Pearhead Fall Cat Toy Set – It’s Meowple Season

Treat your cat to a few festive fall friends with the sweet Pearhead Fall Cat Toy Set – It’s Meowple Season!

  • Crinkle maple leaf and one rattle maple syrup bottle
  • Catnip inside
  • Great gift set

Why We Love It:

The Pearhead Fall Cat Toy Set gives your cat toys to bat around this fun season. This pet play accessory set includes two plush cat toys: crinkle maple leaf and one rattle maple syrup bottle each with their own cat nip pouch! These cat toys are perfect for cats and kittens of all ages and sizes. Cat owners will love the hours of playtime with their feline friend that this adorable cat toy is sure to provide. This cat play essential toy set makes the perfect cat gift, kitten gift, cat adoption gift, pet owner gift, cat owner gift, Halloween gift or Thanksgiving gift!


Klim Induction Gloves


Redesigned with Klim-specific rider grip and full finger outseams for the ultimate in glove comfort. Integrating the perfect blend of protective technologies and premium ventilated leather.


Top 3 Benefits

  • Stay comfortable in warm riding environments
  • Ride confident with advanced protective technology
  • Variable grip articulation for ultimate control and tactility


  • Fully vented goat leather street-worthy glove
  • Heavily perforated for immense airflow
  • Warm/hot weather comfort and protection
  • Kwik-access dual adjustment entry
  • YKK® autolock zipper
  • Hard knuckle matte carbon fiber protector
  • Poron® XRD® knuckle protection
  • Poron® XRD® in palm pad with kevlar®-reinforced schoeller® overlay
  • Accordion stretch on back of hand
  • Mult-E-Touch™ smart device functionality
  • 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective material for bio motion recognition
  • Exterior top and bottom stitching on fingers
  • Index finger visor wiper
  • Mesh in fourchettes
  • Lap seams on palm and outseams on fingers
  • Klim-engineered rider grip articulation
  • Entry assist pull loop

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Outside Welds vs. Factory Welds: What’s Best for Pond Liners?

When constructing pond liners, one decision you must make is choosing between outside and factory welds. This choice can significantly impact your project’s durability, installation speed, and overall cost. Let’s explore the differences between outside and factory welds to determine what’s best for your pond liners.

Understanding the Welds

Technicians perform outside welds on-site, joining liner sections directly. This method allows for flexibility in the field since workers can customize liners to fit the pond’s unique dimensions.

Conversely, technicians complete factory welds in a controlled manufacturing environment. They pre-assemble and fuse the liners before shipping them to the construction site. The controlled conditions ensure consistency and high-quality welds while reducing the likelihood of defects.

Durability Matters

Factory welds generally have the upper hand in terms of durability. The controlled environment minimizes variables, such as weather and dust, that can compromise weld integrity. This results in stronger, more reliable seams that withstand the test of time. This is especially important when creating heavy-duty pond liners.

Outside welds are more susceptible to environmental factors. Ensuring a perfect weld requires attention to detail from experienced welders. However, with the right equipment, skilled personnel can also achieve excellent durability with outside welds.

Speed and Efficiency

Manufacturers complete most of the work with factory welds before the liner reaches the site. Pre-assembly speeds up installation and reduces labor costs and project timelines.

Outside welds require more time on-site, as workers must join each liner section during the construction phase. This can lead to longer installation times and potentially higher labor costs. However, the flexibility of outside welds offers a major advantage for projects with unusual shapes or challenging site conditions.

Cost Considerations

Due to the pre-assembly process, factory welds generally have a higher initial cost. However, the reduced installation time can offset these expenses, making factory welds cost-effective for many projects.

Outside welds might be less expensive initially but could accrue higher costs due to longer installation times and the need for skilled labor. Weighing these costs against the project’s requirements will help project managers determine the most economical option.

Recommendations for Professionals

Selecting the most suitable weld type requires a thorough evaluation of the project’s needs. If the project demands high durability and fast installation, factory welds are best for pond liners. For custom shapes and on-site adjustments, outside welds offer unmatched flexibility.

Consult experienced welders and suppliers because they will provide additional insights and ensure the method you choose aligns with the project’s requirements.

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Interesting Facts About Canal Liners

Seepage is one of the factors that can lead to approximately 30 to 40 percent of irrigation water loss in canals. Applying the right irrigation canal lining should help minimize the impact of seepage. The canal lining is the impermeable layer applied at the sides and at the bed of the canal to boost its discharge capacity and life. It may not completely eliminate water loss such as evaporation, but it can make a difference in reducing water losses to reduce the need to pump more water and minimize pumping costs. Unlined canals handling 30 to 150 liters per second of water may lose 10 to 15 percent of that flow due to weeds and seepage, making lining essential to save about 60 to 80 percent.

At times, the banks of the canal may be highly permeable, leading to water seepage causing standing water on nearby roads and fields, and waterlogged and extremely wet conditions. Hence, lining the canal can help solve these issues. Depending on the material used, the irrigation canal lining should be less permeable compared to when an original unlined bank. At times, the lining may be completely impermeable, too. While you have the option to use concrete lining, it can be 30 times more expensive compared to the upfront cost of high-quality liners. Hence, using canal liners can be a cost-effective way to line irrigation canals instead of relying solely on concrete.

Irrigation canal lining can help water move faster to its destination. Lining reduces the water’s resistance to flow, resulting in a higher velocity. Moreover, there will be less debris and deposits caused by erosion, especially when the surface is made of soil. Canal discharge occurs as the result of the velocity of the flow and the cross-section of the canal. Hence, a high velocity obtainable and allowable in the lined canal results in a smaller cross-section.

Likewise, it can be beneficial for agricultural applications when it reduces erosion, saves water, minimizes weeds, and reduces irrigation time. A surface lining can help reduce the need for maintenance in canals. This is because it prevents the growth of weeds and plants, and deters termites or rats, which may cause holes. Irrigation canal lining allows a higher velocity to prevent soil particles from accumulating and settling to cause siltation.

Choosing the right irrigation canal lining should be easy when you work with a professional. Find a reputable provider of geomembranes online that is known to carry a wide range of irrigation canal linings made with various high-quality materials. Some providers can customize a liner into a manageable size for your canal, too.

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Have You Got the Right Field Lining Equipment for Your Athletic Field?

Athletic fields are not merely used for gaming events, sports, and other community or institutional events. Having the right field lining equipment can make your athletic field a sustainable source of water with its own storm water recapture system.

Modern technology has enabled athletic fields to have better water runoff and irrigation. Some technological advancements can transform your athletic field into a more efficient and environmentally friendly system which has a storm water management solution underneath.

By using the right field lining equipment and materials, you should be able to create a system that can successfully recycle, treat, and store storm water.

Geotextiles and geomembranes are essential when building a storm water recapture system. Together with high-quality turf, pipes, and sand, the system should be able to work effectively. Field lining can be specifically fabricated for this particular application.

RPE (reinforced polyethylene) geomembrane is among the specially made types of field lining that can help you construct an efficient storm water recapture system. The material is fairly impermeable, so it effectively prevents water from seeping into the ground to allow it to flow smoothly to where it is supposed to go.

High-quality RPE geomembranes are guaranteed to last for more than two decades.

Permeable non-woven needle punch geotextiles are ideal for field lining, too. It filters debris, chemicals, and soil from the storm water, making it ideal for erosion control and water treatment.

High-quality geotextiles come in different gauges, and they can be customized to any size or shape you require to save money and time during installation. Consider buying field lining equipment from a seasoned provider that can fabricate field covers, too.

This way, you can cover the athletic field and use it for other applications, too, such as social events. The best field lining materials are durable and they come with pull handles, which are heavy-duty for easy storage and deployment.

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Keyword: buy geotextile

面向开发人员的 10 个最佳股票 API

如今,投资方式变得更加多样化和容易。在此背景下,传统金融市场的数字化使股票投资变得触手可及。现在,投资者可以通过连接互联网的设备从任何地理位置轻松交易股票。这种数字化转型使几乎每个人都能参与金融市场。这种数字化转型的驱动力之一是 stocks API。

如今,投资者通过交易平台进行股票投资。与传统金融机构相比,提供股票投资的平台为投资者提供了更方便、更易访问和用户友好的体验。这些平台通常配备用户友好的界面,允许投资者交易股票、管理他们的投资组合和跟踪市场走势。此外,大多数平台通过提供教育资源、分析工具和投资组合管理服务等附加功能来帮助投资者增加他们的金融知识。在本文中,我们将仔细研究这些平台使用的股票 API 及其重要性。然后,我们将仔细研究开发人员最喜欢的现有 API。

揭开 Stocks API 的神秘面纱:了解其意义和作用

Stock API 是提供对股票市场数据的访问的 Web 服务。这些 API 通常由金融科技公司开发,为用户提供对各种财务信息的访问权限,例如实时或历史股票价格、市场交易量、公司信息和其他财务数据。股票 API 提供对全球市场数据的访问,使投资者能够从一个点跟踪和分析不同地区和行业的股票。此外,这些 API 通常包含替代数据。因此,投资者可以超越传统数据并进行更全面的分析。

股票 API 的重要性在于,它们通过为投资者提供快速准确的数据访问来帮助投资者改进他们的交易策略。例如,访问实时股票价格使投资者能够对即时市场波动做出快速反应。另一方面,历史数据有助于投资者分析过去的表现并确定未来趋势。此外,股票 API 提供的另类数据可帮助投资者发现传统财务数据之外的趋势和机会。因此,股票 API 对于任何想要制定有效交易策略并在全球金融市场进行成功投资的人来说都很重要。

探索可用的 10 大 Stock API

如今,几乎每个金融数据平台都使用股票 API。这些平台旨在以最快的方式向用户提供最准确的数据。在这种情况下,可靠的股票市场数据 API 的重要性与日俱增。在本节中,我们将列出市场上开发人员和企业首选的前 10 个股票市场 API。

Marketstack 应用程序接口

Marketstack API 是市场上开发人员和企业首选的最佳财务数据 API。此 API 拥有 30,000 多个客户,包括 Uber、Amazon 和 Accenture 等全球公司。marketstack API 覆盖全球 70 家全球证券交易所。其中一些是纳斯达克、上交所、纽约证券交易所、ENX 等等。由于其广泛的全球证券交易所,它还为用户提供了超过 170,000 个股票行情的实时数据。

marketstack API 受到大众青睐的最重要原因之一是它提供历史数据。它为其支持的所有股票提供 30+ 年的历史数据。因此,使用此 API 的平台允许其用户通过提供历史数据来制定投资策略。它还具有对开发人员友好的结构。它可以轻松集成到当今所有主要编程语言中。此外,marketstack API 通过其提供的 JSON 响应缩短了开发人员的集成过程。最后,它是一个带有免费计划的股票 API。它为用户提供每月最多 100 次 API 调用的免费使用。 是 Google 和 Revolut 等企业首选的流行股票市场 API。它有四种服务,分别是产品股票、期权、指数和货币。这些产品中的每一个都是全面的。例如,其股票产品为投资者提供 10,413 家公司股票、15 年历史数据和 100% 市场覆盖等服务。它还提供的 JSON 响应非常详细。它在提供的响应中提供 market、primary exchange、ticker root,甚至 total employees 等字段。

此 API 为开发人员和企业提供不间断的服务,正常运行时间为 99.99%。它具有可以快速集成的结构。此外,它还在其主页上提供了 Java、Go 和 JavaScript 等主要编程语言的集成代码。最后,它每分钟提供 5 次免费 API 调用。


Financial Modeling Prep (FMP) 是一项 Web 服务,使用快速、准确且易于使用的金融市场数据,可以轻松创建财务应用程序和模型。此 API 提供各种金融数据,包括 90+ 交易所和 70,000+ 股票 30 多年的历史价格和基本数据。FMP 不仅仅是一个提供财务数据的财务 API。它还向用户提供市场新闻和公司信息。

FMP 从可靠来源获取提供给用户的财务数据。因此,使用此 API 的企业和开发人员为其用户提供了极其安全的交易体验。此 API 具有 100 多个终端节点,以 JSON 格式提供其所有响应,其中大多数以 CSV 格式提供。它还每天免费提供 250 次 API 调用。


Tiingo 是一个可靠的企业级金融市场 API,拥有广泛的用户网络,为 Microsoft 和 Swisscom 等公司提供服务。它为世界各地的用户提供 80,000+ 股票代码。它还支持风靡全球的 NYSE、NYSE Arca、NYSE American 和 NASDAQ 等全球证券交易所。

Tiingo 为其用户提供 50+ 百万篇文章的综合资源。这有助于开发人员获取和分析过去的新闻并轻松关注当前新闻。它还提供 140 多种货币的外汇数据。Tiingo 以免费计划和付费计划的形式向其用户提供这些服务。


IEX Cloud 是另一个在互联网上拥有广泛用户群的金融数据 API。它提供的独特财务数据 API 包含非常全面的数据。它提供全面的数据,例如股票的变化、变化百分比、关闭源,甚至关闭时间。IEX Cloud 通过实时、历史和日内端点为其用户提供服务。

此 API 是一个非常易于使用的金融 API。它在其开发人员友好的文档中提供了许多有关 API 的有趣信息。最后,它有免费试用,但没有任何免费订阅计划。

Alpha Vantage

Alpha Vantage 是市场上最全面的库存 API 之一。它是一个为交易者提供有关股票、外汇、加密货币和其他金融资产的免费实时数据的平台。凭借其先进的 API 和用户友好的界面,它为投资者提供了必要的工具来跟踪、分析市场并做出明智的投资决策。

此 API 提供对 100 多个技术指标的访问,这些指标将帮助交易者高速执行技术分析。它还提供 20+ 年的历史股票数据。Alpha Vantage 为其用户提供了一个描述性很强的文档。此外,本文档还提供了 Python、Node.js 和 PHP 等编程语言的示例集成代码。此 API 有一个免费计划。用户可以免费使用 Alpha Vantage 每天 25 个请求。


Alpaca API 是最受欢迎的 Web 服务之一,用于各种交易,例如股票、期权和加密货币交易。它非常适合不同的操作,例如算法交易、自动投资策略以及与第三方应用程序的集成。Alpaca API 提供了许多优势,例如免佣金交易、实时数据流和灵活的编程选项。

Alpaca API 的突出特点之一是可以进行免佣金交易。因此,投资者可以最大限度地降低交易成本。它还允许投资者通过其实时数据流即时监控市场走势并进行相应的交易。最后,由于与各种编程语言的兼容性,它提供了灵活的编程选项,因此交易者可以轻松实施他们的算法和自动交易策略。此外,此 API 具有免费注册选项。

EOD 历史数据 API

EOD 历史数据 API 是目前市场上服务范围最广的 API 之一。此 API 为其用户提供全球 70+ 证券交易所、30+ 年的数据、150,000+ 股票代码、20,000+ ETF、600+ 指数和 1,100+ 外汇对。在这方面,它几乎可以服务于全球运营的所有交易平台。此外,它的 Trustpilot 分数为 4.8。

此 API 是一种对开发人员友好的 Web 服务,具有 24/7 全天候技术支持和易于集成的结构。它提供了 Python、PHP、Java 和 C# 等编程语言的示例集成代码。此外,它还在其免费计划中为用户提供每天 20 次 API 调用的限制。

OpenFin API

OpenFin API 是专为金融机构和开发人员量身定制的强大金融 API。此 API 通过单一界面提供对财务数据和功能的访问,从而可以更高效、更快速地开发和集成财务软件。



Intrinio是全球企业首选的金融和市场数据API。它还允许获得过去 50 年的准确历史市场数据。Intrinio 的资源配备了预测和分类机器学习算法,可以仔细分析股票期权和股票数据,为投资者和股票交易者提供关键信息。

此 API 通过提供技术支持和实时聊天服务为企业和开发人员脱颖而出。此外,通过它提供的详细文档,此 API 涉及其提供的服务的各个方面。最后,它为用户提供免费试用。


总之,股票 API 的重要性突出,因为它使金融市场的访问民主化,并使投资者能够做出更明智的决策。API 通过提供快速准确的数据访问,为投资者提供创建交易策略的优势。在这种情况下,选择可靠的股票 API 似乎是一个对企业产生影响的因素。


问:marketstack 是免费的金融数据提供商吗?

答:是的。除了高限额和负担得起的付费计划外,它还提供每月限于 100 次 API 调用的免费计划。它还在此计划中提供了历史数据。



问:marketstack 提供多少年的历史数据?

答:Marketstack API 为用户提供其支持的股票超过 30 年的历史数据。

问: marketstack 是否提供股票的基本数据?

答:是的。它在响应中提供详细字段,例如 EOD、代码、国家/地区和证券交易所名称。



生成式AI以 文本API、语音API 或 图像API 形式产生的输出可以取悦人类并增强我们的思考,但如果被滥用,它也可能造成破坏。我们目前还不知道这方面的极限在哪里。然而,我们已经深入思考了生成式AI对人类-计算机交互、软件开发和API的深远影响。





聊天机器人示例:聊天机器人服务-Chatbase 、AI 聊天机器人-sendbird 、AI聊天机器人-Chatling 等






大型语言模型API示例:360多模态大语言模型 、百度文心一言大模型 、金融语言模型ntropy 、Baichuan文本生成模型 、腾讯混元大模型等





AI生成检测API示例:抄袭检测器 API-Copyleaks 、Winston-AI探测器 、GPTZero-AI探测器 、深度伪造语音检测 、AI内容检测服务-Content Detector



  • API设计和架构仍然在很大程度上属于熟练的人类领域。编写代码将越来越商品化,但如何选择正确的组件来创建集成的体验将成为开发人员的一项关键区分技能。
  • 与AI驱动的机器人结合使用的协作式API工作区将成为使用API的强大方式。静态文档体验和开发人员门户将感觉更加过时,而AI技术只会加速它们的消亡。
  • API集成将变得更加容易。基于代码的点到点集成或笨拙的集成将显得僵化。AI驱动的集成将能够集成新的API,并在它们出现故障时更快地恢复。
  • 最后,生成式AI将降低非开发人员构建API的门槛。这意味着更多人将能够参与到API的开发和使用中来,促进创新和合作。然而,这也要求非开发人员需要掌握一定的技术和知识,以便能够有效地利用生成式AI来构建高质量的API。


  • 公司将开始利用AI驱动的软件工具来提高生产效率。这些工具可以帮助公司自动化重复性任务,优化流程,并更快地响应市场变化,从而提高整体业务效率。
  • 没有API的公司将在AI领域变得“隐形”,因此在API经济中将进一步落后。在数字化时代,API是连接不同系统和服务的桥梁,没有API的公司将无法与AI模型进行交互,也无法利用AI技术来优化业务流程和创造价值。
  • 拥有不佳API的公司需要设计更好的API,以便AI模型能够正确地与其数据和操作进行交互。好的API应该具有清晰、简洁的接口设计,易于集成和使用,并且能够提供可靠的数据和功能。
  • 公司需要对其已知和未知的API进行盘点。如果公司正在暴露其希望将来利用的数据,那么现在就需要采取行动。这包括评估现有API的性能和安全性,确定需要改进的领域,并制定计划来优化API设计和实现。
  • 公司需要更加智能地处理其API的身份验证和验证机制。随着机器人和自动化工具的普及,公司需要确保他们已经采取了适当的治理和安全措施,以防止未经授权的访问和数据泄露。这包括实施强密码策略、多因素身份验证、API密钥管理等措施,以确保只有授权用户才能访问和使用公司的API。


幂简集成是国内领先的API集成管理平台,专注于为开发者提供全面、高效、易用的API集成解决方案。幂简API平台可以通过以下两种方式找到所需API:通过关键词搜索API(例如,输入’IP地址定位‘这类品类词,更容易找到结果)、或者从API Hub分类页进入寻找。



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2017年,Google发表了一篇名为“Attention Is All You Need”的研究论文,首次提出了Transformer模型。这种新型神经网络架构通过自注意力机制处理序列数据,解决了RNN和LSTM在处理长序列时的效率问题,并极大提高了训练速度。














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解码器独立使用- GPT解码器






















A: 是的,涌现现象指的是在大模型中,随着模型规模的增加,模型表现出一些在小规模模型中未观察到的行为或能力。

A: 涌现现象主要体现在模型的学习能力、泛化能力以及处理复杂任务的能力上,随着模型规模的增加而显著提升。

A: 重复生成现象可以通过增加模型的多样性训练、使用不同的提示策略或者调整模型的输出阈值来缓解。

A: LoRA(Low-Rank Adaptation)是一种参数效率更高的微调方法,相比全参数微调,可能在模型的表达能力和微调后的泛化能力上有所限制。

A: 可以通过持续预训练(Continue PreTrain)或者使用少量样本微调(Few-shot tuning)来缓解模型遗忘问题。

A: 可以通过在微调过程中加入通用领域的数据,或者使用多任务学习框架来保持模型的通用能力。

A: SFT(Supervised Fine-Tuning)时选择Chat模型或Base模型取决于具体任务的需求和可用资源,Chat模型通常更适合对话任务。

A: 是的,领域模型词表扩增可以帮助模型更好地理解和处理特定领域的术语和概念。

A: 训练自己的大模型需要大量的数据、计算资源以及专业的训练框架,可以通过预训练和微调的方式来逐步构建和优化模型。

A: 多轮对话任务可以通过构建对话上下文的连续性、使用对话管理策略以及优化对话状态跟踪来微调模型。



The Transformer Model –


How Much Bitcoin Can I Buy With a $100 Steam Card In Nigeria

The price of Bitcoin has dropped to a significant level over the past few months and this incidence can be attributed to the current bear crypto market ravaging almost all the cryptocurrencies in the market.

Bitcoin is the most valuable and the first cryptocurrency to ever exist in the market and as such, it is still the most expensive cryptocurrency despite the current crypto winter.

One may not be wrong to insinuate that the demand for Bitcoin has dropped to a substantial level as is evident by its low price.

Nonetheless, this is not the end for this most revered cryptocurrency because of its volatile nature. Recall that Bitcoin sold for less than $1 in its first year and made its all-time high in November 2021 at the price of $65,000 and today sells at $19,000. 

Will Bitcoin still trade above this level? Yes. Crypto analysts have also predicted that Bitcoin will soon surpass the $100,000 price level. 

The current bear market has left many investors in doubt and uncertain of the next step to take but some investors simply see an opportunity to accumulate more Bitcoins at a cheaper price and build wealth in the bull market.

There are many ways to accumulate Bitcoin but the purpose of this article will focus on selling gift cards for Bitcoin.

If you’re one of the smart investors looking to utilize this opportunity by exchanging your gift cards for Bitcoin, this article will give you a detailed analysis of how you can sell a Steam card for Bitcoin, how much Bitcoin you can sell the Steam card for and the best platform to sell your gift cards for Bitcoin.

What Is A Steam Card?

Steam Gift Card is a voucher preloaded with a specific amount of money used for both online and in-store transactions on the Steam platform.

The Steam platform is home to various types of video games, gaming software and some hardware. Owning a Steam Gift Card gives a user access to the Steam store to shop for any product of choice.

Steam cards are of two different types; Steam physical cards and Steam E-codes.

The two cards have the same use cases, the only difference is the structure in which they are issued.

When a customer purchases a Steam card, he redeems the card on the Steam platform and the value is added to his Steam wallet. After each transaction, the value is deducted from his Steam wallet.

Steam cards come in different denominations ranging from $5-$500.

Where Can I Sell Steam Cards For Bitcoin?

Due to the increasing demand for gift card trading services, many online trading platforms have emerged over the past years to offer this service to traders.

However, some of these platforms are not efficient enough, hence, they do not offer quality services while some are completely fraudulent platforms that rip traders off their assets.

This is a major problem for traders as many traders have lost confidence in online trading apps.

The good news is that there’s still a needle in the haystack but the only problem is finding it.

You need not search any further for a good online trading app while the Prestmit app exists.

Prestmit is an online trading app that offers all essential features for traders to trade digital assets seamlessly on the platform.

Ever since it was launched in 2020, Prestmit has grown to become the most popular and used trading app in Africa, offering gift card trading services for more than 300 types of gift cards and cryptocurrencies.

Traders can choose their payment options from the multiple options available on the platform.

Prestmit has many unique features which make it the first choice for gift card traders across the globe.

These extraordinary characteristics of the Prestmit platform include the following;

  • Swift Payment Policy
  • High Rates On Digital Assets
  • Fast Customer Support
  • Multiple Payment Options
  • High-Security Protocol
  • Rates Calculator
  • Simple User Interface

How Much Bitcoin Can I Get With a $100 Steam Card?

The question of how much Bitcoin one can get for a $100 Steam card depends on many factors, and the major factor is the trading platform and the rates offered on such platforms.

However, this is not a problem on Prestmit because high rates are one of the policies of the platform.

As of the time of writing, selling a $100 Steam card on Prestmit will get $70.39 worth of Bitcoin at the rate of 535.

You can always check for the current rate of all gift cards on the platform using the live rate calculator.

How To Trade Steam Card For Bitcoin On Prestmit

Now that you have known how lunch Bitcoin a $100 Steam Gift Card can get you on Prestmit, the next thing we should discuss is how you can trade on the platform.

Trading on the Prestmit platform is an easy process and these few steps will guide you on how to trade your Steam card for Bitcoin.

  1. Download the Prestmit app, sign up and log in.
  2. Click on “Buy and Sell Gift Cards” 
  3. Select “Sell Gift Cards
  4. Choose Bitcoin as your payment method and proceed.
  5. Click on “Gift Card Category” and select Steam Gift Card.
  6. Select “Gift Card Type” and choose the type of Steam card you have. For Example, USA Steam physical card.
  7. Click on “Amount” and input the amount of Steam you wish to sell.
  8. Upload the gift card image if you are trading a physical card, otherwise, input the codes in the comment section.
  9. Enter your Bitcoin address in the Bitcoin address section.
  10. Click “proceed” and your wallet will be credited.


Trading gift cards is a stress-free exercise if you utilize the right platform. This article has given a detailed summary of how much Bitcoin a 0 Steam card can get you in Nigeria and also the best platform to sell your gift cards successfully.

Prestmit app is available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.


Plagiarism on the Internet

Click:CNC machining

In an earlier blog article we have looked at plagiarism in general and how to avoid at least unintentionally plagiarizing someone else’s work in a thesis or otherwise educational or scientific work. However, such instances aren’t the only occasions where plagiarism arises almost daily.


Nothing has made plagiarizing and stealing other people’s work and ideas as easy as the internet. In this case, it doesn’t even have to be the written word that is merely copy and pasted into website content or a blog article. It goes way further. Images, music, videos, sketches, graphics, and whole designs and codes can easily be saved, copied, or imitated.


On the other hand, it has never been as easy to put a link to the original source, artist, or producer as it is now. A source link lets people know where good content came from by crediting the original author, while bad content can easily be noticed if the link refers to a questionable source. The users or readers then can decide for themselves if they want to trust content that comes from a for them questionable or not reliable source.


Yet, many people still display photos, artwork, or videos as their own by not putting a proper source link which would merely take a split second to do.


Plagiarism on the Internet

There are a few common forms of plagiarism that are widely common on the internet. Such are:

  • Posting pictures from other websites on your own page or blog
  • Using video footage for fan, tribute, or music videos
  • Using copyright protected music for your videos
  • Posting videos or images found on the web on social media profiles
  • Using photographs or images to create website designs, banners, social media headers, etc.

However, the lines tend to blur – especially on social media. Could tributes of famous music videos or movie scenes be seen as plagiarism? Or copying the composition and color scheme of an existing graphic for your own?


Many seem to draw the line when it comes to the “value” of the shared – or plagiarized – content. Others draw the line when it comes to personal use vs. commercial usage of videos and pictures. One could always refer to the copyright laws denoted by the government (for example in the US), yet the internet is all and foremost an international playground, and American copyright laws may not apply to a user from India or Switzerland.


Be on the save side

Especially on social media and private usage, when the case of plagiarism isn’t entirely clear, giving credit to the original source is a matter of decency and respect. It may happen that there is no source t be found if you take a picture from Google or find it on your hard drive, yet that doesn’t mean that you should claim it as your own – or in the worst case put your own watermark on it (cf. this example someone put on Flickr).


If the source is known though, it should be possible to take a few seconds to credit the original artist. In most cases, nowadays, there is even the possibility to share content from the source directly with your Facebook friends, Twitter followers, or via email. Using such in-built sharing methods guarantee that whoever sees the content on your profile will know of the original source.


If you wish to use a photograph or image, video footage or citation of someone else, there’s always the option to ask the respective contributor for permission as well. A quick question via email or Twitter doesn’t cost anything and is equally fast done.


And last but not least, there is still content on the internet that is free to use in the public domain. Open Source images and content created with the certain creative commons licences can be used, shared, and even altered following certain restrictions.

Keyword: light novel