- In a follow-up to the recent story on Rey Mysterio negotiating with WWE on a possible deal, apparently the whole situation was blown out of proportion and there wasn’t much of any worthwhile discussions between the two parties.
- While Mysterio did talk to WWE, he was more interested in negotiating with GFW from the get go due to the fact that at this stage of his career, GFW’s schedule would be way more attractive to him than WWE’s requirement to work full-time.
- The only way Mysterio and WWE could work something out is if it was a deal for a limited number of dates as he isn’t interested in a non-talent PR type role mainly because he would make less money doing that than if he worked on the indie scene.
- Either way, it does appear as if Mysterio is set to leave Lucha Underground and it is believed to be purely due to financial reasons as Mysterio is not expected to get anywhere near as good an offer from Lucha as his previous contract. Hence, the reason he sent out feelers to GFW and most likely WWE too.
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Subscription information & prices available at f4wonline.com