Vidéo – Christophe Beaugrand recadre Christine Boutin

Fervent défenseur de la cause homosexuelle, Christophe Beaugrand était l’invité mardi soir de Face à France sur NRJ 12. Durant l’émission, l’animateur de TF1 a notamment eu une explication franche avec Christine Boutin.

Un recadrage dans les règles de l’art. Mardi soir, Christophe Beaugrand était l’invité du nouveau programme de Jean-Marc Morandini, Face à France, sur NRJ 12. A ses côtés, Christine Boutin. Sur le papier, la rencontre aurait pu être explosive. Et pour cause, en avril 2014, la femme politique avait accordé une longue interview dans les colonnes du magazine Charles. Un entretien dans lequel la dirigeante du Parti Chrétien Démocrate avait qualifié l’homosexualité « d’abomination ». Des propos pour lesquels elle est aujourd’hui poursuivie devant le tribunal correctionnel de Paris.

Mardi soir, le présentateur de Secret Story a profité de l’occasion pour mettre la femme politique face à ses responsabilités. “Je ne sais pas si vous le savez, mais une homosexualité mal acceptée est la première cause de suicide chez les adolescents, explique dans un premier temps l’animateur. J’ai une question extrêmement simple à vous poser : Qu’est-ce que vous dites à une maman dont le gamin s’est suicidé à cause, peut-être, de propos comme ceux que vous avez tenus?”. Une interrogation vivement applaudie par le public. « Je ne peux pas imaginer l’hypothèse selon laquelle mes mots aient pu provoquer le suicide d’un jeune » rétorque alors l’intéressée. Une réponse, qui aurait pu agacer son interlocuteur mais ce dernier a préféré conclure sa discussion de manière légère. Et pour cause, alors que Christine Boutin lui posait la main sur le genou, Christophe Beaugrand lance : « Je suis désolé, vous n’êtes pas de mon bord. C’est dommage, on aurait pu se marier ».

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Vidéo – Patrick Dempsey, pas si divorcé

Au début de l’année, le divorce de Jillian Fink et Patrick Dempsey a fait grand bruit. Moins d’un an plus tard, les voilà réunis, à Paris.

L’année 2015 aura été mouvementée pour Patrick Dempsey. Au début de l’année, après 15 ans de mariage, il annonçait son divorce pour différends irréconciliables. C’en était fini du couple qu’il formait avec Jillian Fink, la mère de ses trois enfants, Tallulah, 13 ans, Sullivan et Darby, ses jumeaux de 8 ans, dont ils se sont disputés la garde quelques semaines plus tard. Au printemps, il se voyait évincé de la série qui lui a valu tant de succès, Grey’s Anatomy. On dirait bien que la fin d’année s’annonce un peu mieux.

Fan inconditionnel de sports automobiles, on a pu suivre des mois durant son évolution autour de sa dévorante passion. Peut-être pour tromper son chagrin, l’acteur de 49 ans a passé le plus clair de son temps sur les circuits, et ça lui a réussi. Le sourire revenu, il a réussi à reséduire Jillian avec qui il vient de passer un week-end dans notre belle capitale, comme en témoignent leurs comptes Instagram respectifs.

Au programme, balade main dans la main sur le pont des arts, Vélib’ aux Tuilleries et visite de l’expo Picasso au Grand Palais, sans oublier le classique coucher de soleil avec la Tour Eiffel pour horizon, le tout bien sûr, ponctué de selfies et de partages sur les réseaux. Petit indice encore s’il en fallait un sur la santé du couple: le compte Instagram de la make-up artist est au nom de Jillian Dempsey…

Weekend in Paris

Posted by Patrick Dempsey onSunday, November 8, 2015

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Gad Elmaleh déclare « que sa compagne l’a quitté »

Des mois déjà qu’on les croyait séparés, et la nouvelle est finalement tombée en octobre dernier. Après quatre ans d’amour et la naissance d’un petit Raphaël, Gad Elmaleh et Charlotte Casiraghi ont fini par mettre un terme à leur idylle. Un triste dénouement qu’évoque cette semaine le comique français sur scène, aux Etats-Unis. D’habitude très discret sur sa vie privée, il a en effet brièvement raconté à son public américain avoir été quitté par sa compagne, rapporte Closer.

Tandis que Charlotte Casiraghi prend un nouveau départ à Paris, s’offrant de discrètes promenades en amoureux avec Lamberto Sanfelice, un cinéaste italien prometteur, Gad Elmaleh, lui, s’est réfugié dans le travail. Il est en ce moment entre New York et Minneapolis, où il poursuit sa première tournée américaine. L’occasion de «tout recommencer. Se remettre en question. Ne rien prendre pour acquis. Prendre des risques. Se lancer des défis et boire un bon verre de rouge» a t-il confié cette semaine sur Twitter.

Et, toujours inspiré par ses expériences personnelles pour élaborer son drôle de numéro, le comique a une fois de plus dévoilé quelques détails de sa vie sur scène. Mais cette fois-ci, plus question d’en rester aux allusions sur son amusante vie de famille. Pour une fois, Gad Elmaleh a également parlé de son tout récent célibat.

Ainsi, devant ce tout nouveau public à conquérir, le héros de Chouchou a confirmé «être célibataire depuis peu» ajoutant «que sa compagne l’a quitté», explique Closer. Toutefois soucieux de ne pas lancer un tsunami médiatique, Gad Elmaleh a par ailleurs rappelé qu’il ne désirait «pas parler de sa vie privée». Une pudeur teintée d’élégance qui a dû plaire, outre-Atlantique.

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Vidéo – Un dernier adieu à Michel Delpech

Décédé le 2 janvier à l’âge de 69 ans, le chanteur Michel Delpech a été inhumé ce vendredi 8 janvier en l’Eglise Saint-Sulpice à Paris. Des personnalités politiques, issues du monde la chanson ou encore du cinéma et de la télévision ont participé à la messe célébrée par un prêtre orthodoxe. Catherine Deneuve, Patrick Bruel, Line Renaud ou encore Michel Drucker comptaient parmi les invités. Plus de 300 personnes avaient aussi fait le déplacement juste devant le parvis de l’église pour dire un dernier adieu à la grande voix qu’était Michel Delpech. Il sera enterré au cimetière du Père-Lachaise ce vendredi après-midi.Click Here: cheap INTERNATIONAL jersey

Photos – Justin Trudeau vedette de la marche des fiertés de Toronto

Ce week end, partout dans le monde, se tenaient les marches des fiertés. Aussi appelées Gay Pride, ces rassemblements ont été l’occasion, moins d’un mois après la tragédie d’Orlando, de rappeler l’importance du « vivre-ensemble » et du respect des sexualités de tous. A Toronto, le Premier ministre canadien, Justin Trudeau, a défilé en tête de cortège. Une première historique.

Justin Trudeau révolutionne petit à petit l’image que l’on se fait traditionnellement d’un Premier ministre. L’ultra-médiatique homme politique a une nouvelle fois fait le buzz sur les réseaux sociaux en apparaissant en tête du cortège de la marche des fiertés organisée à Toronto, ce dimanche.

Les milliers de badauds, hétérosexuels, et bien sur lesbiennes, Gay, Bi, et Trans de Toronto ont pu vérifier que le jeune chef du gouvernement canadien tenait ses promesses. Très investi dans la cause, il s’attelle depuis son élection à faire du Canada un modèle en matière d’égalité et de lutte contre les discriminations. Il prépare même une modification de l’hymne national canadien pour le rendre moins discriminatoire, et a récemment décidé de créer un genre « neutre » sur la carte d’identité ou le permis de conduire, pour « celles et ceux qui ne se reconnaissent pas dans la norme binaire ».

Il s’était engagé à être le tout premier Premier ministre à défiler, et il était bien en tête de ce cortège de Toronto, le plus important de tout le pays. Il arborait un drapeau arc-en-ciel, la feuille d’érable rouge au milieu, alliant les symboles du Canada et de la LGBT.

Ce moment historique, Justin Trudeau l’a très vite minimisé. Il a rappelé qu’il assistait à ces marches depuis de nombreuses années, avant de devenir l’homme d’Etat qu’il est maintenant. « Le fait qu’un Premier ministre défile dans le cortège de la Pride ne devrait pas être quelque chose d’extraordinaire, et à partir d’aujourd’hui ça ne le sera plus » a-t-il déclaré à l’issue de la promenade.

Les marches des fiertés dans le monde étaient cette année marquées par un hommage aux victimes de la tuerie d’Orlando, survenue le 12 juin dernier. De nombreuses personnalités du monde des arts s’étaient même investis récemment pour lutter contre les discriminations, comme les jours après la tragédie. Parmi elles Lady Gaga, Madonna ou encore Beyonce. A 15h, dans les rues de Toronto, les participants ont tenu une minute de silence en mémoire des 49 victimes de la boîte de nuit gay d’Orlando, le Pulse, revendiquée par l’organisation Etat islamique (EI). Le Premier ministre canadien, qui avait déjà beaucoup fait parler de lui quelques jours après la tuerie, a tenu à rappeler son combat.

“On ne peut pas laisser passer la haine. Dès qu’il y a de la discrimination et de l’intolérance, il faut le dénoncer.”

Sous les ovations de la foule, dans sa chemise saumon trempée après avoir été arrosé par des pistolets à eau, Justin Trudeau a enchaîné les poignées de main et les selfies le long du parcours, avec un air très décontracté. Cette marche des fiertés a donc été le moyen pour lui de rappeler un combat important, mais aussi de soigner sa cote de popularité, au plus haut depuis son élection.

Brawn: New F1 governance will prevent regulation loopholes!

Formula 1 managing director Ross Brawn says the sport is set to introduce from 2021 a new governance structure that would prevent a team from exploiting any loopholes in the sport’s technical rules.

Formula 1 will hopefully usher in a new era from 2021, with a fresh set of sporting and technical regulations aimed at promoting closer and better racing up and down the field.

Needless to say, the teams’ engineers are already hard at work devising their future contenders, their creative minds poring over the regulations to make the most of the new law and order with the hope of perhaps identifying a slim technicality that can be transformed into a massive edge.

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However, while any designer might well uncover the odd loophole, a team might not be able to hold on to its unfair advantage for very long per Brawn’s future potential governance structure.

A new rule making process by which the teams, Liberty Media and the FIA get 10 votes each would have the capacity to immediately dismiss a loophole exploited by a team if 28 of the 30 votes are in favour of cracking down on the specific advantage!

“The governance in the past has been the teams have to all agree to make a change,” explained Brawn, quoted by

“We’re pushing through governance where we can make changes, with much more short notice than at the present time.

“So, if you exploit a loophole in the future, you can be shut down the next race, which you could never do now.”

“If one team stands out there with a solution that had never been conceived and had never been imagined, and destroys the whole principle of what’s trying to be done, the governance would allow, with sufficient support from the other teams, to stop it. And this is a whole different philosophy.”

“And what then happens, someone who has a loophole thinks to themselves, do I want to use it and risk it being stopped? Or do I want to tell the FIA about it because it wasn’t intended?”

Ironically, such a voting procedure, had it been in force in 2009, would have prevented Brawn’s very own team – Brawn GP – from exploiting its creative double-diffuser device and running away with the world championship!

The planned new governance might well infuriate those techies who aim to think “out of the box”. But could the procedural sword of Damocles hanging over the team’s head potentially also suppress real innovation? Brawn doesn’t believe so.

“We want people with an understood set of regulations to be the best at what they do,” he explains.

“And I think they have to rely on us, and the FIA, that we’re not going to penalise someone who has a great idea. And that is subjective.

“But is a great idea the fact that somebody put a comma in the wrong place in the regulation, which means a lawyer can interpret it in a diverse way? I don’t think it is.

“I think a great idea is: this is what was intended, we realised we can do this. So it’s a fine line, but the governance in F1 is just as crucial a part of the process as the other changes we’ve made.

“I can accept that maybe, rather like in 2009, someone gets it right, someone gets it wrong,” he added.

“But I think you have to look fundamentally at the fact that only three teams won [recently], and are only ever going to win, because no one else even came close.

“And you are just leaving things at risk, with the budgets those teams are spending, to a slight downturn in the economy and then suddenly it becomes a problem [for F1].

“So there is a risk. There’s a chance that in 2021, somebody will get a jump on the opposition. But I think it’s a necessary reset. Otherwise, I don’t know we are going to correct the situation we’re in.”

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Abiteboul explains R.S.20 ‘no show’ at car launch

There was something rather blatant missing at Renault’s 2020 car launch event on Wednesday, which took place at Groupe Renault’s flagship L’Atelier Renault store on the Champs-Elysees.

While the team’s management and drivers assembled en masse on stage, there was no getting around the lack of any actual car.

The R.S.20 was glimpsed only briefly in a ‘teaser’ video on the big screen, and even then the black livery made it hard to make out.

Asked why there was no car to present to the press, team principal Cyril Abiteboul denied that Renault’s preparations for 2020 were running behind.

  • Launch Gallery: Renault F1 team presentation

“If anything we are much more on schedule than we were last year,” he told the media attending the launch, as reported by

“Last year we invited you guys to come to Enstone, and actually I mentioned how late we were – and that was a fact,” he continued.

“It was also something that impacted reliability at the start because, when you are late, you are reacting and it is all about trying to catch a train that’s gone anyway.

“This year we are ahead of schedule,” he insisted, explaining that he hadn’t wanted everyone pouring over press photos of stand-in ‘fake’ cars, micro-analysing the still-in-development new chassis, and speculating about computer renderings and ‘dummy’ parts.

“I got extremely frustrated from people really reacting to the cars as they they are the [actual] thing,” he said. “No one is capable of presenting a [race-ready] car.

“If your team in on schedule, you don’t have a car waiting here for a couple of hours or days, your car is being built and going straight to Barcelona.

“On that basis, our only option was to have a fake car, a show car altered to look like this year’s car. But that is a waste of money and the results will be frankly below optimal.

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“Rather than that, no car. For anyone interested in the car, look at the pictures next week [from pre-season testing in Barcelona].”

Abiteboul promised that it would be worth the wait, and that despite the R.S.20 being more of an evolution than a dramatic departure in the absence of any major regulation changes until 2021, it still represented a significant change of direction from the French manufacturer.

“This year we decided to take a bit of a different approach,” he said. “We have decided to focus on performance areas, and by doing that you also work towards 2021.

“The regulations are stable [this year] so it was offering a fantastic opportunity to keep some elements of the car that have no direct responsibility towards the performance of the car.

“It doesn’t mean that it is the same car, that would not look very attractive,” he added. “You can be focused on 2020 then you have some extra capacity available for 2021.

“That’s the logic behind what we have done,” he concluded. “Whether it works or not, let’s see in Melbourne on the Saturday.”

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Arigato, Botafogo! Japan legend Honda causes stir in Brazil with Rio arrival

Honda shirts are already flying off the shelves at his new club while he even has his own Samba – but will the move prove a hit on the pitch?

Keisuke Honda has taken the long way round in his journey from Osaka to Rio de Janeiro. The midfielder, 33, played at the top level in Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Italy, Mexico and Australia and has now arrived to galvanise sleeping Brazilian giants Botafogo, the footballing birthplace of all-time great Garrincha, now firmly in the shadow of their mighty neighbours Flamengo.

The reaction to Honda’s imminent arrival in Rio has been enthusiastic, to say the least. A veteran of three World Cup campaigns, 98 caps and 37 goals for Japan has whipped Botafogo fans into a frenzy, with the excitement spilling over across the city and Brazil as a whole.

“Hey! Everything good? I am Keisuke Honda, it’s a pleasure,” the ex-AC Milan and CSKA Moscow star announced on Friday in halting Portuguese via his Twitter account.

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“I am going to play at Botafogo, see you in Rio de Janeiro.”

The video, and Botafogo’s accompanying transfer reveal – which borrowed from Nintendo’s immensely successful Game Boy and Pokemon products – caused a social media sensation, underlining the interest in this most unusual of transfers. The last overseas player to cause such a stir around the club was Clarence Seedorf, who spent two seasons there at the end of his illustrious, trophy-laden career. Honda, however, might just outstrip even the Netherlands legend in terms of pure hype.

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The enormous Asian football market, for years a key focus for Europe’s top clubs, is also a coveted prize in South America.

By virtue of their exploits in the early 2000s, in the Intercontinental Cup, Boca Juniors built up a cult following in Japan, a link upon which they attempted to capitalise with the 2001 signing of Naohiro Takahara. The young forward made more impact on fans with his easygoing nature and permanent grin than on the field, playing just seven times on loan before going on to star in the Bundesliga with Hamburg and Eintracht Frankfurt.

In Brazil, Corinthians swooped for the unheralded Zhizhao Chen in 2012 with the intention of heightening their profile in China. Chen was greeted with dancing dragons and noisy percussionists in his lavish presentation but also failed to make much of an impression, appearing five times in two seasons prior to a move back home to Beijing Guoan.

The first batch of shirts bearing Honda’s name sold out just two days after his signing was confirmed, while Botafogo revealed on the following Monday that membership subscription requests had increased 400 per cent over the weekend, pushing the Fogao towards their target of 40,000 paying supporters. Preparations started early for Honda’s arrival in Brazil on Friday and all accounts suggest that his official presentation the following day will be an even more spectacular affair.

How many footballers, let alone overseas players, can after all boast their own samba song? “I have joined this wave/thanks to my Fogao/I’ve mixed feijoada with sushi/Cachaca with sake/Keisuque? One more name for our constellation.” Arigato Fogao, penned in record time by comedian Marcelo Adnet, salutes Honda’s arrival as the “newest Carioca”, coming from the “Orient to show off his silky feet.”

Whether this audacious transfer will yield the desired results where it most counts remains to be seen. Even Honda’s most fanatical supporters would have to admit that the former Japan ace has placed his playing career on the backburner in recent years, with his last stint, at Dutch side VVV, lasting a mere four games before he rescinded his contract at the end of 2019.

Honda’s attentions have been divided between fleeting appearances on the pitch, a curious arrangement that sees him coach the Cambodian national team – when his schedule allows, of course – and his own management company, which runs football schools across the globe as well as stakes in several clubs. Indeed, in the same week that he was gearing up to join Botafogo, he was also announcing the formation of One Tokyo, a team that will compete in the city’s regional leagues.

Prior to joining VVV he also sent out bizarre ‘come and get me’ pleas to both Manchester United and Milan, although in spite of pledging to play for free the offers were politely overlooked. Botafogo may just be getting more than they bargained for in this deal; but if Honda can somehow roll back the years and show the talent that made him a living legend in Japan, the excitement might just last beyond Saturday’s introduction and revitalise the Rio side over the coming season.

Joshua King had 'difficult couple of days' after talk of Man United return

Eddie Howe has revealed the forward struggled after a potential move to Old Trafford did not happen in January

Bournemouth striker Joshua King endured a “difficult couple of days” after a potential return to Manchester United failing to materialise, according to Eddie Howe.

United were rumoured to be interested in bringing King back to Old Trafford towards the end of the January transfer window, the club sinking cover for the injured Marcus Rashford.

King, 28, was said to be particularly eager to join United, having made two senior appearances for as a youngster and featured prominently under current manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer in the club’s reserves.

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Bournemouth were reported to have rejected United’s advances and they signed former Watford striker Odion Ighalo instead, with King apparently left feeling “used”, according to the Athletic.

Howe accepts King had a tough time coming to terms with the outcome but has urged the Norwegian to take it as a compliment and not dwell on personal matters as Bournemouth face a relegation tussle.

“That was a difficult couple of days for him,” Howe told reporters. “But it’s a huge compliment and a huge moment for him, to have Manchester United come in and express an interest in him.

“But he’s very focused on our current position and this club. He knows we’re in a relegation fight; it’s no time for him to focus on himself, he knows that, and he’s very much a team player.

“So, he’s looking forward to being fit and contributing to our battle.”

Howe has confirmed that the forward could return to the fold for Sunday’s clash against Sheffield United along with Jack Stacey. Both have been missing since the 2-0 defeat against Brighton at the end of December and have been absent for seven matches.

“Joshua and Jack have trained this week and are both getting close. We’ll have to make decision if we involve them on Sunday,” he said.

Bournemouth face the Blades in good spirits having won each of their last two Premier League matches, overcoming both Brighton and Aston Villa, pushing them two points clear of the relegation zone.

After their trip to Sheffield, they will enjoy a 13-day break before returning to action with a trip to Burnley on February 22.

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Millwall vs Fulham Betting Tips: Latest odds, team news, preview and predictions

In dominant form recently, Al Hain-Cole is backing Parker’s men to extend their strong record against the Lions by coming out on top at the Den

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Millwall and Fulham will be hoping to give their respective promotion bids a boost when they come face-to-face at the Den in Wednesday’s Championship clash.

Gary Rowett’s men are within touching distance of the play-off places at five points adrift of sixth, although they have only won one of their last five league matches.

Millwall vs Fulham Latest Odds

Having come out on top in three of their last four home games, they are priced at 19/10 (2.90) with bet365 to get back on track with a big victory here.

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The Cottagers only trail second-placed Leeds on goal difference after a run of four wins and a draw from the last five matches, and are 6/4 (2.50) favourites to claim maximum points here.

Just one of the previous nine encounters between this pair has resulted in a draw, but you can get odds of 11/5 (3.20) on them cancelling each other out in this one.

Millwall vs Fulham Team News

Mason Bennett and Ryan Leonard could be in contention for the hosts after making their comeback from injury in Monday’s under-23 match against Norwich, although Frank Fielding and Ben Thompson remain long-term absentees.

Maxime Le Marchand and Harrison Reed are still ruled out, while Anthony Knockaert will face a late fitness test.

Millwall vs Fulham Preview

Although recognised as a difficult away ground, the Den has actually proved a fairly happy hunting ground for Scott Parker’s men – winning three and losing none of their five visits here.

In fact, they possess a fairly dominant record over the Lions in general, having won six times and lost just once in the last eight meetings.

They will be confident of extending that record given current form, particularly the run of four clean sheets in the five most recent league fixtures.

Millwall vs Fulham Tips and Predictions

With Millwall having failed to score in four of their last six games, odds of 6/4 (2.50) seem generous on them falling to yet another defeat against a solid Fulham outfit.

All odds correct at time of publish. Please gamble responsibly.

Fulham to win at 6/4 (2.50) for a 1pt stake with bet365