This is the second last episode of AEW Dynamite in 2019. Next week’s show has some big matches set to take place and then in two weeks on Wednesday it’s Christmas Day, so AEW is understandably not doing a show that night. There is a new Dynamite episode on New Year’s Day in Jacksonville. Let’s see what they have in store for us this week.
Live from Garland, Texas (near Dallas), this is episode #11 of AEW Dynamite. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Please visit daily for our regular updates on the wrestling business featuring WWE, AEW and other wrestling news coverage along with reviews about wrestling’s past and present. Thanks to Melo Man for the banner up top. Here’s my AEW Dynamite TV review archive. I’m watching on TSN2 in Canada, so there might be different commercial breaks or split-screen moments. Just letting you know because I had some comments about that in the past.
The show began with Jon Moxley making his entrance by going into the arena through the crowd. Jim Ross called him “Mr. Attitude” with JR joined on commentary by Tony Schiavone and Excalibur as usual. The fans popped big for Moxley, who is the #1 ranked contender for the AEW World Title.
Jon Moxley vs. Alex Reynolds
Moxley with a running knee to knock Reynolds down and Moxley hit the Paradigm Shift for the pinfall win in under ten seconds.
Winner by pinfall: Jon Moxley
Analysis: Easy win for Mox to continue his hot streak in AEW.
After the match, Moxley tossed Reynolds out of the ring. John Silver, who is Alex’s tag team partner at ringside, went into the ring, so Moxley grabbed him and gave him a double arm DDT. The fans were chanting for Moxley.
Chris Jericho made his entrance with the AEW World Title. Jericho was joined by his Inner Circle buddies Jake Hager, Sammy Guevara, Santana and Ortiz. The Inner Circle group walked around the ring while Jericho went into the ring with Moxley.
Jericho said it’s just two gentlemen having a conversation and he sucked up to Moxley calling him the top guy. Jericho noted they had a long history together. Jericho talked about how a decade ago when Moxley first appeared on the nationwide stage, Mox asked Jericho for some help, Jericho gave him that help and then they became adversaries when they beat the ever-loving shit out of eachother. Jericho talked about how he taught Moxley how to be a main event superstar and how to be a champion. Jericho navigated Moxley out of “those” waters (referring to WWE) and navigated him to AEW. Jericho said when Moxley laid him out at Double or Nothing, it showed that Moxley is still a winner and still an asshole, but that’s okay. Jericho told Moxley he is just now harnessing the power that he has and once again, Mox needs Jericho. The fans booed, so Jericho told them to shut up.
Jericho pitched the idea of Moxley joining forces with the Inner Circle and that’s why they want to ask Moxley to join the Inner Circle. The fans booed that idea while Jericho had an Inner Circle t-shirt with him. Jericho said that this isn’t an answer you can give in one night for the morons here in Dallas. Jericho told him to talk about his lovely wife (hey Renee), his mother who Chris has also met and when you have an answer, the Inner Circle will be there waiting for him. Jericho said that Moxley joining the Inner Circle as they take over AEW is a true paradigm shift. Jericho said when he’s ready, they’ll be waiting. Jericho left the shirt on Moxley’s shoulder while Moxley said nothing in reply. Jericho left with his buddies.
Analysis: This is one of those things that have happened in wrestling many times over the years when it comes to heel stables wanting a popular babyface to join them. When the face turns them down, it makes them more likable in the eyes of the fans. Moxley is like a Stone Cold babyface in AEW, so of course, he’s not going to join the heel group. Jericho was very good as usual with his promo.
There was a video package about the Young Bucks match with Santana and Ortiz later tonight. It’s a Texas Street Fight.
The announcers went over some of the matches that are still to come in this week’s show.
The entrances took place for the next match. Cody still has a big scar over his right eye that he suffered at Full Gear last month. There was a pre-match promo from MJF talking about how he gave Butcher and Blade money to beat Cody.
Cody and QT Marshall vs. The Butcher and The Blade (w/The Bunny)
Marshall was picked by the three B’s and MJF as Cody’s opponent. Blade used to be Braxton Sutter in TNA/Impact and Pepper Parks before that. He’s married to The Bunny aka Allie. Blade with a shoulder tackle on Cody, who came back with a powerslam on Blade. Butcher and Marshall ran the ropes, Bunny grabbed Marshall’s leg and Blade hit a dive over the top on Marshall to take him out on the floor.
(Commercial – Cody tagged in, slid out of the ring, took a sip of water and spit water in Blade’s face. Cody with a bulldog on Blade. Marshall missed a dropkick, Butcher hit a gutwrench slam and got a two count. Blade held Marshall while Butcher tagged in with a leg drop into a side slam.)
The heels remained in control as Blade sent Marshall out of the ring with a hard chop to the chest. Marshall with a jawbreaker followed by an enziguri kick. They did a spot where Butcher pulled Cody off the apron to prevent a tag, but it was too choreographed. Anyway, it was effective enough as Butcher hit a back body drop on Marshall for a two count. Marshall hit a cartwheel into another jumping kick in the head, this time on Butcher, to create some space. Blade missed a corner splash. Cody got the hot tag with a boot to the face, a running clothesline, uppercut punch on Blade, a Disaster Kick on Butcher and Cody went up top with a diving body press onto a standing Blade for a two count. Cody went up top, then jumped back into a Cutter for a two count. Blade kicked Cody into the ropes, Bunny raked the eyes, Marshall tagged himself in and hit a punch on Blade. QT hit a cartwheel or something leading to a dive over the top on Blade and Butcher. Back in the ring, Cody with a punch on Blade and QT hit his version of the Cross Rhodes. Cody hit a sloppy dive on Butcher on the floor. Marshall hit a dive off the top on Blade, but he barely connected with it and it got a two count. Blade tripped up Cody on the apron, so Marshall was alone. JR said one of them has to leave the ring, but it’s not like AEW enforces rules that well. Blade with a Stunner leading to Butcher hitting a clothesline. Butcher with a suplex into the double knees of Blade for the pinfall win after 11 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: The Butcher and The Blade
Analysis: *** It was a solid tag team match that was done to put over the new team. The story is that while Cody is a top guy, Marshall is just a preliminary guy in AEW (he also works backstage for the company), so Cody lost due to having a weak partner. To Marshall’s credit, he looked pretty good in the spots they gave him. The crowd was into it while Cody was terrific as usual. Good teamwork by Butcher and Blade to set up the finish of the match. It’s not a surprise that Marshall lost the match for his team.
Post match, Darby Allin walked down to the ring and went up to Cody at ringside. Allin extended his hand to lift up Cody. Allin stared at him and then he left. Cody thanked Marshall for his effort in the match.
Analysis: It could lead to Cody aligning with Allin as a team in the future. Allin also tweeted about having a draw with Cody in a great match earlier this year, which led to them having respect for eachother. Allin has won over the crowd over the last three months.
They showed Santana, Ortiz and Sammy Guevara backstage with trash cans getting ready for the Street Fight later in the show. The Young Bucks were also shown getting ready with their buddy Brandon Cutler handing them their jackets.
Let’s Hear from MJF
Maxwell Jacob Friedman aka MJF made his entrance with his buddy Wardlow joining him in the ring for a promo. The fans booed him.
MJF yelled at “cord boy” at ringside, who is one of the grips at ringside that helps the cameraman at ringside and he told him to go in the ring. MJF said he saw this guy laughing last week when Cody mocked his Cross Rhodes last week. MJF said all is forgiven if you kiss the ring (the diamond ring MJF won). The guy kissed the ring, then he stared at Wardlow and MJF hit the Cross Rhodes on “cord boy.” MJF said that looked pretty good to him.
MJF mentioned Cody Rhodes, the fans chanted “you suck” at him and MJF said that Cody is one of the greatest wrestlers in this generation. MJF said that Cody is untouchable with a microphone in his hand. MJF told Cody that you do not throw rocks at a man with a machine gun and when MJF’s mouth is open, these bullets don’t miss. MJF said he didn’t need Cody’s crap or his money while adding that he has enough money to last him a lifetime. MJF said he needs Cody to suffer. MJF said there was one line that upset him and that’s when Cody called MJF a “knock off Chris Jericho.” The scarf and suit combo does make it a fair comparison, in my opinion. MJF joked that it was an amazing zinger while he mocked Cody and the fans for thinking the scarf was fake. The fans chanted “fake” and said that makes him think of Cody. MJF said Cody’s platinum blonde hair looks like a cat pissed on it and those beaver-like Gary Busey-esque that he could land a helicopter on. MJF said he thinks about all the times that Cody claimed he cared about the, but there is one thing that is very real and that’s his “shitty little lisp” and that drew boos from the fans. I guess mocking lisps is actually mean. MJF ripped on the lisp some more saying, “suffering succotash” and the fans booed him more. MJF wondered if Cody would try to get him fired and he said that he won’t because the one thing Cody wants is to get his hands on MJF while also letting down these people because the fans want to see them go at it.
MJF asked the fans if they want to see MJF vs. Cody Rhodes and they cheered. MJF said “you’re on” for a match with a “but” added to it. MJF said he had stipulations, but he won’t tell them here in “honkyville USA” in Texas. MJF said he’ll give him the stipulations in Jacksonville, which is AEW Dynamite on January 1. MJF stared into the camera saying that he is in control now, not you because he’s better than him and Cody knows it. MJF was done.
Analysis: It was a great promo from MJF as usual. There’s no doubt he is one of the best talkers in the company already and that’s impressive for a guy in his mid-20s. The best thing about him is he is a true heel that has no interest in sucking up to the fans. MJF is just a pure heel that likes to rip on his rival Cody and the fans. No shades of grey with him. The announcement of a stipulation in Jacksonville on January 1 just means they will have a match eventually, but there’s no specific date announced yet. If I could nitpick here I would say it’s weird that Cody wants revenge at MJF, yet there was no sign of Cody here. If you want fans to buy into a rivalry between two guys, let’s see Cody out there for a brawl or something that builds to the match. Why is Cody in the back doing nothing about this? It’s not like it is going to be answered.
There was a Dark Order propaganda video featuring a guy in a hotel room. The guy on the screen asked: “Aren’t you tired of being a jobber yet, Alex?” Then he talked to the guy in the hotel saying stop losing and start winning. The guy said all you have to do is join the Dark Order. John Silver walked into the ring asking who he was talking to, Alex said he didn’t know and the video ended.
Analysis: The guys in the video are Alex Reynolds and John Silver, who are used as jobbers in AEW so far. Perhaps they will be in the Dark Order in the future as that stable continues to grow.
Big Swole entered for a women’s match. This is her first match on Dynamite. She is winless in matches on Dark. She is married to WWE’s Cedric Alexander. Emi Sakura made her Freddie Mercury tribute entrance and Hikaru Shida was watching at ringside. The announcers talked about women getting a title shot at Riho.
Big Swole vs. Emi Sakura
Swole with a kick, but Sakura came back with a toss across the ring and hair whip. Swole with a back fist to the jaw. Sakura came back with a surfboard submission stretching the back of Swole.
(Commercial – Sakura was in control with hard chops to the chest, then Swole came back with a forearm to the back, they had an awkward whip into the corner spot and then Swole just bounced off the ropes leading to a running clothesline. Sakura with a slam to take control.)
Swole got some momentum going with a headbutt, then a running forearm and a flapjack like move followed by another forearm for two. Sakura with a neckbreaker while leading the crowd in “We Will Rock You” chants. Sakura with a diving cross body block against the turnbuckle followed by a backbreaker. Sakura grabbed the microphone stand to do her Queen routine, the referee pulled the stand from her and Sakura did an abdominal stretch while holding the microphone stand. Swole managed to take the microphone stand and then she hit a Spear. They did some spot where Sakura drove her knee to the back of Swole that looked awkward. Sakura with a splash off the ropes for a two count. Swole avoided a dive, the exchanged strikes and Swole came back with a jumping kick to the head for a two count. Sakura countered an attack with a back elbow for a two count. Swole hit the Dirty Dancing forearm smash for the pinfall win after about 10 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Big Swole
Analysis: **1/2 It was an average match. The microphone stand spots are lame. I know it is part of Sakura’s gimmick, but it doesn’t make the match better. It’s like she is trying too hard to get a reaction. Swole winning the match was the right call to have her win her first match in AEW. The fans were interested in Swole at least, so they may have something with her.
Post match, it was mentioned by Excalibur that Riho will be back in action on January 1st to defend the AEW Women’s Title.
Pac was in the interview area with Jennifer Decker there to interview him. Pac said he was there for the opportunity, but he has dealt with nothing but injustice. Pac said he wanted his rubber match with Kenny Omega because he promises he will not be held responsible for what he does next.
It was tag team action time with Kip Sabian entering with Penelope Ford. Shawn Spears entered as his partner doing his “Chairman” gimmick and there was no Tully Blanchard with him. They showed a pre-match promo from Tully talking about Spears teaming with Sabian.
The babyface team was “Hangman” Adam Page. When Page entered it said he “drank a bottle of whiskey at home alone last Wednesday” on his nameplate graphic. I think Page has one of the best theme songs in the company. Kenny Omega got a big pop as usual. Omega is 8-4 overall and is #2 ranked in AEW with Jon Moxley in the top spot. Omega beat Sabian on AEW Dark earlier this week while Spears was on a four match win streak in AEW.
Kenny Omega and “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Shawn Spears and Kip Sabian (w/Penelope Ford)
Page with a boot to the face of Sabian, he tossed Spears out of the ring and Omega tagged in leading to Omega/Page chopping Sabian repeatedly. Omega with a running backbreaker on Sabian, Page tagged in, Omega with a splash and Sabian with elbows to Page. Spears missed a corner attack and Page hit a dropkick into a pin attempt for a two count.
(Commercial – Page was on the apron, Ford grabbed the foot, then Spears grabbed the foot and Sabian hit a corkscrew brainbuster off the ropes for a two count. Spears and Sabian made some quick tags to work over Page.)
Page tried to fight out of the corner, but Sabian tripped him up. Page avoided both guys, Omega got the tag and hit a double low dropkick on both heels. Omega hit a double leaping bulldog to take both guys down. The heels went to the floor, so Omega ran the ropes, but Ford stood on the apron. That led to Spears hitting a backstabber on Omega. Sabian followed up with a springboard missile dropkick for a two count. Sabian with a hurricanrana that sent Omega under the ropes and out of the ring. Omega sent Sabian to the apron, Sabian with a kick to the head, Page avoided a kick by Sabian and Ford took down Page with a hurricanrana on the floor. Back in the ring, Sabian hit a Tornado DDT on Omega for a two count. Spears distracted the referee, so Ford went into the ring with a handspring back elbow on Omega. Sabian with a Fisherman’s Suplex for a two count. The announcers reacted to that as a nearfall, but the fans didn’t react much because they know Omega wasn’t going to do a job to Sabian in this match. Omega countered a Sabian slam attempt and he hit a running V-Trigger knee on Sabian. That looked impressive. The lights went out in the arena for some reason and the crowd let out a big “oooohhhh” while reacting to that. There was a spotlight in the arena where we could see Tully Blanchard tied to a chair. It was Joey Janela standing behind Tully on the stage because Janela had a feud with Spears. Spears left the ring and he decked Spears with a forearm. Spears freed Blanchard from the chair and Janela went brawling with Spears to the back. Sabian realized he was all alone. Omega with a Snapdragon Suplex. Omega ran the ropes leading to the V-Trigger knee to the back. Page tagged himself in and hit the Buckshot Lariat clotheslines for the pinfall win for his team. Omega was surprised by it and then he looked like he was okay with it. The match went 12 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Kenny Omega and “Hangman” Adam Page
Analysis: *** A good tag team match with an interesting finish to the match that teases the idea of Page turning on Omega soon because Page stole the glory of winning the match for his team. That could foreshadow a heel turn by Page. I liked the way they involved Ford in the match because I always say if somebody is going to be at ringside as a manager/valet then they should have some spots in the match.
Post match, Omega shook hands with Page as the winners of the match. They showed another replay of Omega looking shocked that Page tagged himself in.
There was a promo from Brandi Rhodes in a hotel room. She ripped on Riho and Britt Baker while saying that you should take a shot every time Baker mentioned her boyfriend. Brandi said at least she has been married for almost seven years while calling Baker a groupie. Brandi said that she wants Kris Statlander and she’s not the only one. Brandi brought in the woman with a shaved head from last week (Melanie) and said the family is almost complete while claiming they are waiting for their “alien” (that’s Statlander) to come home. Brandi rubbed the bald head of some guy sitting in a chair and she kissed him on the head. That was it.
Analysis: It’s a weird cult-like group in AEW, which seems to be a common thing in this company. It’s hard to really analyze other than to say that at least there’s a storyline for them.
Chris Jericho and Jake Hager went to the commentary table where they kicked out Excalibur and Schiavone while keeping JR out there. Jericho complained about how Excalibur claimed last week that Jericho didn’t know the meaning of lexicon. Jericho complained about “Skee-Avone” (aka Schiavone) being on his case for 25 years, so he got rid of him too. Hager didn’t say anything, which is his gimmick in AEW – he’s the strong, silent type.
Sammy Guevara made his entrance while using his cell phone to film himself for his vlog.
(Commercial – Sammy killed time by holding the cell phone and filming the fans at ringside. Sammy even grabbed a fan’s cell phone and mocked as if he stepped on it. This killed about three minutes.)
Chris Jericho on commentary said that they are awaiting Jon Moxley’s answer about joining Inner Circle. Luchasaurus entered as the opponent with Jungle Boy on his shoulders and shorty Marko Stunt was with them too. Jericho talked trash about Jungle Boy ahead of their non-title match next week on Dynamite in a match with a 10-Minute time limit.
Luchasaurus (w/Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt) vs. Sammy Guevara
Sammy with a jumping kick to the head of Luchasaurus, then Luchasaurus wanted a Chokeslam, but Sammy fought out of that. Sammy with a shoulder to the ribs of Luchasaurus. Sammy went up top and Luchasaurus hit a big boot to the face to knock Sammy to the floor. Luchasaurus with a headbutt while they were on the floor.
(Commercial – Luchasaurus brought Sammy back into the ring and he pointed at Hager. Sammy with a jumping knee, then a springboard dropkick to knock Luchasaurus out of the ring and Sammy hit a dive over the top to take out Luchasaurus. He barely grazed the arm of Luchasaurus when he did that spot, so that looked off. Sammy hit a SSP off the apron onto Luchasaurus on the floor. Sammy grabbed his camera, then punched Luchasaurus with it, Luchasaurus no-sold it and hit a spin kick. Luchasaurus with a fallaway slam and then he used his feet to send Sammy into the mat.)
The match returned to full screen with Luchasaurus kicking Sammy in the ribs, but then Sammy came back with a DDT. Jericho asked “Big Hurt” what his thoughts were, but Hager said nothing as usual. Sammy slowly climbed to the top, he missed because Luchasaurus moved, Luchasaurus came back with kicks and Luchasaurus held Sammy upside down leading to a sitout slam for the pinfall win after seven minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Luchasaurus
Analysis: *3/4 It was just a basic match to put over the big guy. Sammy’s there to be the loser in the Inner Circle group while they try to develop him at the same time since he’s in his mid-20s. Luchasaurus has been more impressive in other matches, mostly in tags after he gets the hot tag. It was tough to get into the match because it was so obvious that Luchasaurus would get the win.
Post match, Hager and Jericho went into the ring to go attack Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy. Jericho thought he sent Boy out of the ring, but Boy skinned the cut back in and hit a hurricanrana on Jericho with Stunt counting the pin. Hager was busy with Luchasaurus on the floor. Anyway, Jericho threw a fit about what happened.
Analysis: This was done well as a post match angle. The story was that Jungle Boy pinned Jericho just like he could do in their match next week, so Jericho was humiliated by getting pinned there. It is not an AEW World Title match.
The next AEW PPV is called Revolution on Saturday, February 29 at the Wintrust Arena in Chicago. Tickets go on sale next Friday, December 20.
Analysis: That’s another Chicago show. They love going there. At least it’s a memorable date since we only get February 29th in leap years every four years. I think two likely matches for that show are Chris Jericho vs. Jon Moxley for the AEW World Title and Cody vs. MJF as well.
The ring announcer Justin Roberts went over the rules for the main event letting us know you can only win by pinfall or submission. Anything goes in a Street Fight.
Texas Street Fight: The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) vs. Santana and Ortiz
Santana and Ortiz attacked the Young Bucks on the stage during their entrance. Sammy Guevara joined Santana and Ortiz in the attack. Brandon Cutler tried to help the Young Bucks, but Santana and Ortiz gave him a Powerbomb off the stage through a table. Matt Jackson was tossed off the stage onto two random security guys there. The heels tried to isolate Nick, but Matt made the save. The Young Bucks hit the Indytaker double team spike Tombstone on Guevara on the stage to take him out. Nick climbed the set that was about ten feet high and hit a Swanton Bomb onto Ortiz through the table, which got a two count for Matt. A clothesline by Matt on Santana at ringside and then Nick hit a running dropkick on Santana. The SCU team of Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian were watching at ringside. There were tables and ladders all around the ringside area. Santana got his loaded sock with the baseballs in it. Ortiz brought a trash can into the ring, put it on Nick’s head hit the trash can with the sock with baseball. Matt went into the ring with a Dallas Cowboys football helmet, which drew a pop (they will lose to my LA Rams on Sunday), and Matt hit a double Spear on Santana and Ortiz. Santana spit on and tossed the helmet down. Matt with the two Northern Lights Suplexes on Santana, then a back body drop over the top to the floor, then Ortiz sent Matt over the top onto a table through the floor. That was followed up by Ortiz hitting a dive outside the ring onto Nick through a table. That meant all four guys just went through tables. Crazy sequence of moves there.
(Commercial – It was a split-screen commercial with Ortiz trying to put Matt through another table, Matt fought back briefly but then Santana hit a splash followed by a moonsault on Matt for a two count. Ortiz and Santana continued the offense by using a trash can and cookie sheet as weapons. Matt came back with the bottom of the trash can to Ortiz.)
The full screen returned with Matt hitting a cross body block onto Santana on the floor. Nick hit a 450 Splash off the top onto a trash can on Ortiz. Nick tried a cover, but Jake Hager pulled a referee out of the ring and stopped the count. Nick accidentally kicked the referee when Hager moved. Dustin Rhodes showed up to brawl with Hager and they went brawling to the back. Nick hit Santana with a cookie sheet to the head. The Young Bucks hit their combo splash off the top with Nick hitting a senton and Matt hitting a moonsault for a two count after referee Aubrey Edwards went into the ring to take over. Santana with a dropkick that sent Nick off the apron through a table at ringside. The table was conveniently right there. Ortiz slowed down Matt with a low blow kick to the groin. Santana and Ortiz hit the Street Sweeper double team Blockbuster on Matt through the trash can. Nick pulled referee Edwards out of the ring to stop the pin attempt. Ortiz beat on Nick with the sock with baseballs that he used to hit Nick in the shoulders. Ortiz set up two chairs in the ring, Santana went up top, but Matt shoved Santana down, so Santana went through another table on the floor. That table bump looked too forced. Nick with a bulldog on Ortiz onto the two tables. Double superkick by Young Bucks on Ortiz. Nick with a superkick into a steel chair into the head of Ortiz. The fans chanted “AEW” for that. Matt held Ortiz upside down in the Tombstone position and Nick hit the springboard flipping attack for the Meltzer Driver double team move for the pinfall win after 15 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: The Young Bucks
Analysis: ***1/2 It was a wild and fun match with a lot of table bumps, creative spots and plenty of believable nearfalls for both sides. I thought the finish was set up very well. Some of the table bumps were ridiculous, though, and almost comical. You could see Nick going through a couple of them where he looked down at the table to make sure he jumped in the middle of it. I think Santana did too. Breaking tables are going to generate a pop every time, but they probably went a bit overboard here. Matt noted that Nick worked this match with the flu, so kudos to Nick for getting through it.
The win by the Young Bucks means that they will challenge SCU for the AEW Tag Team Titles next week. There were replays of the key spots in the match.
The Young Bucks celebrated in the ring. SCU stood in the ring with them with the AEW Tag Team Titles. The four men had a face off to set up the title match for next week. JR said it was holiday extravaganza next week with big matches. That was the end of Dynamite for this week.
Analysis: It was a fine way to end the show to set us up for next week’s title match. I think a title change is very possible.
Three Stars of the Show
- The Young Bucks
- Santana and Ortiz
The Scoreboard
This week: 6.75 (out of 10)
Last week: 6.25
2019 Average: 7.45
Last 5 Weeks: 6.25, 7, 7.75, 7.25, 8
Final Thoughts
This week’s Dynamite gets a 6.75 out of 10.
The show was solid this week, but there wasn’t anything that really stood out to me. The main event match was a good, crowd-pleasing match by the Young Bucks and Santana/Ortiz with some cool spots throughout. I just think some of the table spots were a bit silly, so that hurt a bit. Other highlights included the Jericho promo with Moxley, MJF did an excellent job of being a jerk as usual and the rest of the matches were okay. They have had episodes with better matches, though. This week’s episode felt like a way to promote next week’s last Dynamite of 2019 because they have several big matches set up for next week. It almost felt like they were saying “this week’s show is fun, but next week is even better!” And I think next week will be better. I just think it hurts this episode because of how much they kept pushing next week’s show. I still enjoy the AEW product and it was a solid night of wrestling this week.
I’m glad that they announced the AEW Revolution PPV on February 29 because now we have something to look forward to as far as anticipating the next big AEW show.
Next week on Dynamite in Corpus Christi, TX:
AEW Tag Team Titles: SCU vs. Young Bucks
Chris Jericho vs. Jungle Boy in a Non-Title Match 10-Minute Time Limit
Lucha Brothers vs. Kenny Omega and Hangman Page
Britt Baker vs. Kris Statlander – Winner gets AEW Women’s Title Match
That’s a strong lineup right there. I think it can be one of the best episodes they have ever done.
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John Canton
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