want a way to keep their equipment safe and their backyard pretty. And thankfully, there are endless ways to create a pool equipment enclosure, no matter your taste or budget.

Should You Enclose Your Pool Equipment?

Pool equipment — pumps, filters, pipes, etc. — are designed to be outside and withstand the elements. It’s not mandatory to enclose them or cover them, as long as they are safe from severe storms or natural disasters. That being said, they are costly, vital pieces of equipment that last longer with proper care and maintenance.

There are three main types of pool equipment enclosures: walls, boxes, and sheds. Walls are the quickest and easiest way to enclose your pool equipment. While boxes and sheds offer more equipment protection, coverage, and storage space. Let’s discuss each option further…

Pool Equipment Enclosures — Walls

The simplest way to hide your pool pump and filter is to put up a small wall or screen to block the view, and the noise from the pump.

If you are handy with wood, you can saw-up your own pool filter screen to hide the pool pump, or you can buy vinyl privacy walls at most home stores and garden centers. As a third option, hire a carpenter to take care of it all for you!

Screens to Hide Pool Equipment

Most privacy screens that you can purchase from a home improvement store are made of vinyl resin. Using pre-fab vinyl fence panels has many advantages:

  • Affordability — Most privacy screens have connected stake-like legs on the bottom that secure the screen panels into the ground for stability. Sectional and modular panels are connected with steel bolts, and can be angled into many positions.
  • Durability — Vinyl doesn’t fade in the sun or rust in the rain. This durability will keep these enclosures looking new for years. When the panels get dirty, simply spray them with a garden hose.
  • Variety — There are many types of vinyl screen panels readily available almost everywhere. You can find traditional picket-fence, or prairie-style panels, or go for colors and textures molded to look like real wood panels or bamboo sheets.

Another way to enclose your pool equipment is to make an enclosure yourself! Depending on your abilities, time, and resources, this can be a fun and creative way to give your backyard a unique look and character.


Whether it’s natural wood, stained, painted, or repurposed from another project, wood is an elegant and timeless construction material. It is easy to handle and has great longevity, especially when sealed with a water-resistant sealant.


Constructing concrete walls takes some real talent and special tools, but if you know how to create a concrete enclosure, you will have a unique and highly durable enclosure. If you choose concrete, which is porous, remember to use a sealant product.


This material has incredible variety, from small, round pebbles to long, flat blocks like flag stone, along with different colors, shapes and textures. Like concrete, creating stone walls or enclosures takes an advanced skill set, but results in a natural and classic finished product.


For ultra-modern homes, glass panels are the ideal material for pool-equipment-hiding enclosures. Depending on your budget, you could surround your entire pool with privacy glass.


Much like the ready-to-assemble vinyl panels you can buy at the big home improvement stores, vinyl is available in board-like planks. Many places also offer vinyl boards made from recycled materials, and with life-like wood grain color and texture.

Pool Equipment Enclosure — Boxes

A box offers more protection from the sun, rain, and other elements for your pool equipment than a walled enclosure. Boxes usually have hinged lids for easy access to your equipment. Obtaining proper equipment size measurements is key to building a quality box. If the box fits too snug around the perimeter of your equipment, there won’t be enough room to access the equipment for repairs or maintenance. Always add a few extra inches, or even a foot, to the width, height, and length measurements.

Pool Equipment Enclosures — Sheds

There’s one more option for the pool equipment enclosure possibilities — an equipment shed. Sheds fully protect your equipment, while also offering space to store pool toys, supplies, and chemicals.

Whether you build one from blueprints or get a DIY kit, a shed is a great way to conceal your equipment. You can store other items in the shed, including yard tools, pool toys, pool floats, and even smaller pieces of pool furniture.

Pool Equipment Enclosure — Design

  • Construct high ceilings and put in windows for proper ventilation.
  • Allow enough room for equipment repairs and services. In addition to room for pool supplies, furniture, and maintenance equipment storage.
  • Chlorine chemicals, even in tightly sealed buckets, will rust metal on pumps, filters and heaters.
  • Heaters or heat pumps cannot be enclosed. Pool heaters need proper air supply and exhaust venting. If enclosed around the sides, be sure the top is open to clear sky, or follow manufacturer instructions for proper venting.

Depending on your budget, the choices of ways to hide your pool equipment is endless. From simple and affordable, to lavish and costly, research and discover what works for you and your yard. Be sure to plant, build, or install something compatible with your regional climate, as well as your style and taste.

We hope you enjoyed this look at pool equipment enclosures. From a simple 2-wall wood enclosure to custom pool cabanas, there are plenty of ways to hide your pool pump!

What are the advantages of 99% alumina ceramic bulletproof plate

Alumina ceramic is a kind of high hardness, high wear resistant material, according to the different Al2O3 content, it can be divided into 99% alumina ceramic, 95% alumina ceramic, 96% alumina ceramic, 92% alumina ceramic and so on. The main characteristics are high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, wear resistance and impact resistance, which are industrial grade special ceramics.

99% alumina ceramics can be used as bulletproof ceramics. Because of its high hardness and strength, when a bullet impact ceramic surface, it creates a powerful force of impact, the impact force extends to the ceramics and the bullet, and under the impact force, the ceramics break up slightly, resisting the penetration force of the bullet. Alumina bulletproof ceramics absorb the kinetic energy of bullet by micro-breaking, so as to achieve the function of bulletproof. Bulletproof ceramics are three to four times stronger than steel armor, providing much higher protection than steel armor.

How Drupal Multisite Works under the Hood

A Drupal multisite is an installation which allows us to use one codebase to serve multiple websites. In this post, I will explain in detail how Drupal multisite works, what approaches can be taken to set up a multisite installation. I will also explain some of the settings that may be important for a multisite which are not applicable when we build just one website on Drupal.

The basics of a default Drupal multisite

A Drupal website comprises a few major things:

  1. Drupal core
  2. Contrib and custom modules
  3. Theme
  4. Database
  5. Configuration

When a request from the browser is handled by Drupal, one of the first things Drupal does is bootstrapping the database and loading configuration. From the database and configuration the system knows:

  • which from the available modules and themes are enabled,
  • how everything is set up:
    • where are public and private files folders,
    • which blocks are where,
    • what content is available,
    • what is on the front page,
    • which menus are in which regions, what links are in which menus, 
    • pretty much everything else about how the website is configured. 

To connect to the database, Drupal reads the connection information which is held in the settings.php file (which typically sits in /sites/default folder).

Notice the default folder. It is called default because it is a fallback folder when no other folders are found. In a single Drupal install, typically no other folders are set up and most websites are run from the default folder.

In a multisite installation, however, we set up separate folders for separate websites.

For example:

  • /sites/
  • /sites/

If we create such folders, a new request will examine the base domain (base URL as Drupal calls it) and will try to match it to the correct folder. The order is as follows:

When a request with a base URL of comes in, Drupal checks if there is:

  1. A folder named /sites/ and looks for settings.php there.
  2. If there is not, Drupal will check a higher-order domain folder – /sites/ in this case. 
  3. If it does not find settings.php there, it will move to the /sites/default.

We achieved a multisite – many websites on one codebase

If we have 2 folders for 2 different domains, we can have 2 separate settings.php files which connect Drupal to two separate databases, which load separate configurations and use various enabled modules and themes.

In essence, we end up with 2 different websites, which have their own databases, content, files and configurations, even though they sit on one Drupal code.

If we add additional folders, we get additional websites without the need to duplicate code.

Drupal can run hundreds of websites from one installation like this.

Sites.php file helps to map domains for folders

To help with the mappings of base URLs to folders, Drupal offers a sites.php file which can be used to assign base URLs to correct folders.

In the /sites/ folder we are offered a file which is called example.sites.php. Change its name to sites.php and Drupal will use it. The configuration of mappings is quite simple:

$sites['an-old-domain-to-map.coom'] = ';

This file allows us to map several domains to one website if we need to and helps a lot with development because development environments typically have different URLs than production ones.

$sites['localhost.example'] = '';

Some dev teams use this feature also to keep the sites folder clearer when there are hundreds of websites with various domains sometimes in foreign languages. The dev team can have short clear folder names.

'] = 'brand-x-fr;

This is also sometimes useful if the domain for one of the websites changes.

Which website can use which modules

Typically, we are used to a situation where

  • all modules are placed in the modules directory (or sites/all/modules in Drupal 7 and previous versions),
  • all themes are placed in the themes directory (or sites/all/themes in Drupal 7 and previous versions).

If we have one website on the system, there is no need for any other configuration. We add only the modules we need.

In a multisite installation, however, there might be a need to specify which websites can use which modules or themes. In a large system with hundreds of websites and administrators, such restrictions might be crucial to only allow such functionalities on each website which work well together.

We can control this in 2 ways:

1. Via installation profiles

Each website on Drupal is built on an installation profile. Typically this is the standard or minimal profile which is shipped by Drupal out of the box. You chose between these when you install Drupal and you can see them in the /core/profiles folder. None of these 2 profiles has any modules or themes but a profile can provide these.

Drupal for example ships with a demo_umami profile which is a demo profile and includes both: a demo_umami_content module and an umami theme. If you install a standard installation, you will not have access to the umami theme from the admin panel for example.

If you have to control which websites have access to which themes or modules you place these in your custom installation profiles. Only the websites installed on a particular installation profile will be able to access and use what it provides.

What is cool is that profiles allow for inheritance. You can, for example, create one profile with drupal commerce modules and then 2 additional child profiles which will then be able to access the Drupal commerce modules.

While performing Drupal services for our clients we have implemented various scenarios with different levels of granularity. You could even create a child profile for each website to be able to have very granular control. This might however be a bit of an overkill.

2. Per website modules via the website folder

Modules and themes can be also added to the website folder. In our example, we could put them into:

  • sites/
  • sites/

Modules and themes placed in these directories will only be available to website

As a rule of thumb, you should probably avoid having too many modules here since it probably goes against the concept of a multisite to have completely different code for each website, but sometimes there is a need to add a few per-website tweaks or create for each a subtheme for a website which overrides a few things in a shared base theme.

Updating code once, running update 100 times

One of the great things about a multisite is reduced maintenance. If you have 100 websites on one system and a new version of Drupal comes out, you only have to update the code once instead of 100 times.

That said, remember that settings and databases are separate for all 100 websites. You do have to run the update.php script for each one separately!


Above I explained in detail how Drupal multisite works under the hood. In essence, it is a very simple and yet a powerful feature of Drupal which allows companies to reduce maintenance and technical debt and keep maintainers sane if they have to maintain many websites.

Spark Ignition Pool Heater Troubleshooting Guide

Second in our Series of Gas Pool Heater Troubleshooting Guides, today we tackle the early electronic pool heaters from the mid-eighties to the late nineties.

A Spark Ignition is akin to an electronic gas stove top. When your turn on a gas burner on a stove, you don’t have a pilot burning, you have a sparker (tick-tick-tick) that lights one side of the burner, and then the burner orifices quickly ignites, all around the burner. Gas hot water heaters work the same way.

This new generation of gas pool heaters is a whole new ball game. Gone is the pilot generator and mechanical thermostat. Electronic heaters are wired up with 110V or 220V power directly into a transformer, which steps down the power to 24V. From the transformer, 24 volts powers the entire ignition and safety circuitry, and everything is controlled electronically with the Ignition Control (PCB, printed circuit board), the brains of the operation.

But, aside from the IID controller, transformer, a redesigned electronic thermostat, gas valve and pilot, electronic heaters still function in the same way as millivolt heaters. Once the safety circuitry checks out, the gas valve opens and releases gas to the burners. The pilot light ignites the first burner (on the far right), and the others follow – whoosh!

After a heater ignites, it continues to fire or burn until the set thermostat temperature is reached, or another switch breaks the circuit (pressure switch, high limit switch, on/off switch).

You’ll need a multi-meter, one that can check low voltage 24 Volts. You can find these everywhere – Walmart, Home Depot, Radio Shack, and it should cost under $20. You don’t need a fancy test meter to troubleshoot a pool heater.


For our example heater, we will be using the Old Teledyne Laars Series I & Series II Spark Ignition heaters, made from 1986-1997; but the concepts apply to electronic heaters made by Raypak, Hayward or Purex – RP2100, H-Series or Minimax Plus heaters.

The diagram below is from the Teledyne Laars Series One heater, Model EPS/EPC, and Laars Series 2 ESC. The Dual thermostats (shown above) is something of a gimmick, it just allows you to keep two preset temperatures, and use the 3-position Spa-Off-Pool switch to select Spa or Pool, it’s nothing more than that. If fact, if your Pool Thermostat (potentiometer) wears out, you can use the Spa thermostat to heat the pool.

What we have here is a schematic diagram of the safety circuit in an electronic gas pool heater. The Transformer (1) steps down the incoming power to 24 volts, and the power does a circuit, or a loop, from one side of the gas valve to the other.

When the power successfully passes through all of the components (fuse, fusible link, high limits, pressure switch, thermistor) and again returns to the Ignition Controller (6), the gas valve (8) should open and allow gas to flow into the pilot, which is lit by a small spark (7A), created by the spark ignition wire. The pilot (7B) is lit temporarily, which lights up the burners. Whooosh!

Let’s take it step by step…


If your heater has no power at all, check the circuit breaker or look for a popped GFCI outlet. Next, verify that you have 24 volts coming in and out of the transformer. Place your test meter on VAC (AC Volts), on a low scale 100 or 200 volts. Then place each probe onto the metal spade connectors of the transformer to verify 22-26 volts, no more – no less.

Inspect the wires too, looking for any obvious signs of damage from heat or rodents. If you don’t get 24 volts on the transformer, Replace the transformer (pn R0061100), they go bad every once in a while.


With the Black, or Common lead from your multimeter remaining on the Yellow Wire side of the Transformer, you will move the other Red lead around to different heater components, starting with the Fusible link, a small white part that sits down near the burners, to sense flame rollout. Move your Red meter lead to both sides of the Fusible Link. If you find power coming in (2), but not coming out (3), you either have a bad In-line Fuse (pn 10480000) or a bad Fusible Link (pn R0012200).

The cause of a failed Fusible Link should be investigated. It could be material laying on the burners, or leaves or nests on top of the heat exchanger, or high winds downdrafting, or soot or lime deposits between the copper heat exchanger fins.


Keeping the black wire on the transformer (an alligator clip adapter for a test probe is useful), move to the probe to the pressure switch (R0011300) and check for 24 volts on each pressure switch spade terminal. Be sure you are contacting the brass metal of the terminal. If no power is found coming into the pressure switch, back-up and test each Hi-Limit (4B  4C) and the Fireman’s Switch terminal (which shuts the heater off 15 minutes before the pump timer is going to shut off, for a cool down period). Remember – the problem lies where the power dies! 

If the Hi-Limits (R0023200 and R0022700) are tripping, or the cause of the problem, check the Internal Bypass assembly (pn R0054900), in the front header, for broken, missing or misaligned parts. A temperature rise can be done with a special thermometer inserted into the drain plug hole (pn R0336000), to see how high the temperature is rising inside of the header.

If you find no voltage or less than 24 volts on the black wire (outgoing) of the pressure switch, check for a dirty filter, dirty pump or skimmer baskets or closed or partially closed valves or broken check valves. Also check for an external bypass, a valve outside of the heater, which can allow too much water to bypass the heater.


On this step just move your Red lead over to the black/yellow striped wire on the Ignition Control box, to the terminal labeled 24V. Again be sure to contact the metal spade connector on the Controller, without removing the wire, although you can loosen the wire if needed. Turn the thermostat up, and the On/Off switch towards the correct dial.

If there is not 24V at this terminal, replace the Temperature Board (pn R0011700) and if there is 24V but no heat, it’s most likely the Thermistor (pn R0011800).


For Step 7A, Check if there is a Spark at the Gap, by removing the Spark Ignition Wire, pulling back the rubber boot and holding it close to the connector. With thermostat turned up, the call for heat should be sending a small, visible electric spark, jumping the gap from the end of the rubber coated wire, to the connector. If no spark, check the stainless steel wire that runs from the Ceramic Insulator to the Pilot (R0099000), to be sure the power is not grounding out to the burner tray, or some other metal piece. Also check and clean where the SS wire connects at the bottom of the pilot. Make a Visual Check of the Position of the pilot and sparker, to be sure there aren’t nests or insects or debris, and it all appears intact. If you have followed the steps to this point and have 24V up to the Spark Ignition Wire, but no spark jumping the gap, the problem may be the Ignition Control Box or IID (Intermittent Ignition Device) (R0011900).

Step 7B, the pilot (7B) lights, but you have no ignition or firing of the heater burners; use your multi-meter in the same settings and position as used above, check for 24V at the Orange Wire on the Gas Valve. If Yes, check for clogs in the pilot or burner orifices, or in the gas supply. You may also suspect the volume and pressure of gas supply at this point, Propane tanks could be low, or other high demand natural gas appliances could be in use. First consider and check the wires, looking for sharp bends or nicks in the wire casing, and making sure wire nuts, screw or connectors are clean (not rusted) and tight. If damage is found, replace Wire Harness (pn R0058100), and possibly the Ignition Controller still could be the problem. Circuit boards in the good old outdoors tend to fail in 8-10 yrs.


If you have come this far, with a pilot burning and 24V at the Orange wire on the Gas Valve, now check for 24V on the Brown wire on the gas valve. If no, your brown wire is highly suspect, or the circuit board (Ignition Control) is shot. If you do have power, at 24V (or at least 22V) at the Brown wire and the heater won’t fire – give the gas valve a little tap with a hammer (really!). If it still won’t fire off, the electronics inside the valve have failed, replace the gas valve, (R0095900 and Nat pn R0099400). Check for a clogged intake screen as you remove it.

Before you go and throw down several hundred dollars on a new Gas Valve or Ignition Control – go through the steps another time to be sure – I’d hate to waste your time and money, buying pool heater parts that don’t fix the problem!

And…These part numbers I’m throwing around Fit only Jandy (Laars) Series 2 ESC heaters, be sure to check your model size, some don’t fit other models!

After running through all of the steps at least twice – if you want some confirmation of your Laars heater troubleshooting, you can call us at 877-766-5287 (1-877-POOLCTR), to speak with a pool tech, who can answer any questions on the process. Jandy Laars (Owned by Zodiac) also has homeowner technical support, and heater manuals online, or call them at 800-227-1442.

Oh, I almost forgot – here’s the link for over 150 gas pool heater parts schematicsSupport your local swimming pool blog!

Thanks for Reading!

Mark Garcia

Champions League PREVIEW: Shakhtar Donetsk vs PSG (30/09/15)

Josh Mart takes the opportunity to preview PSG’s tricky trip to the Ukraine to face Shakhtar Donetsk in the UEFA Champions’ League group stage second matchday. PSG cruised to victory against Malmo in the competition opener, winning the match 2-0 at the Parc des Princes. Shakhtar meanwhile, were somewhat humiliated at the hands of the might of Real Madrid, as they lost 4-0 at the Santiago Bernabeu.

This tie, which will be played in Lviv due to the continuing political issues affecting eastern Ukraine, is a key match in the group phase, as a PSG victory would give the Parisians a huge boost towards qualifying for the knockout rounds, especially with a double header against Real Madrid to come. A Shakhtar win would get them back on track with a double header against unfancied Malmo up next.

Shakhtar have been in good form in the Ukrainian Premier League, an undefeated streak since a 2-0 defeat to Dnipro in August has seen the Donetsk side rise to 2nd in the table, behind rivals Dynamo Kiev. Saturday’s 3-2 victory in the Donetsk derby should give the players real confidence ahead of the visit of Paris Saint Germain. Talisman Alex Teixeira notched twice in the game, and the Brazilian has been in superb form for ‘The Miners’ over the last 12 months, and he is one for PSG to watch closely.

PSG have bounced back from the disappointing draw with Reims a few weeks ago with back to back wins in Ligue 1. Firstly, Les Parisiens saw off Guincamp with relative ease at the Parc des Princes in a match that ended 3-0 to the home side. Saturday’s 4-1 victory away to Nantes may sound comfortable enough, but PSG fell behind early on, and didn’t take the lead until the last 15 minutes of the game.

The introduction of Edinson Cavani to proceedings seemed to provide the catalyst for what turned out to be a bit of a rout. With Cavani being left on the bench by Laurent Blanc at the weekend, one would assume he will be recalled for the trip to Lviv.

Team News and Tactics

Shakhtar coach Mircea Lucescu is without combative midfielder Taras Stepanenko for this one, due to the suspension received after his red card in Madrid on matchday one. Shevchuk is also doubtful, but aside from that, Shakhtar have a full complement of players available for this one.

With this in mind, I expect Shakhtar to line up in a 4-2-3-1 formation. Pyatov will start in goals behind a back four which is likely to consist of Srna, Ordets, Rakitskiy and one of Ismaily or Azevedo. With Stepanenko out, Lucescu could call on the services of talented young Ukrainian midfielder Kovalenko to support Fred in central midfield. Marlos and Taison are likely to cut in from the right and left flanks respectively, providing ammunition for star man Alex Teixiera who will play just behind target man Gladkiy in attack.

PSG have a couple injury concerns as Gregory Van der Wiel missed the weekend trip to Nantes with a groin problem and David Luiz is also doubtful for this one. Serge Aurier is available after suspension so Laurent Blanc has a real selection headache at the back.

With this in mind, I expect PSG to lineup in a 4-3-3 formation with Kevin Trapp between the posts. Aurier and Van der Wiel (if fit) could fight it out for the right back slot whilst Thiago Silva and Marquinhos could well start at centre half. Maxwell’s experience could be chosen over the relative youth of Layvin Kurzawa at left back.

I expect Matuidi and Motta to be recalled to the starting 11 for this crunch tie, and they are likely to join Marco Verratti in the centre of the park. Blanc has so many options that is hard to predict what he will opt for, but I expect a front 3 of Angel Di Maria, Ibrahimovic and Cavani (right to left) to start in Lviv.

Danger Men

Alex Teixieira (Shakhtar)- Alex Teixeira has been a key player for Shakhtar since joining from Vasco da Gama in 2010. His best form however, has been in the last 12 months or so and he is really stepping up for his side now that Douglas Costa has moved on to pastures new. PSG will have to be guarded against the hugely talented Brazilian.

Cavani (PSG)- Cavani has been in brilliant form this campaign for Les Parisiens and he currently sits joint top of the Ligue 1 scoring charts alongside Hatem Ben Arfa. His huge talent, industry and desire to score and yet also work hard for his teammates make him a phenomenal player on his day.


This is a really tough game to call as a lot is riding on it for both teams. Trips to Ukraine are notoriously labelled as difficult, even if the match isn’t being played in Donetsk. Shakhtar will be keen to get their first points on the board and will be full of confidence after the weekends derby day success. PSG could probably cope with just getting a point here, providing they beat both Malmo away and Shakhtar at home in the latter stages of the group. I hope that PSG set out to win because playing negatively against a team with such attacking potency could be suicidal.

Prediction: Shakhtar 1-2 PSG

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Qt6-15 Automatic Hydraulic Concrete Paver Brick Machine Price

——QT6-15 Block Making Machine——


1. This equipment is mechanical hydraulic PLC controlled synthesis technique equipment. Its characteristic is high efficient, easy-operated and easy-maintained. Block molding mainly by hydraulic, machinery as sideline, vibrate and press to finish molding blocks. 

2. The design and manufacture of this machine accordance with the requirement and standard of<Industrial block making machine for building>

3. A high degree of automation, intelligent electronic control, automatic process is controlled by advanced PLC(Programmable Controller), input and store of process data and touch screen for blocks, it have ideal of flexible Human Conversation Interface. 

4. Good reliability, Hydraulic system preference for to improved technology and perfected workmanship of design. Use independent integrated type hydraulic station. Avoid influence of dust and main machine vibration for hydraulic system.

5. Good adaptability of raw material, advanced step vibration molding technology. Adjusting measures to differing conditions. Use of all kinds of waste ash and slag, reasonably reduce the dosage of cement, make many kinds of high quality bearing or non-bearing blocks.

Main technical parameter
Model QT6-15 Automatic block making machine
Qty/mould 6pcs/mould (hollow block 400*200*200mm)
Molding cycle 15-25s
Rated pressure 16MPa
Main vibration Platform vibration
Vibration frequency 2800-4500 r/m
Power 28.75Kw
Pallet size 900*680mm
Dimension 7100*1500*3000mm
Factory Area 1500m2








——Customer Project——

——Packing and shiping——



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比尔·盖茨曾发表一篇博客称:个人AI代理将彻底改变人们使用计算机的方式。这一言论出现在OpenAI刚刚宣布其“ Assistants  API”迈出的“婴儿步”几天后。盖茨表示,个人AI代理将在科技行业和社会中掀起一场“冲击波”。比尔·盖茨在博文中写道:“在不久的将来,任何上网的人都将能够拥有由人工智能驱动的个人助手,远远超越今天的技术水平。这些代理将能够帮助几乎任何活动和生活领域。这对软件业和社会的影响将是深远的。”在博文中未提到的是,比尔·盖茨已经在个人AI领域投入了大量资金。在今年5月的一次与高盛和SV Angel关于人工智能的活动中,比尔·盖茨表示,首家开发出颠覆SEO的个人代理的公司将在竞争中占据优势。“谁能赢得个人代理,那才是大事,因为你将永远不会再去搜索网站,永远不会再去生产力网站,你永远不会再去亚马逊。”他说道。去年6月,比尔·盖茨与Nvidia、微软、Reid Hoffman和Eric Schmidt一起参与了Inflection AI的投资,该公司完成了高达13亿美元的融资。图片来源:三次方AIRX比尔·盖茨在旧金山的一次活动上提到了Inflection AI,称“数字代理背后的AI赢家可能来自大科技公司或初创公司,这是一个50-50的概率”,并表示对Inflection等几家初创公司印象深刻。此时,Inflection AI刚刚推出名为“Pi”的产品,代表“个人智能”,旨在表现得更个性化、口语化,比OpenAI的GPT-4、微软的Bing或谷歌的Bard更具亲和力,同时又不显得过于诡异。尽管像Pi这样的聊天机器人离比尔·盖茨所想象的个人AI代理还有很长的路要走,而且他计划在这一领域进行哪些其他投资并不清楚,但显然,他希望能够尽早参与到AI代理的领域。实际上,比尔·盖茨在博文中提到,他已经“思考代理近30年了,并在1995年的《未来之路》一书中写到过它们,但由于AI的进步,它们直到最近才变得实际可行”。他补充说:“代理不仅将改变每个人与计算机互动的方式。它们还将颠覆软件行业,带来自从我们从键盘输入命令到点击图标以来的计算机领域最大的革命。”盖茨还讨论了代理的技术挑战以及隐私问题。但他表示:“代理即将到来。在接下来的几年里,它们将彻底改变我们的生活,无论是在线还是线下。”以下是比尔·盖茨的博客:《AI即将彻底改变你使用计算机的方式》原文:时至今日,我仍然像微软刚创立时那样热爱软件。但尽管几十年来软件已经取得了很大改进,在许多方面它仍然相当愚蠢。要在电脑上完成任何任务,你都必须告诉设备使用哪个应用程序。你可以用Word和谷歌文档来起草商业提案,但它们无法帮助你发送邮件、分享自拍、分析数据、计划派对或购买电影票。即使是最好的网站,也只对你的工作、个人生活、兴趣和关系有不完整的理解,并且能力有限,无法像亲密的朋友或私人助理那样为你做事。在未来五年内,这种情况将发生彻底改变。你不必再为不同的任务使用不同的应用程序。你只需要用日常语言告诉你的设备你想要做什么。根据你选择与它共享的信息量,软件将能够给出个性化的回应,因为它对你的生活有着深入的理解。在不久的将来,任何上网的人都能拥有一个由人工智能驱动的个人助理,其功能将远超今天的技术。这种对自然语言做出反应、根据对用户的了解完成多种不同任务的软件,称为代理。我思考AI代理已经近30年,并在1995年的《通往未来之路》一书中写道,但由于AI的进步,它们直到最近才变得实用。代理不仅将改变每个人与计算机交互的方式,还将颠覆软件行业,引发自我们从敲打命令转向点击图标以来计算机领域最大的革命。
01 每个人的个人助理一些评论者指出,软件公司以前就提供过这种东西,用户并不完全接受。(人们还在开玩笑说Clippy,我们在Office中内置、后来移除的数字助手。)为何人们会使用代理呢?答案是它们将大大优于过去。你将能够与它们进行细微的对话。它们会更加个性化,不会仅限于相对简单的任务,如写一封信件。Clippy与代理的共通点就像旋转电话与移动设备一样。如果你愿意,代理将能帮助你完成所有活动。如果允许它跟踪你的在线交互和真实世界位置,它将对你参与的人、地点和活动形成强大的理解。它将了解你的个人和工作关系、爱好、偏好和时间表。你可以选择它在什么时候以及如何帮助你做某事或要求你做出决定。要看到代理将带来的剧烈变化,我们来比较一下它们与当今可用的AI工具。大多数这些工具都是机器人。它们仅限于一个应用程序,通常仅在你写下特定单词或请求帮助时才会介入。因为它们不记住你每次的使用方式,所以它们不会变得更好,也不会学习你的任何偏好。Clippy是一个机器人,而不是代理。代理更智能。它们是主动的——能在你请求之前提出建议。它们可以跨应用程序完成任务。随着时间的推移,它们会变得更好,因为它们会记住你的活动,并在你的行为中识别意图和模式。根据这些信息,它们会提供你认为需要的东西,尽管你始终做出最终决定。假设你想计划一次旅行。旅游机器人将识别符合你预算的酒店。代理将知道你要旅行的时间,并根据它对你是否总是尝试新目的地还是喜欢重复返回同一地点的了解,它将能够建议地点。当被询问时,它将根据你的兴趣和冒险倾向推荐要做的事情,并预订你会喜欢的餐厅。如果你今天想要这种深度个性化的计划,你需要支付旅行代理人的费用,并花时间告诉他们你想要什么。AI代理最激动人心的影响是它们将为大多数人民主化当今过于昂贵的服务。它们在四个领域将产生特别大的影响:医疗保健、教育、生产力和娱乐与购物。
02 医疗保健如今,AI在医疗保健中的主要作用是帮助完成行政任务。例如,Abridge、Nuance DAX和Nabla Copilot可以在就诊期间录音,然后为医生写摘要进行审查。真正的转变将发生在代理可以帮助患者进行基本的分类,就如何处理健康问题提供建议,并决定是否需要求诊时。这些代理还将帮助医护人员做出决定并提高工作效率。(例如,Glass Health应用可以分析患者摘要,并为医生考虑的诊断提供建议。)帮助患者和医护人员对那些从未看过医生的贫困国家尤其有益。由于事关生死,这些临床医生代理要慢一些推出。人们需要看到证据表明,健康代理总体上是有益的,即使它们不会完美无缺并会出错。当然,人类也会出错,完全得不到医疗照顾也是一个问题。美国有一半需要心理健康照顾的军人得不到照顾。心理健康护理是代理将使几乎所有人都能使用的另一项服务。如今,每周一次的治疗看起来像奢侈品。但还存在很大的未满足需求,许多可以从治疗中受益的人无法获得治疗。例如,兰德公司发现,一半需要心理健康照顾的美国军人得不到照顾。 训练有素的心理健康AI代理将使治疗更加负担得起,更容易获得。Wysa和Youper就是这里的两个早期聊天机器人。但代理将走得更深入。如果你选择与心理健康代理分享足够的信息,它将理解你的生活历史和你的关系。它随时为你提供帮助,永远不会不耐烦。如果你允许的话,它甚至可以通过你的智能手表监测你的身体反应,比如当你谈到和老板的问题时心跳加速,然后建议你何时应该看人类治疗师。
03 教育几十年来,我一直对软件将使教师的工作更轻松,帮助学生学习的所有方式感到兴奋。它不会取代教师,但会补充他们的工作,为学生提供个性化的学习材料,并让教师免于文书工作和其他任务,以便他们可以花更多时间在最重要的工作上。这些变化终于以戏剧性的方式开始发生。当前的顶尖技术是可汗学院开发的基于文本的机器人Khanmigo。它可以辅导学生数学、科学和人文学科,例如,它可以解释二次函数公式并创建数学问题进行练习。它还可以帮助教师完成制定课程计划等事项。我长期以来一直是Sal Khan的粉丝和支持者,最近在我的播客节目中采访了他,讨论教育和AI。但基于文本的机器人只是第一波,代理将开辟更多的学习机会。例如,很少有家庭负担得起一对一聘请导师来补充学生的课堂学习。如果代理可以捕捉到导师的有效因素,它们将为每一个想要的学生解锁这种补充指导。如果一个辅导代理知道一个孩子喜欢Minecraft和Taylor Swift,它会用Minecraft来教他们计算形状的体积和面积,用Taylor的歌词教他们讲故事和押韵格式。与今天的基于文本的导师相比,体验将更丰富,比如具有图形和声音等。
04 生产力这个领域已经存在很大竞争。微软正在将其Copilot整合到Word、Excel、Outlook和其他服务中。谷歌也在产品工具中做类似的事情,比如Assistant with Bard。这些Copilot可以做很多事情,比如把书面文档转化为幻灯片,用自然语言回答有关电子表格的问题,并从每个人的观点总结邮件线程。代理将做得更多。拥有一个代理就像有一个专门帮助你完成各种任务的人,如果你愿意,它可以独立完成这些任务。如果你有一个商业创意,代理将帮助你写商业计划、为其创建演示文稿,甚至生成你的产品外观的图像。公司将能够将代理提供给员工直接咨询,并成为每个会议的一部分,以便它们可以回答问题。无论你是否在办公室工作,你的代理都能像当今高管的私人助理那样帮助你。如果你的朋友刚做完手术,你的代理会主动提出发送花束,并能帮你订购。如果你告诉它你想和你的大学室友联系,它会与对方的代理配合,找到时间聚会,就在你到达之前,它会提醒你他们的大孩子刚进入当地大学。
05 娱乐与购物AI已经可以帮助你挑选新电视,推荐电影、书籍、节目和播客。类似地,我投资的一家公司最近推出了Pix,你可以提出问题(“我会喜欢哪些罗伯特·雷德福德的电影,在哪里可以观看?”),然后根据你过去喜欢的内容提出建议。Spotify有一个由AI驱动的DJ,不仅会根据你的喜好播放歌曲,还会跟你说话,甚至可以叫出你的名字。代理不会简单做出建议;它们会帮你采取行动。如果你想买个相机,你的代理会帮你阅读所有评论,为你总结,给出建议,然后在你做出决定后帮你下单。如果你告诉你的代理你想看《星球大战》,它会知道你是否订阅了正确的流媒体服务,如果没有,它会主动为你注册。如果你不知道自己想看什么,它会给出定制建议,然后搞定你选择的电影或节目的播放。你还可以获得针对你兴趣定制的新闻和娱乐。CurioAI最近推出的关于你要求的任何主题的定制播客就是未来方向的一个预演。
06 技术行业的冲击波简而言之,代理将能够帮助几乎所有活动和生活的各个领域。对软件业和社会的影响将是深远的。在计算机行业,我们讨论平台,应用程序和服务建立在其上的技术。Android、iOS和Windows都是平台。代理将是下一个平台。要创建新的应用程序或服务,你不需要知道如何编写代码或进行图形设计。你只需告诉你的代理你想要什么。它将能够编写代码、设计应用程序的外观和感觉、创建logo,并将应用程序发布到在线商店。OpenAI本周推出的GPTs提供了未来非开发者也可以轻松创建和共享自己的助理的预演。代理将影响我们使用软件的方式以及编写方式。它们将取代搜索网站,因为它们在找到信息和为你总结方面更出色。它们将取代许多电商网站,因为它们会为你找到最佳价格,不会仅限于几家供应商。它们将取代文字处理器、电子表格和其他生产力应用。如今作为独立业务的搜索广告、社交网络广告、购物、生产力软件,都将成为一项业务。我不认为任何一家公司将主导代理业务,将有许多不同的AI引擎可用。如今,代理嵌入到文字处理器和电子表格等其他软件中,但最终它们将独立运行。尽管一些代理可以免费使用(由广告支持),但我认为你会为大多数代理支付费用,这意味着公司会有动力让代理代表你而不是广告商工作。从今年刚刚开始研发AI的公司数量可以看出,竞争将异常激烈,这将使代理的价格非常低廉。但是在我描述的复杂代理成为现实之前,我们需要面对关于这项技术及其使用方式的许多问题。我以前写过AI带来的问题,所以在这里我将具体关注代理。07 技术挑战还没有人弄明白代理的数据结构会是什么样子。要创建个性化代理,我们需要一种新型数据库,可以捕获你的所有兴趣和关系的细微差别并快速检索这些信息,同时保护你的隐私。我们已经看到了储存由机器学习模型生成的数据的新方法,比如向量数据库,这可能更适合存储代理数据。另一个开放性问题是人们将与多少个代理互动。你的个人代理是否与你的治疗师代理和数学导师代理分开?如果是这样,你希望它们何时协同工作,何时应该各司其职?你将如何与你的代理互动?公司正在探索各种选择,包括应用程序、眼镜、吊坠、胸针甚至全息图像。所有这些都有可能,但我认为人机交互的第一个重大突破将是耳机。如果你的代理需要与你联系,他们会与你通话或显示在你的手机上。(“你的航班延误了。你想等吗?或者我可以帮你重新预订吗?”)如果你愿意,它会监控进入你耳朵的声音,并通过阻挡背景噪音、放大难以听到的语音来增强声音,或者更容易理解口音很重的人说话。还有其他挑战。目前还没有一个标准协议允许代理相互交谈。成本需要降低,以便每个人都能负担得起代理。需要更容易地向客服人员提示,以便为你1提供正确的答案。我们需要防止幻觉,特别是在健康等准确性非常重要的领域,并确保代理人不会因为偏见而伤害人们。我们不希望特工做他们不应该做的事情。(尽管我担心的不是流氓Agent,而是人类罪犯利用其来达到恶意目的。)
08 隐私和其他重大问题当所有这些结合在一起时,在线隐私和安全问题将变得比现在更加紧迫。你将希望能够决定代理可以访问哪些信息,以便你确信您的数据仅与您选择的人员和公司共享。但是谁拥有你与代理共享的数据,以及如何确保这些数据得到适当使用?没有人愿意开始收到与他们告诉治疗师代理人的事情相关的广告。执法部门可以使用你的代理人作为对你不利的证据吗?你的代理什么时候会拒绝做可能对你或其他人有害的事情?谁选择代理中内置的价值观?其中许多问题已经成为科技行业和立法者最关心的问题。最近,我与其他技术领袖一起参加了由参议员查克·舒默 (Chuck Schumer) 组织、许多美国参议员参加的人工智能论坛。我们分享了有关这些问题和其他问题的想法,并讨论了立法者采取强有力立法的必要性。但其他问题不会由公司和政府决定。例如,代理可能会影响我们与朋友和家人互动的方式。今天,你可以通过记住某人的生活细节(例如他们的生日)来向他们表明你关心他们。但是,当他们知道你的Agents可能提醒过你这件事并负责送花时,这对他们来说还有意义吗?在遥远的未来,Agents甚至可能迫使人类面对关于目的的深刻问题。想象一下,代理变得如此优秀,以至于每个人都可以享受高质量的生活,而无需付出同样多的工作。在这样的未来,人们会用时间做什么?当代理拥有所有答案时,还会有人想接受教育吗?当大多数人都有大量空闲时间时,你能拥有一个安全、繁荣的社会吗?但我们距离那个目标还有很长的路要走。与此同时,AI代理也来了。在接下来的几年里,它们将彻底改变我们的生活方式,无论是线上还是线下。 

Keyword: 谷歌优化